Update on Board of Trustees Meeting
Regular Board Meeting: Thursday, June 10, 2021
Board Approves New Senior Dean, Career Education & Workforce Development
Dr. Douglas Marriott has more than 25 years of experience in strategic community and industry partnerships, career education and workforce development, community college administration, program development, management and teaching. Most recently, he served as the dean of adult/community education and workforce development at Los Angeles Valley College (LAVC), where he oversaw the City of LA Workforce Strategy Center, contract education and extension programs, cooperative education, adult education noncredit workforce courses, economic development programs, CalWORKs, The Family Resource Center and Helping Hands food pantry.
Dr. Doug Marriott
Dr. Marriott joins Napa Valley College as the Senior Dean, Career Education & Workforce Development on July 19, 2021.
Board Approves New Faculty Members

Anna Garcia, English Composition Instructor (start date: 8/11/2021)
Todd McCarl, Respiratory Care Instructor/Clinical Coordinator (start date: 7/19/21)
Elena Sirignano, Hospitality, Culinary and Tourism Management Instructor (start date: 8/11/2021)
Tyler Downie
Tyler Downie has been appointed Acting Dean, DSPS and Testing Center.
Board Approves Acting Dean, DSPS and Testing Center
Tyler Downie joined Napa Valley College in 2017 as a Disabled Student Programs and Services (DSPS) adjunct counselor. He became a full-time leave replacement and then a full-time tenure track DSPS counselor/instructor. Every summer since he joined NVC, Mr. Downie has taught COUN 097, the transition course for incoming freshman who will be utilizing DSPS services. He has also served on the CARE Team for two years, and spearheaded the DSPS outreach team.
Board Approves 2021-2022 Tentative Budget
The Board of Trusteed approved the 2021-2022 tentative budget, which includes details of the general fund-unrestricted and general fund-restricted budgets, as well as an overview of the tentative budget for all other funds. The Planning & Budget Committee held a forum in May to receive input and feedback from the college community followed by a Planning & Budget Committee, where the Committee approved recommending the 2021-2022 tentative budget to the superintendent/president for presentation to the Board. Trustee Rios shared the recommendations of the Board's Audit and Finance Committee, which met in June.

Board Approves CCC Quarterly Financial Status Report

 The Board of Trustees approved the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office Quarterly Financial Status Report for the period ending March 31, 2021.

Board Approves Capital Outlay Construction Plan

The Board of Trustees approved the 5-Year Capital Outlay Construction Plan and District Order of Priority, which is required to be submitted annually to the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office. The District's list of capital improvement projects (in order of priority) is based on the input gathered by the Facilities Committee and on the Facilities Master Plan. Approval of the 5-year Plan does not constitute a commitment to spend or a constraint on project development.  

Board Approves Purchase of Equipment for Machine Tool Technology Program

The Board of Trustees approved the purchase of a 5-Axis CNC Vertical Machining Center from the Selway Machine Tool Company using funding from the Strong Workforce fund. NVC’s Machine Tools program has three other machine tools in the machine shop that utilize the Haas brand offered by the vendor.

First Reading of Board Policies

The Napa Valley College District is in the process of updating and revising its Board Policy Manual with the assistance of the Community College of California (CCLC) Policy and Procedure Service. This was the first reaching of these policies:

BP 2345 Public Participation at Board Meetings: Legal update to remove the requirement that a member of the public must submit written communication regarding a board agenda item prior to a meeting.

BP 5110 Counseling: (New) draft developed by Counseling faculty and staff and recommended for adoption by the Council of Presidents.

BP 7336 Tuberculosis: (New) draft developed by Human Resources department and recommended for adoption by the Council of Presidents.
Upper Valley Campus
Board Approves Authorization of Lease with Amendments
The Board of Trustees unanimously supported the agreement to lease a portion of the Napa Valley College Upper Valley Campus to the City of St. Helena for municipal purposes; however, the Board requested several amendments be incorporated. They requested that square footage and usage for certain areas be identified and that there be more specific information about the surrender of premises to assure for the maintenance of the District's academic programs. The City of St. Helena will need to review the proposed amendments and bring an updated agreement to the Board of Trustees for consideration.

