A community of learners over 50
July 2021 | Vol 1, No. 9
It’s the question on all our minds: when will OLLI return to face-to-face classes and events? Here is what we are planning.
With the fall term now scheduled, about 30 percent of classes will be offered face to face. These will meet at locations familiar to many of us. We’ve worked with our classroom owners to develop guidelines for face-to-face instruction and we’ll be reminding everyone about those guidelines as part of the registration process. Other face-to-face opportunities are being developed, such as day trips, and we would love to see a return to the tradition of meeting for lunch or a beer after class, for instance. And wouldn’t it be great to get together for a holiday party?
All the while, we’ll continue to monitor the local and national situation and remain prepared to move classes online should the pandemic require it. Our decisions will be guided by our neighbors at the College of Public Health and our resident virologist, Dr. Steve Specter.

As always, if you find something you think would be interesting to your fellow OLLI members, please share it by sending an email to me, Mary Ettinger (
Registration Change Coming Up!

OLLI will be moving to new enrollment software in the early fall. This affects all of us who browse our website and/or register for classes and lectures. We are excited about the new system’s capabilities for members, teachers and staff.
A team made up of staff and member-leaders will help prepare us for the move. A big part of such major change is how to get the word out and how to help nervous first-timers navigate the system. And of course, our Registrar, Charise Dixie, is more than happy to register you over the phone. More about this next month!
Psst. Hey. Did You Notice?

Did you see the notice in the summer catalog about membership pricing going up for the fall? Effective August 20, annual membership will be $50, and three-year memberships will be $125.
You can renew at the current rates until 5 PM August 19, 2021. You may renew up to 12 months early if you want to lock in those lower membership costs for a year or three. Call Charise at 813-974-5848 to take advantage of this special offer.
Enjoying OLLILife?
We know you like it. We know you click on the links! Consider helping staff and a group of key volunteers keep OLLILife on schedule and monthly!
We are looking for several members who would enjoy learning about putting together OLLILife, which is done online via Writers and editors are welcome too, but we are seeking people who can help us pull it all together and make it ... readable. Training provided. Contact Ara Rogers for more information.
SIG-nificant Events for July
Anne Haywood, SIG Liasion

For more info on OLLI SIGs, see the full list here. Most SIGs are meeting on Zoom; a couple are starting to organize small group outings. To visit a SIG, email the contact(s) below.

Food, Glorious Food!
Mon, July 26th, at 10am. Program - Tampa Food Through the Eyes of Andy Huse. For an invitation, contact Jane Applegate.

Thur, July 8, at 3:30pm. Play Scattergories with us! Email Kathy Palmer for the link.
German Conversation
Tues, July 13 and 27, at 1pm. For more information, contact Christine Basch.

Ici on parle français!
Mon, July 19, at 1pm (special meeting date) For an invitation, contact Teresa Sokol.
OLLI Outdoors
The OLLI Outdoors SIG takes a hiatus during the hot summer. If you are interested in joining us this fall, send an email to the SIG leaders at

Operatunity is enjoying an intermission until September. For information about the SIG, contact Derrie Perez.

P-SIG (Politics SIG)
Will meet Wed, July 14, at 1 pm. Email Bill Sapper for more information.
Talking Movies
Fri, July 23, at 2pm. Watch this month's movie (Monsieur Lazhar) on your own and then get together with us to talk about it. For more information, and to find out where to watch the movie for free, contact Kathy Palmer.
Write Time for Poets
Thurs, July 15 & 29, at 2pm. Email Cath Mason for more information.
Closed Captioning for Zoom
Al Carlson, Lead Technical Moderator
Not every OLLI Zoom Instructor has a powerful voice. And sometimes you miss an important point because you weren’t able to hear it. So you’ll be glad to know that Zoom added closed captioning (aka Live Transcript) to OLLI-USF's Zoom account. When the host enables it (and you may have to remind him/her), you’ll see what the speaker just said in letters that march briskly across the screen and actually keep up with the speaker.

To turn closed captioning off (or, sometimes, on) just click on the CC/Live Transcript icon on your device’s Zoom toolbar and choose Show Subtitle or Hide Subtitle. Your choice affects only your screen. Live Transcript works on Macs, PCs, tablets and smartphones.
People News
June Miller
June Miller (pictured here), a founder and long-time leader in this organization, passed away recently at the age of 96. June was part of the first group of Life Story writers who renamed themselves WOW (Writers of Wisdom) and who wrote together for decades. Grateful to Charlie Delp for this passing along this sad news and for the recent photo of June shared here.

Joel Fyvolent's son Robert brought his award-winning documentary, Summer of Soul, to the Tampa Theatre recently. And there was much merriment and celebration! Read the Tampa Bay Times story here. Summer of Soul is in theaters now and on Hulu.

Carolyn Clark, our Goodwill Ambassador, is keeping busy with news of member illnesses, setbacks and triumphs. Send your OLLI People News to Carolyn. Thanks to your efforts, we are learning more about the challenges (or joys) we are facing, so we can reach out to them. Email Carolyn here or call her at 813-545-7477.