Spotlight on Success: November 5, 2021
Greetings Foundation Family & Friends!

November is that special time of year where we intentionally share an attitude of gratitude! We are incredibly thankful and grateful to you for sharing your time, talent, and treasure in support of the Foundation. Thank you to all our volunteers, donors, business and corporate sponsors, community partners, ISF Board Trustees & Staff. YOU are at the heart of the Foundation helping us to create limitless opportunities that inspire our students on their personal path to success.

“We must find time to stop and thank the people
who make a difference in our lives.”
John F. Kennedy
With sincere appreciation and gratitude,
Cornell Atwater
Executive Director
Step Up for Kids - Campaign Update
THANK YOU to everyone that has donated to our Fall Step Up for Kids Campaign! We are at 78% of our goal. It's not too late to make a gift to the Foundation! We need your support to continue to make an impact for the students in our community!
Monster Mash 5K Highlights
Thank you for making our first annual Monster Mash 5K a huge success!  We loved your costumes, enthusiasm, and creativity. Special thanks to our 381 registered inaugural racers for incredible support and cooperation that helped us stay within King County Covid-Safety Guidelines. A second batch of t-shirts and medals are also currently on order for racers who registered after October 10th. As soon as we have a pick-up date for these items, these racers will be contact by email. Meanwhile, please view the downloadable MM5K photo gallery and the MM5K video recap on ISFtv. We look forward to seeing you next year!
Making An Impact
The Issaquah Schools Foundation’s earliest efforts were in providing grants for teachers… and the tradition continues! The Foundation believes that innovation is essential and provides funds to explore and implement new ideas in the classroom. Foundation grants often transform these ideas into programs and solutions that can ultimately be implemented across the district, multiplying the benefits to students for years to come. 

This year we have $60,000 to offer for teachers to explore innovative new ideas for teaching students.  Applications are due November 21 and may be submitted by any district staff. More information about our grant opportunities is on our website: Over the years each building has benefited from these opportunities for teachers and information about grants awarded to your school can be found here. Thank you to our wonderful Foundation donors for making these learning opportunities available to our students!
Financially speaking, having professional Senior Pictures taken can be a difficult, if not impossible reach for many families. The Cultural Bridges Program supported the Senior Picture Event organized in partnership with Jerry Blackburn, M.Ed., SUDP, Christ Chavez of Chavez Creative, Issaquah Equity and Inclusion Community Group, Issaquah School District Family Partnership, and the Issaquah History Museums.
Students received 3 FREE professional images compliments of Chris Chavez that they were able to submit for their senior picture.
ParentWiser - Parent Education Events

What do you say? William Stixrud, PhD, and Ned Johnson have over 60 years of combined experience talking to kids one-on-one. They know that a healthy sense of control for kids is essential for building motivation. But how do you guide kids while still giving them room to make their own decisions? Come learn how to engage in respectful and effective dialogue, beginning with defining and demonstrating the basic principles of listening and speaking. Learn new ways to handle thorny topics that usually end in parent/kid standoffs like delivering constructive feedback, discussing boundaries and family problem-solving.

Issaquah Schools Foundation is a proud sponsor of
ParentWiser Parent Education Events. Get more info and register here.
Volunteer Today
Are you interested in Volunteering with the Issaquah Schools Foundation? We currently have several opportunities available – if interested, please contact
AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support Issaquah Schools Foundation every time you shop Amazon, at no cost to you. When you shop at, you’ll find the exact same prices, selection and shopping experience as, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price the Foundation!
Just go to and search "Issaquah Schools Foundation" and select the Foundation as your charity of choice.
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