St. James' Mission and Outreach updates
Sharing God’s gifts with others
Reaching out to those in need
And serving them with dignity and respect…
A heartfelt THANK YOU!!
to all who helped in our outreach at the end of the year and start of 2023.
Your generosity provided many blessings to many adults, seniors, and children.
Adopt-a-family – We adopted a family of five and we were able to provide them with their Christmas dinner, new warm outfits, coats, gloves, and hats, and each child received a new bike! The children were so excited that they can now ride all around.
Adopt-a-grandparent – We adopted 24 individuals who live at the Coral Spring Nursing and Rehabilitation Center. We provided each person with much needed and appreciated person items, sundries, headphones, games, hats, scarves, and gloves and a fun photo holder. Each person received their own calendar as well.
Emmanuel Dining Room – We were able to serve our guests a festive meal of lasagna, green beans, fruit cup, roll, milk, and homemade cookies on New Year’s Eve. And, to start their new year off in warmth, guests were able to take a gift or two of donated new socks, hat, gloves, and scarves.
Friendship House/Hope Center - We continue to take in your donations of sundries, individual meals, person items for the Hope Center and clothing that is distributed through the Friendship House Clothes closet.
And, starting off the new year serving families in the Family Promise network – We offered nutritious meals and hospitality to two families with children. These families were very appreciative of their meals, spending time together, and sleeping in warm beds, without the fear and worry of wondering where their next meal would come from and where they might find shelter.