Dear Sisters in Christ, 

Today I fly home from Washington D.C. where I spent the week lobbying on Capitol Hill for continued funding for research into the rare genetic condition my son has (TSC). Meeting with different offices from my state in the Senate and House was a bit intimidating but also exciting. We were told over and over again, "Just tell your story" and that will make a difference. I might have shed a few years as I talked about my son and our journey with TSC but sharing about him came naturally and made it easy to advocate (in a bipartisan way!) for government funding into new research studies for therapeutic medicines and hopefully one day, a cure. It reminded me of the importance of storytelling (Jesus' favorite way to teach) and how our stories make a difference as we interact with others in our ministry. Your story is unique and I hope you continue to share it. Here is what is going in WLN for March: In Connection First we will explore Leadership and our Identity as women leaders in the Church, in Lay Connect we will discuss bridge-building tools for difficult conversations in a group setting. We also have an opportunity to engage more deeply in Lent with one another through virtual stations of the cross and an educational webinar on the power and importance of Healing Prayer. See more details below!

Connection First, March 5 Speaker: Rev. Canon Kimberley Pfeiler

Clergywomen and postulants are invited to join us for our monthly Connection First virtual gathering at 1:30 pm ET. Our topic this month is, "Transformative Leadership: Embracing Your Identity in the Church presented by Canon Kimberley Pfeiler, Ombudsman for Churches for the Sake of Others, Church Planter and Vice President at Now Vertical Group.

  • If you are not connected to the ACNA Clergywomen facebook group, please friend Rev. Jessica Hughes and she will add you.
  • Contact Rev. Shelly Sorem for more details about Connection First in general. *Zoom link sent separately via email and Facebook group.

A Lenten Invitation

  • Participate in a Virtual Stations of the Cross led by Bp. David Bryan via Zoom on Monday, March 25 at 7 pm CT. Register here to participate.

  • For additional resources for Fasting & Feasting, click here.

Lay Connect, March 6

Speaker: Virginia Musselman

Female Lay leaders are invited to gather once a month for teaching, support and encouragement. This month's topic is, 3 Practice Circles: Bridging the Difference Divide presented by Rev. Virginia Musselman of the Women's Leadership Network. In a climate of hostility and differences, 3 Practice Circles give tools for engaging in group discussions that show honor and respect. Lay Connect's virtual gathering is held at 1:30pm and 8:30 pm ET. Contact Tina Gaines and Anthea Kotlan for more info. *Zoom link sent separately via email and Lay Connect Facebook group.

Chaplain Support, March 14

A monthly, virtual space for ACNA Female Chaplains to support one another, feel seen and be encouraged. Chaplain Support meets every second Thursday evening evening. Contact Rev. Shelly Sorem for more details.

2024 Clergywomen Retreat Update:

The date for our Clergywomen's retreat is Sept. 30 to Oct. 3 in Racine, WI, Siena Retreat Center Finalized pricing and other details are coming together and will be ready soon for registration. Our theme is centered on Jesus' words, "Come to Me." Thank you for your patience as we iron out final details!

Healing Prayer Webinar: March 19

Join us for a Healing Prayer Webinar on March 19, 8:00 pm ET presented by Rev. Kathleen Christopher, executive director of the Healing Prayer Institute. Register here to attend. Open to Clergy and Lay women!!!

Blessings on you and your ministry and we hope to see you soon,

Rev. Virginia Musselman

Director, Women's Leadership Network

WLN Leadership Team

Mrs. Tina Gaines

Mrs. Anthea Kotlan

Rev. Canon Dr. Kathleen Rankin

Rev. Shelly Sorem

Next Generation Leadership Initiative

Next Generation Leadership Initiative | 800 Maplewood Ave, Ambridge, PA 15003


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