Volleyball Playoff Action
The Lady Cards take on Cy-Creek Monday, November 1st at Cy-Park High School. The first serve will be at 6:00 pm! We wish Coach Blakeman and all of her players the best of luck! Come out and cheer them on! #CardinalProud
Progress Reports
Progress Reports were sent out to students via their HISD email addresses.  If you have questions about a grade in a class, reach out directly to the teacher. If you have larger questions or concerns about your progress report or academic progress, please connect with your Assistant Principal or Counselor.
Students that are looking for an additional resource to support their learning can also utilize the National Honor Society’s tutorial program. NHS tutoring is available to ALL Bellaire students (9th to 12th grade) needing assistance in Math, English, Social Studies, Foreign Languages, and the Sciences. ALL tutoring sessions will be held in Ms. Kuhleman's room (Room 2707) unless specified by the teacher. Students can sign up here.
Personal Graduation Plans
Bellaire Counselors are meeting with 9th-11th grade students to initiate the Personal Graduation Plan (PGP.) The PGP is a required electronic document for all public high school students in Texas. The purpose is to track the completion of high school requirements, endorsement plan selection, document course work, grades, and post-secondary planning. After the student initiates their PGP in the HISD Student Portal, parents have a step to complete as well. Parents will go into the HISD Connect parent portal to verify the information inputted by the students and electronically sign. A PGP is not considered complete until the parent completes this step.
Counselors will meet with students on the following dates:
9th grade- World Geography classes, October 18-22
10th grade- World History classes, November 1-5
11th grade- English 3 classes, November 15-19
The Parent’s Guide to the Personal Graduation Plan is linked here. If you have questions about your student's PGP, please contact their counselor. Click here to access their contact information.

If assistance is needed to log into the HISD Parent Portal, please contact Alex Brown, Counselor’s clerk, for a copy of the parent portal letter at: [email protected].
Seniors Preliminary Ranks
Preliminary GPA, Rank, and Quartile letters and transcripts were sent to seniors via HISD email this weekend. If students have any questions about their rank they should contact our Registrar, Ms. Boynton here.
Senior Dues - Pay Now
Senior dues are at the lowest rate of the year, but they go up on Monday, November 1st. Senior dues cover each senior's Cap and Gown, Senior T-Shirt, Prom Ticket, and Senior Luncheon. Senior Dues are paid online through SchoolPay.
Seniors - Graduation Invitations & More
Balfour will be on campus on November 3rd and 4th taking orders for graduation invitations and other senior swag. More information can be found on our website on the Senior Page here. #ClassOf2022
JOIN THE PTO – Let’s reach 300 members - 10% family participation rate! 
Be a part of the “Feather the Nest to Keep Bellaire the Best” campaign to support and enhance the educational experience of our children. Your tax-deductible donation directly benefits all students and funds innovation and activities at Bellaire.  Join the PTO to stay involved and informed. Learn more here.   

BHS PTO is seeking corporate sponsors to partner with us to meet the needs at our new campus. Your tax-deductible contribution will make a positive impact on the lives of Bellaire students, and in return your business will be recognized throughout the year.  Learn more here
Architecture, Engineering & Construction
The ACE Mentor Program is a nationwide, after-school mentoring program in which volunteer design professionals meet with high school students on a weekly basis to discuss their careers, illustrate design concepts through activities and presentations, and provide guidance for those interested in joining the architecture, engineering or construction industry. 

This year’s program will be a hybrid starting at the end of October, which will consist of weekly virtual mentoring sessions and monthly in-person, outdoor meetings (construction site visits, architectural walking tours, etc.). Please review the flyer to the right with more information about our 2021-2022 program, as well as the three upcoming informational sessions that will be hosted over the next month and a half. We would love for any students (or teachers, parents, etc.) who might be interested to join us and learn more.
Food Drive
INHS and FFH are organizing a Food Drive for the Houston Food Bank from next week until November 13.
We will be collecting canned food items in the white bins that you can request by emailing me. 
INHS and FFH members and officers will also ask you and deliver the white bins to your class.
We also have a fundraiser for the Houston Food Bank, that you can access here.
Exchange Student from Spain Looking for a Host Family
One of our exchange students from Spain is looking for a host family to share his culture with! Please email Ms. Chapman at [email protected] if you might be interested in opening your home to him.
Dryfit Bellaire HS Shirts
The Spirit Wear Store will be placing an order for dryfit shirts. Preorders will be taken through Oct. 28th. To order a shirt click here.
Freedom From Period Poverty Drive
The Italian National Honor Society has posted on Donors Choose a project to provide girls attending Bellaire High School with feminine hygiene products in the restrooms. Period poverty - the lack of access to education about menstruation or menstrual products - is an issue that faces an alarming number of students in the United States.

The pads, tampons, and baskets that will be places in the school's restrooms will allow students who face period poverty to access these resources freely. This will improve girls' attendance, since they would not to have to miss school for lack of resources when they have their period, and it will help them to focus on their academic work.

A study conducted by Think and PERIOD found that 23% of students in the U.S. experience period poverty. Additionally, an overwhelming majority of students felt that period products should be available to them in their school bathrooms.

Help us reach our goal for this project by donating on tinyurl.com/INHSperiod2021.
Class of 2022 Yard Signs and #CardinalProud Spirit Signs Available
The Bellaire PTO has signs available for purchase. Please email [email protected]
COVID-19 Notification Changes
We wanted to update you regarding the manner in which we will share notifications with families and the larger community. We will continue to follow the protocols shared in the Houston ISD Ready, Set, Go plan when a student is in close contact with a confirmed and/or presumed positive case. However, the district has shared that we should no longer share the general announcement with the entire school community, and instead only communicate with those directly impacted. The Houston ISD COVID-19 Dashboard remains updated on a regular basis and can be accessed at this link. Finally, in an effort to remain transparent so that we do not lose sight of the safe practices that we should all align with, we will share a summary of the active cases within our Cardinal eNews each week. We believe this will allow for everyone to remain informed while ensuring that we remain active to protect ourselves and our school community.  
Remind Messaging App
All parents and students are encouraged to join their BHS Class Remind Group. Remind is a communication tool that will deliver important communications through text message or email. You can download Remind for IOS here and Android here. Once you download the app, simply text the class code you belong to above to the number 81010.

Remind can also be accessed by clicking on the links below to join a group.

In addition to the class codes above, students will have the opportunity to receive communication and correspond with their teachers through the Remind App.
It Takes A Village...
"Bellaire Share" is new this year. Please help us collect important information and get student and staff accomplishments out to our school community. Share with us Bellaire HS activities and student achievements. You can upload your pictures of any event easily. Together we can accomplish a lot. You can submit information anytime on the homepage on the right side of the page or bookmark this link.
Thank you to the Bellaire PTO Corporate Sponsors for 2020-2021