
May 1, 2024


No Arctic science event is scheduled for today.


NASA's Arctic Balloon Missions Set for 2024 Sweden Campaign

In mid-May, NASA is slated to initiate the 2024 Sweden Long-Duration Scientific Balloon Campaign at the Esrange Space Center near Kiruna, Sweden, located north of the Arctic Circle. This endeavor will deploy four stadium-sized balloons, equipped with scientific missions and technology demonstrations, through early July. "NASA's Balloon Program is excited to conduct our long-duration balloon campaign from Sweden this year," said Andrew Hamilton, acting director of NASA's Balloon Program Office.

Space Daily

Chinese Researchers Start 2024 Arctic Expedition at Yellow River Station

Three Chinese researchers arrived at China's Yellow River Station in the Arctic on Monday to conduct a variety of scientific surveys across the region over the year. Hu Zhengyi, head of the Yellow River Station, told Xinhua that the station expects to host over 50 researchers this year, who will engage in seasonal expeditions spanning four quarters.

China Daily

Study: Elongated Snouts Protect Snow-Diving Foxes from Injury

Certain fox species plunge-dive into snow to catch prey, a hunting mechanism called mousing. Red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) and arctic foxes (Vulpes lagopus) can dive into snow at speeds ranging between 2 and 4 m/s. In new research, scientists at Cornell University found that the elongated snout with higher curvature generates less impact force when it penetrates the snow, reducing the possibility of injury during impact. This skull shape also allows foxes to reach deeper into the snow, providing an advantage for catching small rodents located at greater depths. As a result, the authors predict that red and arctic foxes living in snow-covered areas will have a higher hunting success rate when mousing in snow.


Science Analyst

The National Science Foundation is seeking a qualified candidate for a Science Analyst position for the Arctic Sciences Section (ARC) within the Directorate for Geosciences (GEO), Office of Polar Programs (OPP) in Alexandria, VA. The NSF science analyst works with program officers and/or senior staff to provide an integrated and responsible effort for a research program or an area of a research program. 

USA Jobs

NEW THIS WEEK | 10:30 pm ET May 2, 2024 | Nome, Alaska USA and Virtual

Pacific Halibut: N. Bering Sea Resident?

Pacific halibut have recently become abundant in the Northern Bering Sea. Since 2019, UAF and Norton Sound Economic Development Corp. researchers have used satellite-linked tags to better understand halibut movements and spawning behavior. Come learn more about the movements of this important subsistence and commercial regional fish!

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May 13-16, 2024 | Anchorage, Alaska USA

20th International Conference on Cold Regions Engineering

This event is hosted by the University of Alaska Anchorage and the American Society of Civil Engineers. The Conference will connect engineers, academics, and cold regions experts from various disciplines to share their knowledge and experience. The conference theme is Sustainable and Resilient Engineering Solutions for Changing Cold Regions. The conference is organized around daily plenary and multi-tracked technical sessions, ethics, and hands on opportunities in with the new Arctic Environmental and Engineering Data and Design Support System (EDS).

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May 14-15, 2024 | Brussels, Belgium and virtual

EU Arctic Forum and Indigenous Peoples’ Dialogue

The European Commission and the European External Action Service jointly host the EU Arctic Forum and Indigenous Peoples’ Dialogue. The EU Arctic Forum will provide an opportunity to assess recent developments in the Arctic and to discuss challenges ahead. It will look at some of the achievements of the EU Arctic policy in recent years and will continue to provide a strategic outlook for the years to come. The Indigenous Peoples’ Dialogue will offer a platform for discussion on Arctic matters affecting Indigenous Peoples.

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May 20, 2024 | Anchorage, Alaska USA

Launch Alaska Climate Innovation Showcase

Launch Alaska hosts this event to celebrate Launch Alaska Portfolio companies and build new connections between the people and projects accelerating the energy transition in Alaska. This event is held the day before the Alaska Sustainable Energy Conference and is part of that program. 

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May 21- 23, 2024 | Anchorage, Alaska USA

Alaska Sustainable Energy Conference

Guided by the theme “Transforming Energy Now for the Next 50 Years,” the 2024 Alaska Sustainable Energy Conference will focus on real world examples in Alaska and around the globe demonstrating progress in the energy transition including established renewable sources, advancements in energy storage, and emerging technologies such as green fuels and advanced nuclear power. World-renowned speakers and experts will highlight the agenda, along with breakout tracks, panel discussions, and multiple networking opportunities.

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May 29- June 3, 2024 | Bodø, Norway

Arctic Congress Bodø 2024

Nordland Research Institute and NORD University host this event. The congress includes high-level plenary sessions, several parallel sessions, network activities, and social and cultural events. Researchers, policymakers, businesses, and students exchange knowledge and connect across the Arctic. IASSA and UArctic will also hold their General Assemblies.

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June 16-20, 2024 | Whitehorse, Yukon Canada and virtual

ICOP 2024: Integrating Perspectives of Permafrost Thaw, Change, and Adaptation

The 12th International Conference on Permafrost will consider “Integrating Perspectives of Permafrost Thaw, Change, and Adaptation.” The conference will address the most recent developments and stimulate engaging technical and scientific discussions among academics, professionals, contractors, suppliers, and students. The impacts of climate change and economic development have significantly changed the Arctic, in recent decades, resulting in a wealth of research initiatives and challenging engineering projects. Event partners include the Canadian Permafrost Association, IPA, and Yukon University.

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March 21-28, 2025 | Boulder, Colorado USA

4th International Conference on Arctic Research Planning (ICARP IV)

In lead up to its 35th anniversary in 2025, the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) is coordinating a multi-year planning process for the Fourth International Conference on Arctic Research Planning (ICARP IV) that will engage Arctic researchers, policymakers, residents, and stakeholders from around the world to collegially discuss the state of Arctic science, the place the Arctic occupies in global affairs and systems, to consider the most urgent knowledge gaps and research priorities that lie before us and to explore avenues to address these research needs. This event is hosted by a consortium of US institutions, including the University of Colorado Boulder, University of Northern Iowa, University of Alaska Fairbanks, and Alaska Pacific University. ICARP I, II, and III focused the attention of the world’s researchers toward the value of strategic international coordination in accelerating progress in addressing critical challenges. ICARP IV will build upon this concept by striving to achieve consensus and build collaborations among the leading scientific, academic, environmental, Indigenous and political organizations currently concerned with Arctic issues.

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