August 25, 2022


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Well, we finally did it - we included an item last week that already ran the prior week. Who am I kidding - I just used the term 'we' twice but it was me. I did it.

Embarrassing, but I want to thank my sister for being the only subscriber out of 14,700 to point it out. Probably better that way. If 50 of you sent emails pointing it out I would just feel worse each time. So let's stick to this system - if anything is ever blatantly screwed up again, ignore it and rely on my sister tell me. 


Choosing Beggars

Damn, people can be demanding about what we do as a free website. We try to sync our website directory with our up-to-date local version every other Friday, but honestly, it’s more like every third Friday in the summer. (Even us Americans can feel a little European at times)

We're happy to add your company if it is not yet listed on BioPharmGuy, but please be patient when it comes to actually appearing on the website. It could happen tomorrow, or it could be a few weeks. Whatever we tell you, double it. Please be patient :)


Companies Added & Removed

23 companies added, nine removed this week.

Best New Name:

Calyptus Pharmaceuticals

Worst New Name

Rover Diagnostics

Welcome to the BioPharmZoo:

BlueJay Therapeutics

Summary file of additions and removals available on our downloads page.


Reva Medical

As an investor in a public company, you would likely think the company will protect your assets to the death. While usually technically true, sometimes it’s better for the company to die, wipe your ownership clean, then be reborn as a new company to which you have no claim. 

One recent practitioner of this strategy was Reva Medical, a publicly traded company who declared bankruptcy, wiped out shareholders, and emerged as a private company. Fast forward to this week they racked up a $45M series B funding. (If investors are willing to pony up that many millions, you do have to wonder if their underlying IP was valued properly in the bankruptcy)

While off putting, the absolution granted by such bankruptcy laws does prevent the existence of thousands of zombie companies wasting talent and resources. It’s a weird system at times, but works better than most.


Just so you know, a big customer bought some stuff from Avivagen. They’re not going to tell you who made the purchase, but rest assured the client was big. And Asian. They managed to use ‘Asia’ four times in a two paragraph press release, but couldn’t fit the customer's name in there. Sorry, couldn't fit the Asian customer's name in there.

Plus Therapeutics

Living up to its name, Plus Therapeutics received a plus-sized grant from the state of Texas. Not known as a haven for taxpayer largesse, Texas seemed an unlikely resource for a $17.6M grant, but it happened. And at the same time, Emtora Biosciences hauled in $16.9M from the Lone Star State.

Last week Democrats voted against the interests of drug companies residing in their states, this week Texas gives away a bunch of money. What the hell is happening in America?

Stramsen Biotech

A no-name biotech has published a pledge on its website to donate 100,000 shares to any nonprofit “that works with disabled army veterans in the United States, children that live in poverty in third world countries or refugee camps overseas.”

Those 100,000 shares are probably never going to be worth anything, but still slightly better than thoughts and prayers. Go get your organization some of them free shares now. 

Team Roast – Kira Biotech

When it’s time to take a biotech team photo, most women opt for a blazer, blouse, know, work attire. But every now and then someone loses a bet and throws on a beautiful straitjacket.

We confirmed from deeper web searches that she does indeed have arms. Must also have a secretary, because the modern world of work is pretty tough on those who choose not to make their arms accessible.

And how many times do they have to refer to her as “Associate Professor” in such a small write-up? Four seems overboard. Even if it's technically the job title, no one would give a rip if they just said Professor. Outside of academia, no one knows the difference anyways.

2015 Called

PurMinds Is working on neurotherapeutics, so brains are their business. On their careers page they show a small stack of books which evokes such braininess. On top, you’ve got Malcolm Gladwell with the Tipping Point, and underneath you will see Thinking, Fast & Slow by Daniel Kahneman. That second one is an excellent read – 100% recommended. But books aren’t the problem with this page, it’s the calendar being open to September 2015, which was five years before this company was even founded. Details, PurMinds, details!

Rover Diagnostics

The only acceptable business model for a life science company with this name is canine diagnostics. But no – this company is working on that wide open, totally competition-free space of COVID TESTING. Right, but Covid testing for dogs? No!

