
Did you Know?

May 2024

May is Mental Health Awareness Month

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness and understanding of mental health issues. At the Doyle Center, we're committed to supporting mental wellness through various programs and resources. From mindfulness workshops to counseling services, we offer a range of support to help individuals navigate their mental health journey. Join us this May as we prioritize mental well-being and work together to break the stigma surrounding mental health. We invite everyone to attend our events this month to help shatter the stigma of mental health.


This is a free class, but space is limited. Reserve your spot today!

The Doyle Center is a vital resource for individuals seeking assistance with various aspects of their healthcare and financial security. From navigating the complexities of Social Security benefits to understanding Medicare options, the Center provides expert guidance and support. Moreover, we offer assistance in setting up online portals for scheduling doctor's appointments, ensuring seamless access to essential healthcare services. Our team is committed to empowering individuals to make informed decisions about their healthcare and financial well-being. To learn more about these services or to schedule an appointment to come in for help, please contact 830-257-4446 and ask for Lala Flores or

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As our community's needs evolve, we remain committed to improving the quality of life for all.

And your gift helps make it possible.

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Doyle Community Center

Phone: 830-257-4446


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