Master Plan Goals and Objectives




  • Master Plan Goals and Objectives
  • Teaneck Voters Seeking to Vote in the June Primary
  • Improving the Safety of Teaneck Streets
  • This Week in Teaneck – 4/29 to 5/5 2024


  • 2nd Quarter Taxes Dues – 5/1
  • TIFF’s The Tuba Thieves & Tribute to Patricia Phillips – 5/1
  • BOE’s Final 2024-5 Budget Meeting – 5/1
  • Mail-in Ballot Announcement 
  • 1st Annual Potluck in Votee – in English – 6/9
  • 1st Annual Potluck in Votee – in Espanol – 6/9

Contacting Teaneck Voices

  • Email:
  • Phone: 201-214-4937
  • USPS Mail: Teaneck Voices, PO Box 873. at 1673 Palisade Ave. 07666

Master Plan Goals and Objectives

On April 12, 2007, Teaneck’s Planning Board approved a 147-page Master Plan following extensive public discussion and dialogue. The most broadly debated and revised portion of this document was the Goals and Objectives element  That same set of Goals and Objectives has been included in the several Master Plan Re-examinations completed in 2011, 2014, and 2017. 

The State’s Municipal Land Use Law (MLUL) lists the Goals and Objectives portion of municipal Master Plans as one of the two “required” MP elements. Currently, the Town’s Planning Board is reviewing a draft of what will – when revised – likely become the Town’s new Master Plan. That document will emerge from the Planning Board’s current “deliberative” status in the next month – and is expected to again engage residents in a careful review. 

Teaneck Voices believes it is useful for all current residents to be aware of what those 2007 Goals and Objectives were in order better to evaluate what will become the Town’s Goals and Objectives in the decade that lies ahead. What follows are those 2007 Master Plan Goals and Objectives.  


1. Advance the purposes of the Municipal Land Use Law (MLUL) as contained in 40:55 D-2;

2. Preserve the character of existing low-density residential neighborhoods forming the predominant character of the Township; 

3. Provide zoning protection for existing multifamily housing and encourage its expansion only in areas where it would not have detrimental effects on single-family residential neighborhoods;

4. Provide a balanced land use pattern and appropriate development controls;

5. Guide appropriate development and growth in a coordinated and managed approach; 

6. Strengthen the vitality of existing commercial districts; 

7. Preserve, protect, and enhance parks and open space while protecting environmentally sensitive, natural, and unique physical features at the same time;

8. Maintain the historic resources and natural beauty of our Township; and 

9. Embrace, reflect, and bring together the diverse sub-communities within the Township.


1. Ensure practical and appropriate development controls to preserve and protect open space, conserve the natural landscape, and protect the sensitive ecological areas of the Township; 

2. Protect neighborhood characteristics including the enforcement of buffer areas between non-residential and residential land uses, between different residential types, and along sensitive ecological areas of the Township; 

3. Encourage the revitalization of vacant buildings and encourage the rehabilitation and restoration of brownfields and other contaminated buildings and land; 

4. Maintain and upgrade the existing system of parks, recreation, and open space to provide for Township residents of all ages, abilities, and disabilities consistent with current and projected community needs for recreation and open space; 

5. Preserve the high level of public services and encourage the creation of new facilities where necessary, to accommodate population changes, economic growth, and the changing needs of residents;

6. Provide mechanisms to encourage the needed upgrade of the existing utility infrastructure including public water, stormwater management, and wastewater treatment; 

7. Provide for the Township’s fair share of affordable housing as may be required by law as set forth in the Housing Plan Element; 

8. Preserve and enhance the low-density residential character of established neighborhoods, maintain a reasonable balance of housing choices, and provide for in-fill development, adaptive reuse, and affordable senior housing. 

9. Promote historic preservation efforts that will maintain the Township’s unique historic resources as designated; 

10. Promote building and site improvements that have reasonable limitations on size, bulk, and site disturbance in relationship to the existing fabric of the community; 

11. Encourage the development of a circulation system that accounts for roadways, mass transit, pedestrian/bicycle routes, greenway corridors, and existing freight and goods movement facilities; 

12. Coordinate land uses with transportation facilities, including but not limited to bus stops and parking for resident commuters to facilitate access and encourage alternatives to driving; 

13. Promote a diversified economic base; 

14. Focus economic development efforts on existing commercial, industrial, and office districts and provide support and reinforcement to the four Business Districts to improve their viability; 

15. Encourage the sharing of services with neighboring municipalities to lower Township operating and maintenance costs while maintaining or increasing their effectiveness; and 

16. Support and promote public participation and awareness on Township Boards and commissions and awareness of all Township issues and initiatives.

Township of Teaneck Master Plan

Teaneck Voters Seeking to Vote in the June Primary

The best overall guide for new Bergen Voters is Click Here

Remember, the primary in Bergen County on June 4, 2024, is being held to select the party candidates for six offices (US President; US Senate; US House; County Sheriff, County Commissioners [2] and Bergen County Democratic or Republican Committee.

Here are Specific Steps and Deadlines for Voting in the June Primary

First - You Must Be Registered to Vote

Are you Registered? Click Here to go to the State Website to find out.

How Can You Register? Again, Click Here for How to Register & Doing so Online.

To Vote in the June Primary you must be a registered voter by 5/14 (21 days before).

If registered, you must be affiliated with a political party to vote in that party’s June primary ballot.