Agreements Approved
The Board of Trustees approved agreements with:

Pacific Union College (PUC): Memorandum of Understanding for NVC to provide ESL classes to international student residents at PUC.

Napa County (on behalf of Napa County Library): MOU for NVC Library and Learning Resource Center to participate in contract with Innovative Technologies for Polaris, an Integrated Library System (ILS) and Unity Courier. 

Cossolias, Wilson, Dominguez, Leavitt, Certified Public Accountants (CWDL): three-year contract to provide independent audit services to the District as well as to the District Auxiliary Services Foundation and the Viticulture and Winery Technology Foundation for the fiscal years ending June 30, 2021 through June 30, 2023.

Azure Acres Recovery Center and Lynn & Darla Supported Living: Human Services and Addiction Studies Internship Programs for Off-Campus Internship Sites.

Cypress Risk Management: Student and athletic accident insurance for 2021-2022 enrolled students without insurance.

Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training: to provide the Emergency Vehicle Operations Course (EVOC) to law enforcement trainees employed by county law enforcement agencies in California. 

American Canyon Family Resource Center: annual consultant services agreement to provide Career Center Services for Napa Valley College's students including continuing collaboration and maintaining community employer relationships., Inc. (D.B.A. "NEOED"): agreement for NeoGov Onboard Subscription and Insight Subscription platforms for recruitment and onboarding as well as subscription services for eForms, an online document management system within the NEOED system, Perform which provides online evaluation tools, and Learn, which will support the Training and Development programs.

Keenan and Associates: BenefitBridge Services, a web-based application that provides services for employees and employees' dependents to manage, view and control various aspects of employee benefits programs.
Facility Rentals

Per the request at the Board of Trustees' May meeting, Bob Parker, asst. superintendent/vice president, administrative services, provided an overview on the use of district facilities by community groups and others. He shared information on the types of use and number of uses, and reviewed the process for requesting and securing the use of district facilities.

2018-2023 Institutional Strategic Plan Update
Dr. Robyn Wornall, senior dean, research, planning and institutional effectiveness, presented an update on the 2018-2023 Institutional Strategic Plan. In October, the Board of Trustees approved revisions to the 2018-2021 Institutional Strategic Plan, which included extending the plan through 2023 and adding a goal associated with equity. The 2018-2023 Institutional Strategic Plan Update describes expectations for the equity goal, by outlining strategic initiatives, measures and deliverables anticipated in the coming years. 

Dr. Kraft acknowledged the staff and faculty for all of their hard work and the high quality of education they continued to provide during an extraordinary year. He also congratulated everyone who helped coordinate and those who participated in the drive-thru commencement ceremony. He thanked Bob Parker for his service and his friendship and introduced Dr. Patricia van Leeuwaarde Moonsammy, NVC's new senior director, DEI, who said a few words.

As part of the President's Report, the following individuals provided updates:

  • Jessica Thomason, executive director of the Napa Valley College Foundation provided an update on the foundation's first online auction, which she deemed a success. She also noted that the scholarship video (in lieu of a ceremony) is on the website and encouraged board members to respond to their strategic planning survey.
  • Dr. Robyn Wornall, senior dean, RPIE, provided an update on the accreditation process.
  • Holly Dawson, director, public affairs & communications, provided an update on May/June marketing campaigns, including commencement, bilingual enrollment for summer and fall, and Pride Month in collaboration with the LGBT Club. She also noted that her team had its kickoff meeting this week on the new website.
  • Dr. Sara Parker, asst. superintendent/vice president, academic affairs, provided an update on current enrollment and plans for the fall semester.
Next Board of Trustees Meeting: 7/8/21