“Don’t think about making women fit the world, think about making the world fit women.” - Gloria Steinem

Gloria Steinem is an American journalist and social-political activist who became nationally recognized as a leader and a spokeswoman for the feminist movement in the late 1960s and early 1970s. She was a columnist for New York magazine and a co-founder of Ms magazine.

Among her achievements, she helped establish Take Our Daughters to Work Day in the 1990s and co-founded the Women’s Media Center, an organization that works to make women visible and powerful in the media, in 2005 with Jane Fonda and Robin Morgan. 

What Should WII Read?

Where’d You Go, Bernadette by Maria Semple

WII loved it! It is a very refreshing read when it comes to the format of the book, laid out as a compilation of written exchanges between the diverse protagonists, making it unlike any other novel. While the format keeps things light and easy to read, the book tackles serious topics such as anxiety, depression, fertility issues, marriage issues, health concerns, and more.


What's Happening: Regional Meet-Ups

Join us for our combined WII and EL Regional Meet-Ups at two locations! These joint networking events unite ISA's Women in Industry and Emerging Leaders Networks for double the excitement. Come together for a relaxed gathering and network with fellow ISA WII and EL members in your area.

East Coast Meet-Up:

Chart House

Date: March 28

Location: Chart House, 1700 Harbor Blvd, Weehawken, NJ 07086

Time: 6:00 PM ET


Midwest Meet-Up:

Moose Preserve Bar & Grill

Date: March 28

Location: 43034 Woodward Av

Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302

Time: 6:00 PM ET


March 8, 2024 was International Women's Day!

The first International Women's Day (IWD) was held in March 1911. IWD isn’t country, group, or organization-specific. It is a day of collective global activism and celebration that belongs to all those committed to forging women’s equality. This year, the theme of the day was Inspire Inclusion.

To inspire inclusion means to emphasize the importance of diversity and empowerment in all aspects of society. Inclusion plays a crucial role in achieving gender equality. It calls for action to break down barriers, challenge stereotypes, and create environments where all women are valued and respected. WII members struck the #InspireInclusion pose to show solidarity. When we truly value difference, inclusion comes from the heart. 

Nice to Meet You, Whitney Miller!

Location: Huntington Beach, CA

Company: Fullerton Tool Company

Years in the Industry: 6

Years as a WII Member: 1

How did you get started in our industry?

My great-grandfather founded Fullerton Tool Company, and my grandfather ran it from the '70s - 2000s. Now, my uncle and cousin are running it. I will be a part of the Fourth Generation, and I couldn’t be more excited.


WII Gives at ISA24

WII is giving back at ISA24! While in Charlotte, NC for ISA24, we will raise funds and build “Busy Bags” for the Ronald McDonald House of Greater Charlotte. Our goal is to build 300 Busy Bags which are given out to children of families who are suffering from either an illness or have been relocated to a Ronald McDonald House while a family member is in the hospital.

Please join us at the ISA24 Opening Night Reception at the NASCAR Hall of Fame to participate in this event.

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