  • Must I declare a Party Affiliation when I register? No, choosing a political party is optional, unless you wish to vote in either party’s primary election. 
  • Only party members may vote in the primary election. If you are an unaffiliated voter, voting in your first primary election, you must declare a party affiliation at the polls on primary election day. You will remain a member of that political party until you notify the Superintendent’s office, in writing, otherwise. 
  • Voters are now permitted to return to unaffiliated status. If you wish to change your affiliation before the primary election, you must do so, in writing, no later than 55 days preceding the primary election. 

If you are eligible to vote in June’s Primary there are three ways to vote:1) Mail-in Ballot; 2) In-Person Early Voting & 3) In Person Voting on Primary Day 

1. Mail-in Ballot. If you have already applied for a mail-in ballot, it has just been mailed on April 27 and should be in your mailbox in several days. 

Only voters with active Vote-by-Mail requests will receive their ballot within 3 days from the mailing date, April 27. Voters with active requests who do not receive their ballot within a week should call 201-336-7020 to request a duplicate.

If you want to vote by mail but haven’t yet applied to do so you must apply to the County – The deadline for the County Clerk to receive Vote by Mail Applications for this Primary Election is 5/28/24. 

How do you apply for a mail-in ballot? 

Click Here and from the county list, go to Bergen County for Vote-by-Mail Applications to access applications in English, Espanol, and Korean. Vote-by-Mail Application Instructions (in English only) are at Click Here.

Remember, the Bergen County Clerk must receive the application by Close Of Business on May 28 if you plan to vote in the June 4 Primary.

Completing the Mail-In Ballot. 

The ballot is constructed so that the voter’s selection is not revealed by the vote counters. But that means that completing the ballot process is not a simple task. In addition to carefully reading the Mail-in-Ballot instructions when the ballot arrives, the video developed by Elections Division Supervisor Sabrina Taranto is a useful additional resource. It is found if you Click Here

Follow instructions on the ballot for getting the ballot back to the County in time to be counted – which means it must be postmarked or received by the County by 8 pm on June 4, 

2. In-Person Early Voting

If you want to vote in person before June 4, when, where, and how do you do so?

In Teaneck, the location for all early voting is at the Rodda Center (250 Court Avenue).

Days and Time for early voting are 

  • Wednesday, May 29 to Saturday, June 1 from 10 am to 8 pm. 
  • Sunday, June 2 from 10 am to 6 pm.  
  • Other early voting locations in Bergen County are found at Click Here

3) In-person voting on Primary Day (June 4);

How do you learn where to vote?

June 4 Primary Day Voting is from 6 am to 8 pm June 4. Presumably, you will have received your specific Sample Ballot in the mail. It specifies your voting location – or you can Click Here.

We have reviewed here the various logistical steps to vote in the upcoming June primary. But veteran primary voters will encounter a different ballot layout than they have seen in previous Primary elections. Some of these changes are the result of recent and ongoing litigation. Instead of the 6 offices being listed vertically, all the offices being primaried this year will be listed horizontally across the top with all candidates for that office listed below. 

For Democrats, there are three offices where there are more than a single candidate (President, US Senate, and County Democratic Committee). For the other three offices (US House, County Sheriff, and 2 County Commissioners) the party candidates are uncontested. 

In the past, the party’s preferred candidates were listed under the party heading. In this newly designed ballot, all candidates are listed under the office they are running for.

The party’s preferred candidates are identified by the slogan, “Democratic Committee of Bergen County.” 

As the various time frames draw closer, Teaneck Voices will have additional observations about the voting selection process itself.

Improving the Safety of Teaneck Streets

Improving the Safety of Teaneck Streets has become a cause of major resident anxiety as seen in recent public input at Council meetings. Several recent tragedies have accelerated this concern. Residents continue to identify specific locations where speeding and inadequate signage pose continuing alarm as is seen in this recent letter from resident Daniel Kleiber to Voices

At its 4/2/2024 meeting Council adopted Resolution 104-2024 to authorize a Complete Streets policy. At Council’s 4/16 meeting, resident Michael Rochlin effectively summarized this issue – as seen in this three-minute video:

This Week in Teaneck - April 29-May 5, 2024

Please go to Teaneck Voices’ website for additional access and agenda information that becomes available during the week. Click Here.

As no public meetings are planned for this Tuesday, and some Voices readers are observing the last two days of Passover, we will delay sending the "Re-send” version of this edition until Wednesday morning.  

Stigma Free Advisory Board –Monday, April 29 at 6:00 pm - It will be via Zoom at  Click Here and add passcode 867293

Hackensack River Greenway Advisory Board- Monday, April 29 at 8:00 pm. It will be by Zoom No other Information is currently available.

Shade Tree Advisory Board (STAB)– Wednesday, May 1, 2024, at 7:00 pm in-person at the Rodda Center

Parks, Playgrounds and Recreation Advisory Board (PPRAB)- Wednesday, May 1, 2024, at 7:30 pm at the Rodda Center in MP 3. 

Board of Education Public Workshop – Wednesday, May 1, 2024, at 8:00 pm at the High School Student Center.  Information about Zoom access and agenda is typically available 24 hours before the meeting at Click Here

  • This is the final budget hearing for the 2024-5 Board budget. This Budget information is currently available on the BOE website at Click Here

Board of Adjustment (BofA) – Thursday, May 2 at 7:00 pm in Council Chambers – no other information currently available.


Contacting Teaneck Voices

Co-Editors: Dr. Barbara Ley Toffler and Dr. Chuck Powers

IT Editor: Sarah Fisher

By Email:

By Phone: 201-214-4937

By USPS Mail: Teaneck Voices, PO Box 873. at 1673 Palisade Ave. 07666

Teaneck Voices' Website is

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