Daily Lenten Offering

Desire without knowledge is not good, and one who moves too hurriedly misses the way.

Proverbs 19:2

Holy Spirit, in each season you reveal new wisdom and fresh possibilities. More and more light breaks forth from your holy word. Slow me down. What am I anxiously hurrying away from? Amen.


“Curiosity killed the cat,” they say. The fear being that if you ask too many probing questions you will offend. That may be true for gossip columnists, but not in faith. God is delighted by our curiosity and wonder. Jesus urges us to “ask, seek, & knock.” He frequently asked questions and invited his followers into wonder.

This week, practice the art of the neutral, curious question. Try to catch yourself from making assumptions about a person’s intention or a presumed outcome. Cannot solve the puzzle on your own? Good. Invite a friend to join your inquiry! Keep watch for curiosity at work in your week. What great question did someone ask?


Each week, we suggest to you a short moment of pause and prayer before you leave the house, or maybe even just when you get out of bed. 

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