City of Cumming
June 2022
Welcome to the Family: More Businesses Join
City Center
Four new businesses have recently joined the Cumming City Center family. Welcome Juke N Jive Creamery, Crooked Culture Brewery, ClearCourse Transportation Solutions, and Simple Man Distillery!
  • Juke N Jive is a 1950s soda fountain-style ice cream shop, specializing in small-batch ice cream in numerous flavors, as well as other treats like handmade and flavored cones, popsicles, ice cream cakes, milkshakes, smoothies, bubble teas, handcrafted fudge, kettle corn and more.
  • Crooked Culture crafts specialty beers in various flavors using natural means such as manipulating yeast strains, using new malt and hop varieties, and mastering new and old brewing techniques as opposed to flashy gimmicks like adding candy, cereal or loads of flavor extracts to the beer.
  • ClearCourse Transportation Solutions is a transportation engineering firm led by an active member of the Forsyth community, Brent Cook, PE, PTOE, RSP1, Director of Operations. At ClearCourse, Brent utilizes three decades of experience serving the citizens of Georgia to help ClearCourse clients create safer roads and better routes in order to keep their communities safely in motion.
  • Simple Man Distillery is a Georgia Grown business that creates unique spirits featuring raw ingredients from family-owned farms throughout Georgia. Simple Man's products showcase different state regions and backgrounds, providing a virtual "taste of Georgia" through libations. Current beverages produced by Simple Man include: Gullah Geechee Gin, featuring florals from Brunswick's Gilliard Farms; Peach Vodka made from peaches grown at Musella's Dickey Farms; and Smoked Apple Brandy with apples grown at Penland Farms in Ellijay.
For more about these and other businesses coming to the City Center, click here or go to the City Center's website and follow @cummingcitycenter on Facebook and Instagram!
City Center Announces Pop-Up Market
Get ready for plenty of shopping in a fun, outdoor setting at the City Center's pop-up markets, presented in partnership with tenant Pieces & Peaches! The City Center Market will be held every fall, winter and spring, and will allow up to 100 outside, local businesses, artisans and crafters to bring in unique and high-quality items for sale at the City Center. The markets will be held in a family-friendly, festival atmosphere featuring live music and other entertainment, kids' games and activities, and more, in addition in the vendor booths. Vendors interested in participating in the fall market on Oct. 22nd or the holiday/winter market on Nov. 19th, should click here for a vendor application.
Fairgrounds Welcomes First Louisiana-Themed Festival
Searching for a taste of the great state of Louisiana here in Georgia? The Cumming Fairgrounds will be the site of a new Louisiana-themed food festival on June 4th from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. and June 5th from noon to 6 p.m. The 1st Annual North Georgia Crawfish & Catfish Festival will feature authentic Louisiana eats such as boiled crawfish, fried catfish, shrimp, oysters, alligator, gumbo and jambalaya, red beans and rice, "po boy" sandwiches, etouffee, boudin and more! Come for the food, but stay for the music from seven bands featuring Zydeco, Blues, and Jazz, as well as the "Bayou to Bourbon Street" vendors area. Go to for more information and to purchase tickets ($15 in advance and $20 at the gate).
Cumming Farmers Market Now Open
The Cumming Farmers Market opened for the season on Wednesday, June 1st. Held every Wednesday and Saturday morning at the Cumming Fairgrounds Parking Lot 3 from June through the end of September, the market features a wide range of produce, baked goods, jams, jellies, honey and other goods, all grown or produced by local residents. Hours are from 6:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. (or until vendors sell out). Be sure to arrive early for the best selection of products - vendors often sell out early!
City Summer Camps: Spaces Still Open
School's out for summer, and the Cumming Recreation & Parks Department has plenty of summer camp options for kids of all ages, interests, and abilities! Our summer programs offer camps for lovers of sports, art, dance, horseback riding, gymnastics, cheerleading, and more. The Cumming Recreation Department also offers Camp Cool Kids & Teens, specifically for kids with special needs. Camp registration opened in April, but there are still plenty of opportunities available for fun this summer. To see all of this summer's offerings, view the 2022 Summer Brochure. For more information about the Cumming Recreation & Parks Department, click here.
Mayor and Council Recognize June 3rd as Gun Violence Awareness Day
Mayor Troy Brumbalow and City Council presented a proclamation during their May regular meeting recognizing June 3, 2022 as National Gun Violence Awareness Day in the City of Cumming. The proclamation supports the wearing of orange on this day as a way to raise awareness of gun violence and to honor the memory of gun-violence victims who have lost their lives, while also supporting Second Amendment rights, local law enforcement officers and responsible gun ownership as ways to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous individuals and keep communities safe. The 'Cumming Home' water tower will also be lit orange June 3-5 in honor of National Gun Violence Awareness Day.

