Weekly eNews
May 10, 2024
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This Weekend at St. Michael's | |
Mother's Day Worship
This Sunday, May 12
We give thanks to God for the divine gift of motherhood in all its diverse forms and for the mothers and mother figures in our lives, past and present. This Sunday after each service, we will hand out flowers to all the women of the parish in honor of this special day.
Sunday Forum: Women in the Bible
This Sunday, 9:15 - 10:10 AM
As we celebrate Mother’s Day, Rev. Vicki Hesse will take a closer look at strong and faithful women of the Bible. Come hear their words and why they matter. Join in-person or online.
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Young Adult Theology on Tap
Today, Friday, 6:30 PM
Young Adult Theology on Tap is excited and honored to welcome The Rt. Rev. Kym Lucas, Bishop of the Episcopal Church of Colorado, to Goat Patch Brewing tonight for what promises to be an insightful conversation on the various incarnations of "church." All young adults are invited to bring their hopes and dreams for future church spaces to share in this engaging dialogue with Bishop Kym.
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Outdoor Parish Work Day
Saturday, June 1
8:00 - 12:00 AM
Due to the less than favorable forecast for this Saturday, the Junior Wardens have decided to delay our outdoor parish work day to Saturday, June 1. So please mark your calendars, bring a pair of gloves, and help us prepare our grounds and gardens for outdoor worship and summer events. There will be projects for all skill and adventure levels, and this is a great opportunity for youth to earn service hours.
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Newcomer Class: Get Connected
This Sunday, 9:15 - 10:10 AM
Our monthly rotating Newcomer classes continue this Sunday downstairs in the Chapel with, "Who We Are - About St. Michael's and a Tour of the Campus." This class is designed for newcomers, but all are welcome to attend and no RSVP is needed. Contact Linda at Linda@stmikeschurch.com with any questions. We will break for the summer months and resume with our next class on September 8.
Sunday Stillness
"Lectio Divina" Practice
This Sunday, 10:00 - 10:25 AM
"Sunday Stillness" with The Well Imagining Team continues for two more Sunday downstairs in the Prayer Room from 10:00 - 10:25 AM. This week's practice is Lectio Divina, a traditional monastic practice of scriptural reading, meditation, prayer, and contemplation intended to promote communion with God. Join this week and/or for next week's final practice in the series, May 19 - Sacred Chant.
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St. Mike's Directory Update
Take a New Picture Sunday
Many thanks to everyone who posed for a new directory photo last Sunday. If you weren't able to have your picture taken or if you're unsure whether or not you need an updated one, please find Linda Kean or Jennie Wandfluh in the Parish Hall after each service this Sunday. Or you can simply email pictures of your choosing (landscape orientation preferred) to Linda Kean at linda@stmikeschurch.com. We need individual pictures of every family member AND a family picture. Also, please send Linda any phone and address updates the church might not already have. With all the new members we've welcomed over the past year and with the Rev. Frank Allen arriving, this is the perfect time to focus on updating our parish directory. New printed directories will be available at the beginning of June upon request.
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On the Calendar
This Sunday, May 12
Seventh Sunday of Easter
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Worship Volunteers Needed
Can you be an usher, greeter, lay reader, nursery helper, or assist with coffee hour?
Click above to sign up today & thank you!
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Worship with Us
8:00 AM Holy Eucharist
10:30 AM Holy Eucharist with Choir
- Watch on YouTube
- Watch on Facebook
- Worship Bulletin
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Education & More!
9:15 AM Education for All
Sunday Forum:
Women in the Bible
- Watch on YouTube
- Watch on Facebook
9:15 AM Newcomer Class
10:00 AM Sunday Stillness
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Nursery Care is available for Children 5 and under 7:45 - 12:00 PM.
Join for Coffee Hour in the Parish Hall after each service.
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Creation Justice
May E-Tip
As you get ready to fertilize your lawn this spring, consider using a safer and healthier option instead of chemicals. Go organic! There are a number of high quality organic fertilizers available in most garden retailers that perform well without the poisonous residuals of the regular suspects. Your nearby Earth will thank you!
Opportunities to Help Within & Beyond Our Walls | |
Habitat Build
Saturday, May 18
12:45 - 4:30 PM
We are still needing three more volunteers to participate in the Habitat for Humanity Apostles Build next Saturday afternoon, May 18. This ecumenical build brings together local churches from around El Paso County in fellowship and prayer to build a house in partnership with a family from our community in need of affordable housing.
