No Q trains between Atlantic Av-Barclays Ctr and Prospect Park
Service is rerouted in Brooklyn
- Fri 11:45 PM to Mon 5:00 AM until Aug 15
Q trains run in two sections (every 12 minutes days/evenings): (see map)
1. Between 96 St and Coney Island-Stillwell Av , making some stops on the DN lines (see below)
2. Shuttle train between Prospect Park and Coney Island-Stillwell Av
In Brooklyn:
Q trains from Manhattan only stop at Atlantic Av-Barclays Ctr*, 36 St, 59 St , and Coney Island-Stillwell Av on the N line
- Q trains to Manhattan only stop at Coney Island-Stillwell Av, Bay Pkwy, 62 St, 9 Av, 36 St, and Atlantic Av-Barclays Ctr* on the D line, then run on the R line to Canal St.
Free shuttle buses stop at Atlantic Av-Barclays Ctr, 7 Av and Prospect Park.Transfer between Q trains and shuttle buses at Atlantic Av-Barclays Ctr and/or Prospect Park .
Transfer between Q and the Q shuttle at Coney Island-Stillwell Av .
For DeKalb Av, take the R via transfer at Canal St or Atlantic Av-Barclays Ctr .
F Train Construction Update
Update from MTA:
This is a notification to inform you of scheduled work on the mainline track between the Avenue X and Kings Hwy Stations along the F train line.This project is scheduled for two consecutive weeks, commencing on Monday, July 18th, 2022, and ending on Thursday, July 28th, 2022. Scheduled working hours will be from 6:00AM-4:00PM Monday-Thursday.
- Staging of a crane will take place on Village Road South, between McDonald Ave & Village Ct.
- To accommodate the track work, Manhattan-bound F service will operate express Ave X to Kings Highway, bypassing Ave U.
- For service to Ave U, take the F to Kings Highway, transfer to Coney-Island bound F
- For service from Ave U, take the F to Ave X, transfer to Manhattan-bound F train.
- In order to safely install the new track, there will be parking restrictions along McDonald Ave between Ave U and Ave X.
- Track replacement will start south of Ave U and move south down to Ave X.
- There will be no curbside parking on either side of McDonald Avenue under the section of track being replaced.
- MTA will be maintaining one lane of traffic in each direction through the work area. Access will be given to driveways and deliveries.
- NYC DOT approved flagging and traffic devices will be utilized for the safety of the public.