Student Absences
Hello Northwood Families,
This is the time of year that we receive the most requests for approval of student absences for family vacations while school is in session. As a reminder, our approach to student absences for trips is detailed in the Student & Family Handbook (p. 52) and is included here for your reference:
If a family must take a student out of school for a trip, or vacation-like activity, approval for an excused absence must be requested in advance, in writing (email is fine), signed by the parent/guardian and submitted to the principal. Make-up work will not be provided to the student before his/her departure as teachers seldom plan or prepare classroom activities until student understanding and class success with the previous lesson(s) have been assessed. Instead of the regular classwork, teachers may assign alternative projects or written work, which might relate to the student’s travel/vacation plans. Upon the student’s return, the teacher(s) will decide which of the missed daily assignments and classwork needs to be made up to help the student adjust to any changes and/or higher expectations in each academic class. A student who has been absent for vacation or travel will have a period comparable to the days absent to complete the required assignments.
Have a wonderful weekend!
~ Jocelyn