The Power of Hospitality

She arrived a few weeks ago. She stood in the doorway of Welcome House Raleigh with a look of utter shock. She was overwhelmed and exhausted - twenty something, baby on her hip, uprooted from her family and her culture, hours upon hours of travel, no English, no money, a small bag. . .

Because of our shared ministry, she stood in the doorway of a Welcome House not a hotel room. She went into her bedroom and shut the door. She was safe.

Because of our shared ministry, the house hosts recognized that something was wrong. They knocked on the door and realized with the help of a translation app that she had no way to tell her family she had arrived. She was comforted.

Because of our shared ministry, another family in the house noticed that she had not come out of her room to eat. They set a place at the table for her, and invited her to eat with them. She was not alone.

Because of our shared ministry, her beginning is marked by compassion and friendship. Love and welcome stretched across 3 cultures and and 3 languages to support and uplift, to encourage and hold fast. She is building a new life in a new land with new friends.

Hospitality allows a person to belong and to begin. Hospitality calls forth our best. Hospitality means that we are not alone. Hospitality is changing and will change the world - here at Welcome House Raleigh we see this every day. Thank you for helping us change the world by creating a place at the table for all of God's children. We hope you will read on to celebrate "What Happens" when hospitality is allowed to flourish.

What Happens if you Nurture Every Sign of God's Presence?

a Word from Michelle Hays

What does getting to know a new refugee family look like at Welcome House Raleigh? Before I go knock on the door to meet a new family, I take a minute to remember that the people I am about to meet are known by God and treasured by Him. Their names, that are undoubtedly going to be hard for me to learn to pronounce, roll off of the tip of His tongue with ease. He loves them and has been aware of every step of their journey. I pray for eyes to see beyond what is true on the surface and for God to teach me to nurture every sign of His presence as I get to know them. . .

(continue reading by clicking the link)

What Happens if you Notice?

We stood and watched as groups of people crossed the church parking lot on their way to the bus stop. We took notice and wondered, "How could we be a friend to these folks who walked through the church parking lot everyday but would never have a need or think to come inside the church?" There weren't any obvious answers so we kept working and kept watch. Then we noticed that a group of Welcome House guests were now living close to the church. This led us to wonder - Could the church open their doors and offer an ESL class to the community?

We hope you enjoy the pictures of our latest ESL class. Pictures of a church faithfully and joyfully opening her doors. Neighbors gathering to support each other and learn together. Community being shaped by grace and love.

What Happens if you Dream?

She came to Raleigh as a 9 year old refugee kid. A local church furnished her family's apartment in their support of Welcome House, and a Welcome House volunteer became friends with her family. After 9 years of hard work and dedication, she graduated from high school early, was recognized by the school district, has a substantial scholarship to Meredith College, and hopes to take her place with that college's "angels" in the fall. We could not be happier for her and are deeply humbled and honored to be a part of her story! Congratulations "F"! By following your dreams, you are an encouragement and light to all of us.

What Happens if you Ask?

If you are looking for tangible ways to support Welcome House Raleigh, here is a list of some much needed items. We currently have five houses welcoming guests here in Raleigh, so your help would be appreciated!

  • Laundry detergent
  • Toilet Paper
  • Mops and brooms
  • Pillows
  • Adult scissors
  • Composition books
  • 1" notebooks
  • Paper towels

Monetary contributions to Welcome House Raleigh are given through the

CBFNC website

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A Note: In the drop down menu under Additional Information - "Where would you like to direct your gift?


If you would like to mail your gift, kindly use this address:

CBFNC | 2640 Reynolda Road | Winston-Salem, NC 27106

Please indicate on your check: Welcome House Raleigh

Welcome House Raleigh is part of CBF North Carolina's Welcome House Community Network, a collaborative missions program of CBFNC, CBF field personnel, partner churches and individuals that provides hospitality ministry to vulnerable neighbors across the state.

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