Listen, if they think there is any chance of making money in the Covid testing space these days, good luck to them and their investors. But for the love of all that is sacred, you cannot name your life science company 'Rover' anything and not be working on a product for dogs. Blasphemy!


Moderna's been working on a flu vaccine and the IP attorneys have started to file some trademark applications. You can check out the whole list here, but for our money, MCOFLUPIK really rolls off the tongue.

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Qosina offers useful insight into methods and collection options for process sampling, as well as how each fit based on assay type and process stage. 

Learn More.

Health & Science

"I went to the Doctor, all he did was suck blood from my neck. Do not go see Dr. Acula."

- Mitch Hedberg

Covid Boosters

The UK’s regulatory authority approved the new version of Moderna’s Covid vaccine. It is a bivalent version, meaning it has two mRNAs - one that targets the ancestral Covid and one targeting the Omicron BA.1 variant. Best guesses seem to be the US FDA will approve the new Pfizer booster in early September and the Moderna booster late September/early October

CDC is expected to eventually make this booster available to anyone who has completed a course of immunization. Who gets it first will depend on how much supply is available. We can predict it will initially only be available to the immunocompromised plus baby boomers, because the world has revolved around the boomers for 50 years, so why change now?

But seriously, supply won't be nearly the issue it was back in late 2020. There should be little lag time between vulnerable groups and the rest of us getting access. 

Doubling Down

FDA is now telling people they should test themselves twice for Covid if the first is negative. Doesn’t speak too highly of these Covid tests now does it? Maybe the emergency use authorization for the diagnostic should be revoked if the problem is so bad you have to tell people to double test? (Hey Rover Diagnostics - hurry up already!)

Fauci, Out

Dr Anthony Fauci has announced his impending retirement after working for the American people for 50 years. For about 47 of those years he was universally viewed as an excellent, upstanding civil servant. Then these past few years, millions of people suddenly decided they were smarter than trained physicians and scientists, because someone on Facebook taught them virology. For them, Fauci became the devil incarnate. 

Fauci did not get elected to political office – he was as nonpartisan as they come, working for Republican and Democratic administrations without missing a beat. Plus he was working in public health, meaning he was doing his best to protect the lives of American people, kind of like those folks in the military. No, he was not fighting human enemies, nor putting his life on the line (until recently at least), but he did commit his entire career to saving American lives. We should all be thanking him for his service.

He certainly has some big shoes to fill. Let’s hope we get another person who knows what they’re talking about and not some political hack. 

Secret Genes

In a weird case out of…surprise, surprise...Florida, a jury has determined the genetics of a shrimp are a protectable trade secret. Not being lawyers here, we kinda thought a trade secret was something that had to be kept secret. These days you can take pretty much any living creature and sequence its DNA. Genetics can’t really be secret anymore if it’s in the product. Given the fact that you can already patent genetically-modified animals, this trade secret argument seems really misinformed.

Fake Sugar, Real Problem

Scientists out of Israel conducted a pretty thorough study of artificial sweeteners' effect on the gut microbiome and the body's subsequent ability to regulate blood glucose levels. It seems sucralose & saccharin impede the body’s ability to regulate glucose spikes, while aspartame & stevia do not.

Wow, us “Zero Sugar” addicts really dodged a bullet there. (they use aspartame) Condolences to the Gatorade Zero fan club. The authors did not investigate Acesulfame Potassium (Ace K), which is virtually always paired with aspartame in Zero Sugar formulations, but maybe that's for the best.

Worst. Vacation. Ever.

If you went on vacation and came home with HIV, Covid or monkeypox, you'd probably say the vacation was not your best. But if you came home with HIV, Covid and monkeypox, that's gotta be a contender for worst vacation ever.

An Italian man recently acquired this trifecta after a sex-fueled romp in Spain. The journal article also mentions his 2019 fling with syphilis. Assuming he pulls through, all that's left is the boss battle with Ebola.

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