1/24 is International Education Day!


Eleven short years ago, the St. Ignatius school did not exist. Sister Nectaria dreamed of giving thousands of orphaned and poor children an opportunity to learn.

Plans were drawn. Bids were submitted. Finally, the foundation was poured in faith that God would touch the hearts of folks who would share in changing the lives of needy children through education.

The school is largely built but cannot be accredited through the twelfth grade until it is completed. The students must quit or go elsewhere for their last four years. The Indian government has deemed that the entire top floor must be completed by June. We are racing that deadline.
Completion of the school assures self sustainability and that all orphans at the orphanage will get a good education!
Projects to be completed:
The St. Ignatius High School has until July 2023 to complete these required six prerequisites to receive permanent accreditation.
Click on this picture for a video too.
·  Completion of the entire top floor of 22 rooms = $129,350.00
Cost is $5,880 per room. Please fund a room. 2 Rooms FUNDED

·  Complete backup well for the school: $900. FUNDED
·  Monsoon roof repairs = $ 18,000: Sections 1, 2 & 3 = $6,000 each.
·  Complete the dome roof covering the high school bldg. $17,550: Sections 1,2 &3 = $5,850 each. Section 1 FUNDED
·  Boys dormitory building repairs $6,000 and paint = $4,960. 
·  Replace cyclone-damaged windows of the girls' dormitory = $4,850. FUNDED

You can help by hosting a fundraiser! 
There are three documentaries about the orphanage available at
(EKOTA & EKOTA II) and (The Luckygirls Movie)
Contact us about becoming an ambassador at help@fili-inc.com.
Ways to Donate Tax-Deductible Gifts
  • Mail checks to FILI, 6430 Bose Lane, San Jose, CA 95120.
  • Online via PayPal at www.fili-inc.com. You can use a credit card or donate through your bank account.
  • Double your gift by using your employer's Company Matching programs.
  • Forward this article to friends and family. Spread awareness.
  • Donate appreciated stock through Charles Schwab with the DTC#: 0164, Code 40 for the benefit of FIli, Inc. account number 60352405. The donor will receive a tax deduction of the full cash value of the stock and avoid capital gains taxes.
  • Speak to your broker about setting up a Qualified Charitable Donation account from your IRA.

The children thank you! o
All FILI board members are volunteers. We draw NO salary. Our operating costs are kept at a minimum.

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We are thankful that you are part of our circle of
Friends Improving Lives Internationally.


There is an ocean of need worldwide. Our featured project aids the extremely poor children in a village on the outskirts of Kolkata, India.