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Supporting Children And Women In Kenya East Africa.

February 2024 newsletter

From the Founder

Sitting in Nairobi at Fenesi Garden Apartments reminds me how important it is to have a team. A word that’s been highlighted to me over the past month is CAPACITY.

As for Dorcas Destiny International, we can only stretch our capacity if we have the human and financial resources to accomplish our mission. There is still quite a large vision for Dorcas Destiny International that is akin to a picture being painted on a gigantic canvas that requires many hands to finish; it is being completed one scene at a time.

The theme for this February 2024 trip is “Taking It to The Next Level,” which means that with new levels, capacity needs to be increased.

To accomplish some of these things, new people in Kenya have stepped forward to bring new life to our existing mission. We also have a few new people from the USA who are helping us in tangible ways.

The journey is underway but nowhere near the end. When I see the beautiful faces of the children at Victory School and those we’ll see in a few days in Opoya Village, I know the work is not yet done. Those children had no choice in where they were born, SO we are blessed with the opportunity to help them see themselves as valued and loved by The Father.

For those who have partnered with us financially or in prayer, we say THANK YOU! We could not have gotten this far without you. We invite you to continue alongside us and bring some others with you! If you align with our vision, tell others what you see so they can also help us paint the picture!

Until next time, blessings on you!

Donna-V. Werner.

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Release of June trip days for the second annual Helping Hands Mission trip.

Thank you for your interest in the 2024 Helping Hands Mission Trip. We are excited to have you on board as we work together to create a positive impact and unforgettable memories. Our mission is to spread joy, build friendships, and promote positive change. We invite you to join us on a life-changing journey to Kenya, organized by Dr. Bri The OT, Dorcas Destiny International, and Smiles for Speech. This incredible opportunity will take place from June 25th to July 8th in Kenya.

Click here to fill the Interest form!
Click here to fill the application form!

February 2024 mission trip. (Taking It to the Next Level)

During this trip, we had an amazing time at Victory School, spending time with the children.

On the second day of our trip, we visited Amani Celebration Church in Kitengela, Nairobi. We held a two-day pastors and leaders conference with Pastor Dr. Steve Cassell of Steve Cassell Ministries, Pastor Craig Harvey, and guest minister Dr. Lolita Cleveland as teachers. The conference focused on teaching the congregation about Jesus, using the Bible as the reference book. Later on, there was an insightful Q&A session.

Day three was a travel day to Siaya County, starting with an 8-hour drive for another conference at Nyakongo KTMC Calvary Center. Dr. Steve met the students from the CTS college in Kisumu over dinner.

Before the workshop began, the founder Donna, Pastor Craig, Dr. Cleveland, and Educational Enrichment Coordinator Sharon met with Noah Alwanda, who will create the social work component for DDI. We gave clothes and supplies to the women in Siaya.

As we write this newsletter, we are heading to MBL Kings Academy for a games day and later on a 2 day Pastor's conference in Opoya and Awendo.

Watch the March newsletter for an update on these and more.

Victory School Baba Dogo

We believe in providing essential needs like food, shelter, education, and clothing. At Dorcas Destiny International, we expose children to positivity to increase their chances of success. We know that love and care boost children's confidence and help them feel cherished. We're here to nurture and support children, thanks to your support.

Support an orpahan today!

Motivated by Love Kings Academy

The stories of the children we sponsor at MBL are a testament to the tangible impact of providing meals. These photos are a representation of what your help and donations do. We want to light up your day as you see how a small donation can make someone smile.

Support an orphan today!

Call for presenters for Education Crosswalk

We are seeking professionals in fields such as education, healthcare, counseling, or administration to provide their expertise. If you possess the desire to make a positive impact, we invite you to join us. Please contact us.

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Get inspired by these Victory School Success Stories

Grade 4 student:

"Good character is not inherited but rather nurtured. This is exemplified by a student named Johnson, whose growth has been exponential. From my initial interactions with him, he always seemed to want to do things his own way. When challenged, he would respond in a rude manner. Our most effective approach to shaping his behavior was to inform him that his wrongful actions would result in both private and public consequences. By directly addressing his behavior and setting clear expectations for how he should treat others, he began to show improvement in his speech and actions towards his peers."

-- John

John, Grade 4

John but his friends address him as Jonty, so I will honour his nickname. Jonty was a quiet kid in class, always in the background. When you hand him a ball, you will not only see him but notice him. He hopes to grow up and be a doctor. What better way to help heal the ones you cherish than with your hands? This is how exceptional he is; he rarely talks but his actions are the ones that introduce him to people. He appreciates his life, despite the struggles that dwell under his feet. He did not like to wave his doubts or talk in front of his peers, so I opted for a plan to understand him better because every child is uniquely intertwined within the envelopes of time. I had to be patient to create a safe space for each of my students. So, when class ended, I used to stick around just a little bit, to see if he had a question or a challenge in one of the lessons that I taught. After some weeks he became confident enough to raise his hand and chuckle a little bit in class whenever something funny is shared. Now you will not only notice him in the field but also in the class.

-- Brenda Onyancha

Precious is a third-grade student who initially showed reluctance and negative behavior, following what others were doing without caring about her own actions. Whenever she was corrected, she showed no interest in changing. However, through perseverance and hard work, she transformed into a determined individual who never gave up on her dreams. Encouraging her on a daily basis helped her develop a positive attitude and willingness to learn. She overcame challenges along the way and became an inspiration to others, demonstrating that with dedication and effort, anything is possible.

Nowadays, Precious approaches each day with a positive attitude, eager to expand her knowledge and grow as an individual. Her passion for education shines bright and inspires those around her to strive for greatness.

-- Beryl


In Victory School there is a child in second grade called Gentrix who struggled with reading. Despite her best efforts, words seemed like an indecipherable code, leaving her feeling frustrated and discouraged. However, Gentrix’s story does not end there; she has always put in effort to show that she is more than her weaknesses.

With the support of her parents and the Educational Enrichment program at school, Gentrix took it upon herself to read as many storybooks as she could. Interactive learning tools have also allowed her to absorb information in ways that feel natural to her. We have encouraged her to illustrate her own stories, tapping into her creativity and imagination.

As Gentrix gained confidence in her abilities, her love for storytelling grew. With each book she read and each picture she drew, her understanding of language deepened. Slowly but surely, the words on the pages began to make sense, and Gentrix's reading skills improved.

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In 2024, we are taking things to the next level with an array of exciting activities and events happening in Kenya. We will be bringing all of these events to you live and documenting them through our social media pages. It's important that you keep up with us. Your support is crucial in helping us to achieve our goals in Kenya. Join us now to be a part of something big!

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Dorcas Destiny International. P.o Box 256, Freeport, IL 61032

+1 (800) 368-9656

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