February 2024

Congregation Holding Global Rosary for Peace

At the invitation of Pope Francis, Superior General of the Congregation of Holy Cross, Br. Paul Bednarczyk, C.S.C., has invited the Congregation worldwide to unite in prayer for world peace.

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Recent passings

It is with sadness we share the passing of Rev. Frank Quinlivan, C.S.C., Rev. Frederick Serraino, C.S.C., Rev. Robert J. Brennan, C.S.C., and Rev. Patrick J. Sullivan, C.S.C. Click below on the name of each man to read about their life's work.

Rev. Frank Quinlivan, C.S.C.

Rev. Frederick Serraino, C.S.C.

Rev. Robert J. Brennan, C.S.C.

Rev. Patrick J. Sullivan, C.S.C.

Crosses of Hope and Extravagant Gestures of Love

Rev. Ronald P. Raab, C.S.C.

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Did you know?

If you own stock and its value has grown since its purchase, and then you decide to sell it, you are responsible for the tax on the gain (otherwise known as capital gain). You can avoid capital gains by donating the stock to the Congregation of Holy Cross, United States Province. Not only will you make a difference for our men and those they bring hope to, but you can also earn a tax deduction on your gift.

It’s a win-win!

Click here to learn about the benefits and how to give. We encourage you to consult with your professional advisor before making any decision.

Office of Apostolic Mission and Charism Updates

Catholic Schools Week Collaboration

To celebrate Catholic Schools Week, the Office of Apostolic Mission and Charism held a virtual prayer service with our sponsored elementary schools.

Outreach to Higher Education Apostolates

As educators in faith, the Congregation of Holy Cross United States Province of Priests and Brothers strives to live out its mission in many ways, including a commitment to quality Catholic higher education. The Office of Apostolic Mission and Charism has created programming and outreach opportunities for members of the four higher education institutions (The University of Notre Dame, University of Portland, King’s College, and Stonehill College) to guide them in their leadership roles in the Holy Cross tradition.

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