Fairfax Update
News From Around Town...
March 21,2022
Benefit concert, Toad Jam: The Musical Adventure
April 9th - 12noon
Peri Park outdoor stage

All concert proceeds will go towards building restorative wetland habitats to provide safe haven for amphibians such as toads, frogs and newts, all of which are key indicators to the health of an ecosystem. Local amphibian populations, have been suffering due to loss of wetland habitats, pollution, and global warming. The project is being led by Aidan O’Reilly, a senior at Archie Williams High School, who has been tasked with identifying and solving a local environmental issue for his environmental science class.

Sponsored by the Fairfax Parks & Recreation Commission
Town Seeking Applicants for Planning Commission Vacancy 
The Planning Commission consists of seven Fairfax residents appointed by the Town Council to bring a broad variety of expertise and experience in reviewing planning applications, Fairfax ordinances, and the Town General Plan and Housing Element. The Planning Commission serves as an advisory body to the Town Council on planning policies and regulations. Applications are available on the Town website. Deadline to submit is April 25, 2022.
Electric Vehicle (EV) Marin Events 

Come to an in-person EV and Ebike Show! We’ve teamed up with Ride and Drive Clean for EV and Ebike shows in April. Check out a variety of EVs and Ebikes and hear from drivers and experts about switching to electric.

Zoom Webinars
Charging Solutions for Multi-Family Housing Residents: 
Wed, March 23rd at 5pm
All events are free. Sign up here.

Please visit for a full list of events. 
Marin Wildfire Prevention Authority (MWPA) Update

The MWPA Curbside Chipper Program (also known as “Chipper Days”) is set to return in 2022! Want to participate in the Chipper Day program? Follow these 3 steps: 

Step 1: Visit Review the important rules, guidelines, and FAQs

Step 2: Make a reservation 
You MUST make a reservation on the website to participate.

Step 3: Prepare your pile 
Piles need to be at the curb by 8 AM Monday and will be picked

Call for Submissions - Fairfax Festival Poster Contest

Artists, high school age and older, are invited to submit their original artwork, digital or handmade, to the Fairfax Festival Poster Contest. The First Place winning entry receives a $350 Cash Prize and the option to have a booth at this year's festival. Entry deadline is April 2, 2022. Visit for more information.
Upcoming Meetings & Events
Open Space Committee Meeting
March 22 - 7pm

Planning Commission Meeting
March 24 - 7pm

Volunteer Board Meeting
March 28 - 6:30pm

Tree Committee Meeting
March 28 - 7pm

Town Council Meeting
April 6 - 7pm

To view the agendas visit our Public Meetings page.

The Egg Hunt is Back!
April 16th - 10am SHARP
Bolinas Park

Following a two year break due to COVID, we are happy to announce the Fairfax Recreation & Community Services Department will once again host the annual Spring Egg Hunt!

The Easter Bunny will be on hand for photo ops. There will be music provided by James K. Don’t forget to bring your basket!  The event is for children ages 8 and below.  
Sponsored by the Fairfax Parks & Recreation Commission. For more info, contact
Save the Date!
Fairfax Volunteers Passover Seder
April 16th. - 5 to 9pm
Fairfax Women’s Club - 46 Park St.

After two years of Covid hiatus, the Fairfax Volunteers Passover Seder is back! Celebrate Spring, the emergence from Covid 
& the Jewish holiday of liberation. 

Please go to to sign up for a dish to bring. Coordinator name is Baird, password is 3852.
Donations will be accepted in support of the Ukrainian people.

Sponsored by Fairfax Volunteers
Fairfax Recreation
Spring Break Skate Camp - Still space left!
Fairfax Skate Park

Grades K-8 (limit of 8 kids)
Week of April 4th
Monday – Friday 

Fairfax Recreation is offering Mini Skate Camp during Spring Winter Break at the Fairfax Skate Park! Campers will be instructed in the basic fundamentals of skateboarding. 

Summer Camps
It may seem early but it's already time to think about summer. We have camp offerings all summer long this year - Skate Camp, Nature Camp, Art & Nature Camp, Spanish Camp and of course Camp Fairfax!

Other Town and County News
Town of Fairfax is Hiring a Neighborhood Response Group Coordinator

The Fairfax Neighborhood Response Group (NRG) Coordinator works with Fairfax Neighborhood Response Groups (NRGs), which are volunteer neighborhood initiatives that help residents prepare for, respond to, and recover from major disasters like earthquakes and floods, and wildfires. The NRG Coordinator's primary role is to aid in developing new NRGs and providing support to existing NRGs (such as current FireWise neighborhoods).

Want to Get Involved? Join a Board or Commission!

Do you want to make a real difference in 2022? Consider joining a board or commission for the Town of Fairfax. There are openings on several boards and commissions.

Housing Element Update

Be Part of the Solution: Add Housing to your Property
  • More than 10 Fairfaxians have already indicated their interest in learning more about the process for adding housing units to their property. You can add your name and learn more by filling out the Property Owner Interest Form.
  • Your contribution could help the Town meet its housing goal for the Housing Element Update.

Marin Humane Society Dog Licensing Late Fees Waived Through March

Marin Humane is waiving late fees on dog licenses for the whole month of March! Head to to buy or renew your dog’s license. While you’re there, you can enter to win a $100 Pet Food Express gift certificate.
Marin Wildfire Prevention Authority (MWPA) Grants

This is the perfect time of year to do yard work and clear brush to be as fire safe as possible.

Marin Wildfire Prevention Authority (MWPA) offers two grants opportunities to help residents with expenses related to creating defensible space and home hardening.

Contact: 415-539-6972
MCE 100% Renewable Costs Less than PG&E 

MCE is offering Bay Area customers lower energy costs and is extending its MCE Cares Credit Program which, in less than one year, has already saved $3.1 million for 42,000 low-income residents and small businesses. The discount provides qualifying customers with $10/month residential credits and 20%/month (up to $22) small business credits.

Marin Water Update
Water is a precious resource year round. Please continue to monitor usage and take steps to save water.

The District is hosting a series of community workshops on the Water Supply Strategic Assessment. Visit to see recordings and upcoming workshops.
Spread the Word

We want to share the Town News with our whole community. If you know someone who would like to receive this weekly update, let them know they can subscribe here.

You can also share the link on your social media which will reach your whole network. Together, we can help keep everyone informed about upcoming meetings, events and more!
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