Updates in Pediatrics
Editor: Jack Wolfsdorf, MD, FAAP

header with photos of various children
March 23, 2022 | Volume 13 | Issue 12
Long term growth and final adult height outcome in childhood onset Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)
SLE is a life-long autoimmune disease that may present in children (average age 12 years; rarely before 5 years). The exact cause is unknown however genetic factors (family history) triggered by environmental influences (e.g., infection, drug reaction, sun exposure, cigarette smoke, extreme stress etc.) appear to be involved. Clinically children may present with fever, fatigue, loss of appetite, weight loss, a red rash on the cheeks and bridge of nose (33%), disc-rashed patches, sun exposure rash, muscle pain and/or arthritis in 2 or more joints (often fingers and toes), headache, seizures, memory problems and other organ involvement (kidneys, heart and lungs).

“Growth impairment is the most common complication in patients with childhood onset SLE”. There is limited data on the risk factors affecting growth outcome in children (Asian) with SLE.

A retrospective cohort study of all patients (106; 82% female; aged <15 years) diagnosed with SLE in a single institution over a 10-year period investigated the risk factors associated with growth impairment.

23.6% of children with SLE have growth impairment. Predictors include male sex, duration of disease before menarche in girls/adult voice in boys and cumulative corticosteroid dose given before the late phase of puberty.
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Registration is open!
The 57th Pediatric Postgraduate Course - Perspectives in Pediatrics is just around the corner. Register for this virtual event to be held on April 2-3.
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Coming Soon!
The 2nd Annual Pediatric Hospital Medicine Self-Assesment
May 12- 15, 2022
Will be held at W Hotel in Fort Lauderdale Beach, FL.
"Weight Loss (Metabolic and Bariatric) Surgery for Adolescents with Obesity"

This Virtual Grand Round was recorded LIVE and includes the post-session Q&A portion. This content is available for free - without CME credit (Fee may apply for those who wish to claim CME).
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MR Guided Focused Ultrasound Research Study at Nicklaus Children's Hospital
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