Sunday Eucharist takes place in a beautiful chapel built by the Sisters of St. Joseph, at Windermere on the Mount, 1486 Richmond St. (the corner of Richmond Street and Windermere), only a 15-minute walk north of campus. Masses are at 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. The 11 a.m. Mass is live-streamed to our Facebook page and YouTube channel. The 5 p.m. Mass has resumed on Sundays, followed by a community meal (served outdoors, COVID and weather permitting). For capacity and contact tracing purposes, we kindly ask that you register for Mass in advance. Go to the back of the building and follow the signs. We hope to see you there!

Daily Mass is offered in the Christ the King Chapel in Wemple Building on Wednesdays and Fridays at noon. Seating is extremely limited. You can pre-register by contacting Lisa Caeiro or 519-963-1477. 

MIDDAY PRAYER: Midday Prayer is every Thursday at noon virtually on our Facebook page.

KING'S CHAMBER CHOIR CONCERT: You are invited to King's University College Chamber Choir's spring concert on Saturday, April 2 at 7:30 p.m. in The Chapel at Windermere on the Mount. Entitled "In the Stillness," the choir will perform songs of comfort, hope, and peace. Admission is by freewill donation, the proceeds of which will go to Development and Peace - Caritas Ukraine, supporting those in need in Ukraine. Seats must be reserved in advance via Eventbrite or call 519-963-1477. In compliance with the university's COVID protocol, all audience members 12 years of age and older must be vaccinated with at least two doses of vaccine. Proof of vaccine will be required for entry.

PRAYER WITH THE SONGS OF TAIZÉ FOR LENT, PEACE IN UKRAINE: Lenten Prayer with the Songs of Taizé will take place on Monday, March 21 at 7 p.m. in The Chapel at Windermere on the Mount. Our prayer intention for this service will be for peace in Ukraine. Taizé Prayer is a simple form of meditative prayer consisting of simple chants, silence, scripture, and prayers. You are required to register in advance or call 519-963-1477. In compliance with the University's COVID protocol, all participants must be vaccinated with at least two doses of vaccine.