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Outdoor Parish Picnics
May 26, June 30, July 28, August 25
Our first Outdoor Worship Service and Parish Picnic will be on Sunday, May 26. Join for the 10:30 AM service outdoors, bring a chair, and stay for fellowship and food. No RSVP is needed to attend but please click below if you can help set up, cook, serve, or clean up. This summer we will have four 10:30 AM Outdoor Services & Parish Picnics on the last Sunday of May, June, July, & August. All summer the 8:00 AM service will be inside, and the 10:30 AM service will be livestreamed. Bring on the warm weather and join for one of our favorite summer traditions!!
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Summer Children's Chapel
Sundays Starting May 26
10:30 - 11:30 AM
Owen will be gone for several weeks this summer for multiple ministry related trips and conferences, and he needs some assistance with Children's Chapel. Please consider helping with this staple children's program at St. Mike's in which elementary-aged children are able to interact with the gospel in creative and tangible ways for 20 minutes during worship. This time allows children to have a meaningful worship experience in ways that are age appropriate and interactive for them. Owen will help with logistics and lesson planning!
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May - July Worship Volunteers
Please Sign Up Online
While some aspects of life at St. Mike's slow down a bit in summer, our need for worship volunteers remains the same. Please consider signing up today to be a reader, chalice bearer, acolyte, or greeter in the upcoming months.
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Upcoming Events & Parish Life | |
Pentecost Sunday
May 19, WEAR RED
The celebration of the church’s birthday and the gift of the Holy Spirit will be particularly special with the following:
· The Handbell Choir at both services.
· Reading of the Lord's Prayer in multiple languages during both services. If you speak or read another language, please come prepared to participate in this.
· A live butterfly release after the 10:30 service as a symbol of transformation, hope, and rebirth.
· Yummy red treats after both services.
· Summer Faith Bags available to assemble in the Chapel.
This will also be the final Family Sunday School of the year. Join at 9:15 to review the year together and look toward summer.
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Vacation Bible School,
LEGO VBS: Faith Builders
Registration & Build Days
Registration is open now for an immersive Vacation Bible School experience at St. Michael’s on June 24 - 26 from 5:00 - 7:30 PM. This three night program will educate participants about God, provide fun and engaging games and activities, and create opportunities for bonding and relationship building. And of course... there will be lots and lots of LEGO! Children from 4 years old to rising 6th graders are invited to participate, and 7th graders through graduating seniors are invited to serve as teen helpers. Click below to learn more and to sign up participants and volunteers.
We also need help building/prepping for VBS, so to learn more about these volunteer dates, click below as well.
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Parish Retreat & Family Camp
August 9-11
Cathedral Ridge Camp
After an amazing retreat last year where over 80 parishioners participated, we are returning to Cathedral Ridge Camp and Retreat Center for a fourth straight year! This fun and faith-filled weekend will include activities, games, and programming for every age. All are welcome! Registration deadline is July 1, but spaces may fill before then. Click below to get more information and to reserve your spot.
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Donation Opportunity
Youth Summer Trips
There is still time to donate to the adventures that eleven of our middle and high schoolers are embarking on this summer. The first trip will be to New Mexico for service opportunities and the second will be a pilgrimage in Utah focused on spiritual growth and exploration. If you would like to help ensure these trips are financially accessible for all, please click below, then choose the "Youth" dropdown and enter "Summer Trip Support" in the note. Each donation of $50 or more will come with a "flat pilgrim" (pictured above) that will allow you to "join" the participants in spirit on their adventures.
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Scammers AGAIN!
Please Be Vigilant
This week scammers were at it yet again sending emails posing as Rev. Matt and other church staff, and they are getting more and more sneaky and believable! (See image.) Please check the sender's email address as ALL emails from church staff have a @stmikeschurch.com extension. When in doubt, contact the church office with any questions.
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Summer Archangel
Article Deadline: May 15
Summer is quickly approaching, and the deadline for the Summer Archangel covering June - August is coming up. Please send any submissions to Ama Couch at comm@stmikeschurch.com by next Wednesday, May 15.
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Birthdays This Week:
May 13 - Patrick Dobbins
May 15 - Shane Warren
May 16 - Devin Harriman
May 16 - Jefferson Holpuch
May 17 - Karon Guilford
May 17 - William Marshall
May 17 - Case Pohle
May 17 - Simon Watson
May 18 - Ceci Johnson
May 18 - Rich Revis
Anniversaries This Week:
May 12 - Linda Dameron & Leonard Himes
May 12 - Jason & Mary Lett
May 13 - Bill & Sharon Daughton
May 13 - Debbie & Steve Leisenring
May 14 - Aaron & Molly Sutherlin
May 18 - Robin & Simon Watson
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St. Michael's Episcopal Church
7400 Tudor Road
Colorado Springs, CO 80919
Office Telephone: 719-598-3244
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
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