Cores Newsletter January 2023

Happy New Year! The Service Cores at the University of California, Davis Genome Center are looking forward to a wonderful year ahead supporting your research.


Bioinformatics Core

The Bioinformatics Core has over a decade of experience in helping to solve a wide variety of bioinformatics problems, large and small. We can help you with your project from experimental design, through all analyses and to publication, at competitive rates. If you have any questions about how we can help you, please get in touch. We look forward to working with you!

DNA Tech & Expression Analysis Core

The DNA Technologies and Expression Analysis Core is looking forward to working with you on high-throughput and custom sequencing, genotyping, and microarray services, as well as trainings and consultations.

Achievement: The DNA Tech Core analyzed COVID-19 testing operations for the University of California, Davis and beyond. The DNA Tech Core has performed more than 2 million COVID-19 tests!

Metabolomics Core

We are excited to start a new year of metabolomics! Our 2022 stats: 400 projects completed, 40,000 samples acquired, and 1,000,000 mass spectra added to our databases. Visit us to learn more and submit samples

New! We now have a mass spectral imaging (MALDI) instrument. The core invites collaborators to send us samples for metabolomics and lipidomics imaging to

Proteomics Core

There have been some exciting changes at the Proteomics Core!

  • New quantitative protein profiling workflows
  • New lower costs for those doing sample prep yourself
  • New faster analysis times, as fast as 5 minutes!

We have been working hard to lower costs and turnaround time while providing you with more data than ever before. We know proteomics has been very expensive in the past, but that is changing rapidly due to new acquisition techniques, notably Data Independent Acquisition (DIA) and fast chromatography. 


The TILLING Core provides mutants for rice, Arabidopsis thaliana, and tomato as well as other species on request. TILLING is a reverse genetic technique that uses chemical mutagenesis to create libraries of mutagenized individuals that are subjected to high-throughput sequencing for discovery of mutations. 


Complementary to the TILLING Core is Kitbase, a public resource and database for KitaakeX mutants. 

Yeast One Hybrid Services Core

This core carries out high-throughput mating-based yeast assays to screen for protein (transcription factor) - DNA (promoter or regulatory region) interactions. These gene-centered assays start with a DNA regulatory region of interest and enable identification of transcription factor(s) that interact with this region. The Yeast One Hybrid Services Core provides a screening service between promoters and collections of Arabidopsis, Maize, or Sorghum transcription factors. 

Upcoming Courses

Metabolomics Core

Bits & Bites #02: Introduction to the GNPS Ecosystem-Tools, Visualizations, and Data 


February 9, 2023, 9 am-12 pm 


In this course, we will familiarize the community with looking at data by reanalyzing public MassIVE data with classical molecular networking, visualizing raw mass spec data with the GNPS Dashboard, and searching/contextualizing MS/MS data with MASST.

Sign up

Bioinformatics Core

Intro to R for Bioinformatics 


Feb 27, Mar 1, 3 2023, 2-5 pm 


This three-part workshop in R is designed to help biologists with no prior data analysis experience get up to speed with the R programming language as it is widely used in many bioinformatics workflows to explore data, perform statistical analysis and generate publication quality graphics.

Sign up 

Metabolomics Core

Hands-on LC-MS Data Processing and Statistics 


March 20-24, 2023, 9 am-5 pm 


This course will feature hands-on training with real-world untargeted metabolomics data covering LC-MS data processing, compound identification, statistical analysis network mapping, and data interpretation.

Sign up

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