Trinity Tidings

This Coming Sunday: June 5, 2022

Day of Pentecost

 Click  here for the Sunday Scripture Readings

From The Associate Rector:

While Rev. Dave is away on sabbatical through Labor Day, the good ministry & worship of Trinity Church will continue! Our Senior Warden Bernadette Ellis, and our Junior Warden Greg Soechting, along with our Vestry, Staff, and many other ministries will carry on in their dedicated service. 


I am in the office Monday through Wednesday, and I welcome a call or visit from you.  Thursday is my sabbath day. Friday and Saturday I catch up on my week's work from home.  I sincerely want to address any urgent, pastoral needs, so please do not hesitate to call my cell on the days I am not in the office, 806-470-7826.

Faithfully,  Claire

Uvalde Relief

We are collecting designated funds through this Sunday, June 5  to support local efforts in Uvalde toward relief and long-term healing for individuals, families, and the whole city. 

If you feel called to participate in this special donation, please bring a check marked UVALDE or place cash in an envelope marked UVALDE to place in the offering plate.  We have special Uvalde envelopes in a basket in the narthex, if you need one.  

The collected, designated funds will be sent to the Diocese of West Texas office which is gathering the donations, all of which will be given to St. Philip’s Episcopal Church, Uvalde to support as they see fit the work of relief & long-term healing for their community.  Donating to this effort as one community of faith supporting another, nearby Episcopal church in their ministry is a vital aspect of our Christian witness and participation in healing.   


Prayer is also a generous, heartfelt, fruitful gift that truly lifts up those who suffer and us who seek a way forward more fully into God’s love & direction for our lives.    


O God our Father, whose beloved Son took children into his arms and blessed them: Give us grace to entrust your beloved children of Uvalde to your everlasting care and love, and bring them fully into your heavenly kingdom. Pour out your grace and loving-kindness on all who grieve; surround them with your love; and restore their trust in your goodness. We lift up to you our weary, wounded souls and ask you to send your Holy Spirit to take away the anger and violence that infect our hearts, and make us instruments of your peace and children of the light. In the Name of Christ who is our hope, we pray. Amen. 

Talking with Children about Public Trauma

The Diocese of West Texas has shared this list of resources to guide parents & grandparents on how to talk with children about traumatic events widely shared in the news.  LINK 

On-line Worship

Each Sunday, we livestream the 10:30am service of Holy Eucharist. 

It will be available on Trinity’s Youtube page beginning at 10:20. Anytime after 10:20am click on the above YouTube link to go to Trinity’s YouTube channel. There you will see “Live” or “Live Now” and click on it to join the service. If it is not there, refresh the page after a couple of minutes. The link to the worship bulletin will also be sent in our Saturday email.


Sunday Schedule

8:30am . . . . Holy Eucharist in Person

10:30am . . . Children's Chapel

10:30am . . . Holy Eucharist in Person and

Weekday Worship 

9:00am . . . . Tuesdays in the Courtyard

The first Tuesday of the month we celebrate Holy Eucharist, and we will have time to visit over snacks after worship. 


Summer Bible Camp!

We hope our children, and maybe even some of their friends, will join us for our one-day Bible Camp on  Wednesday, July 20, 9 am - 3 pm. Our theme is Creation, and we will have a good day of learning and fun. We are starting small and will keep attendance to 15 children. We imagine ages 5-11 easily enjoying this day. We are also happy to work with an older or younger child who might enjoy either sharing in the leadership or coming for a portion of the day. Cost is $10/child to help us with snacks & craft materials.  Interested? Have Questions? 

Please talk to Rev. Claire by June 5. 

Adult Christian Education

Sunday Adult Ed is now on summer break. If you have a passion about Sunday Adult Education, please share that with Rev. Claire, as later this summer we will be planning for the fall. 

Volunteers Needed!

Highland Lakes Crisis Network is looking for lots of volunteers. Trinity has partnered with this group for many projects, both as a a church and as individuals, since its inception in 2016. Here is a link to their site Home - Highland Lakes Crisis Network

If you can help a little or a lot, please contact them.

Outreach / Construction:

We have a ton of projects stacking up that require some labor, demolition, rebuild, and/or cleanup. You can be skilled or unskilled on the construction side of things. Many of these projects are elderly/disabled folks in our community who need a little help with upkeep on their home. Some of the projects include demolition of our warehouse space, help with Transformational Living units, or brush cleanup. If you can spare a lot of time / talent, or even just a little, we can find a good place for you to plug in. We would like to build a list of people that we can call whenever we need this type of handy/demo help.


June 1. . . Judy Pullen

June 2. . . Emilea Dilworth

June 2 . . .Dave Sugeno

June 3. . . Sally Anderson

June 5. . . Ben Paterson

June 6. . . Graham Edge

June 7. . . Joan Hallam

Save the Date

June 26, 9-10:15am 

     Safeguarding God's Children Training

July 20, 9am -3pm 

     Vacation Bible Camp

Sunday's Hymns

Sing with more confidence & joy by taking a quick listen to the hymn tunes we'll be singing this Sunday. Our entrance hymn is a classic for Pentecost, Hail thee, festival day. It has an interesting rhythm change as the verses alternate, so if you're only going to brush up on one hymn, this might be the most rewarding. 

Entrance Hymnal 225, Hail thee, Festival Day  LINK

Gospel Hymnal 508 Breathe on me breath of God  LINK

Communion #1 Spirit of the living God (Janie will print words in the bulletin for this simple, meditative tune)

Communion #2 516 Come down, O love divine   LINK

Exit Hymnal 529 In Christ there is no East or West   LINK

Visit Trinity's Website

Trinity Church Office: 830.693.2822 | Office Hours Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

The Rev. David S. Sugeno, Rector  The Rev. Claire Field, Associate Rector

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