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Newsletter #153 May 2022

To celebrate my birthday, I'd love to give away 25 autographed books. Share my newsletter with a friend and you are both entered to win if they sign up. I've been pretty good at keeping my newsletter going, but terrible about spreading the word. So thanks in advance for letting others know. Just let me know here. (I actually need a lot more candles than those below!)

Fun times at my daughter's unusual bridal shower!

My daughter wanted a Star Wars themed wedding shower. So we had Ham Solo sandwiches, Vader Aide, Java Juice and all sorts of fun food, along with a light saber (jousting blow-up). Star Wars trivia, and a Mandalorian pinata.  

Three-D images!

By the end of this month, I may have another grandbaby to hug! I was shocked when my daughter-in-law texted me a 3D image of her unborn baby's face. Wow! When I had my oldest son, the doctor wouldn't do a ultra-sound because they were too new and who knew if they were safe! My, how times have changed.

Please say a prayer for me on June 2nd, the anniversary of my youngest son's passing. God bless.

I needed lots of tissues for my daughter's wedding dress fitting. Her dress is very traditional ivory with white lace pattern. In many of the wedding pictures from my oldest son's wedding, I had this terrible look on my face because I was trying not to cry. I will have to do better this time!


Thanks so much for all the lemon cookie recipes! Of course, I had to sample them all. Luckily, there are some left for the cookie table at my daughter's wedding reception. I froze all 6 dozen and have a couple that will need icing before the wedding. More tasting! Yum.


I am double boosted, so I took the plunge back into school visits. And what a plunge it was-six schools in two days!

It was great chatting with students again. If you'd like me to visit, hope you'll give me a shout out here.

Garden Party I'm getting ready to use my mom's Fostoria for an outdoor gathering of friends. My mom would have approved, I think.

Thank you teachers!!

For Teacher Appreciation Week in conjunction with Scholastic, Graphix, and StoryVoice I did my first read-aloud of the Frankenstein Doesn't Plant Petunias graphic novel. Here's the first three chapters. The book is available for pre-order and comes out in August.

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