During the May Work Session and Regular Meeting, City Council also:

  • Presented a proclamation to Joni Buford, Director of Tourism Development at the Forsyth County Chamber of Commerce, recognizing the week of May 1-7, 2022, as National Travel & Tourism Week. They also presented Cumming City Clerk Jeff Honea with a proclamation recognizing May 1-7 as Professional Municipal Clerks Week, and thanked Honea and his accounting staff for all their hard work and dedication to the City of Cumming.

  • Accepted the 2021 Annual Audit as presented by the Rushton Group, the City's independent auditing firm, and approved a budget amendment for the 2021 Budget regarding the hotel/motel tax. This tax is accounted for in a Special Revenue Fund, which is legally restricted or committed to expenditures for specific/restricted purposes. The budget amendment adjusted those balances.

  • Approved a Conditional Use Permit for New Generation Investment Group, LLC., which will allow the business to sale used vehicles in addition to their existing business, Southern Automotive Specialty Shops.

  • Approved the purchase of two Police Interceptor Vehicles from Wade Ford for the Cumming Police Department, two half-ton Crew Cab pickup trucks, also from Wade Ford, for the Water Production Department of Cumming Utilities.

  • Approved the purchase of a sewer line assessment tool for Cumming Utilities from the sole source bid, InfoSense, Inc.

  • Approved an alcohol license transfer of ownership for Lake Food Mart, located at 725 Lanier 400 Parkway.

  • Approved a resolution to amend the City Employee Retirement Healthcare Resolution to allow any accrued benefits in the plan to be payable upon death to the retiree’s estate.

Fairgrounds July 4th Festival: Apply to be a Vendor
Cumming Fairgrounds staff are accepting applications for vendors interested in being part of this year's July 4th festival, which will be held on Monday, July 4th, from 4 p.m. to 10 p.m. The festival will include the annual fireworks display at 9:30 p.m., as well as live music, a kids' zone, games, activities, food and more! For more information on how to become a vendor at this event, please call the Cumming Fairgrounds' office at 770-781-3491. (The Thomas-Mashburn Steam Engine Parade will also be held on Monday, July 4th, beginning at 10 a.m. Anyone interested in being the parade should click here for Steam Engine Association contact information.)
Annual Memorial Day Ceremony: Thank You
The City of Cumming would like to thank everyone who attended or participated in our Annual Memorial Day Ceremony on Friday, May 27th. We are always grateful to the many organizations and individuals who come together to honor our deceased veterans on this special day. Among those to whom we extend our gratitude for assistance this year: Master of Ceremonies Dennis T. Brown, Keynote Speaker Ga. Army National Guard Brig. Gen. John T. Gentry, Mayor Troy Brumbalow, VFW Post 9143 Auxiliary members Susan Hopkins and Linda Jones, Forsyth County Fire and Sheriff's Department Honor Guard, Nancy Kay Duncan of Georgia Doves, all of our Avenue of Flags new dedication families, and a very special note of extreme appreciation goes to Lance Stinespring, Pastor of Family Ministries at Free Chapel! Our scheduled soloist was unable to attend the event due to medical emergency. At the last minute, Pastor Lance graciously agreed to sing the National Anthem and God Bless America during the ceremony. We would also like to thank American Heritage Girls Troop 0413 out of Saint Brendan's Catholic Church, who helped pass out programs, move chairs, and direct people to seats, Melissa Poloncarz of MM Studio Co. who photographed the event, and Mark Joseph of Sound Solutions. Most importantly, thank you to all the local veterans and active duty service men and women who attended the event! We'd also like to thank the City of Cumming Street Department, who take the time very early in the morning to place all the Avenue of Flags display prior to the event, and the Cumming Police Department for providing parking and restrooms for the event! For more photos from the event, click here.
Cumming Arts Center Presents New Summer Show
"Summer Days" Art Show opened on Thursday, June 2nd at the Cumming Arts Center (111 Pilgrim Mill Road), and continues through July 30th on Thursdays-Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. This unique show features original works of art that focus on the summer season and summer fun.

The Cumming Arts Center Artisan Gift Shop is also open with new and unique handmade, small art pieces such as cards, jewelry, prints, pottery and other collectible items. The Center also offers a full schedule of classes for children and adults, as well as an open studio.

Visit for complete information about the Cumming Arts Center and all it has to offer.
Youth Council Meeting - June 7 at 5 p.m.

City Council Work Session - June 7 at 6 p.m.

Planning & Zoning Board Meeting - June 21 at 5 p.m.

Regular City Council Meeting - June 21 at 6 p.m.

All meetings are open to the public and held in the third-floor Council Chambers at City Hall, 100 Main Street, unless otherwise noted. For all meetings after 5 p.m., please enter through the rear parking lot entrance.

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