The Newsletter of the International Northeast Region

March 18h, 2022 - 15 Adar II 5782

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From the Region President

Dear Friends;


The Torah portion this week is Tzav, and it describes in detail how the ancient sacrifices were performed. Not many of us think about biblical sacrifices on a regular basis, but they can be as the sacrifices that others make for us.


That leads me to think about my parents and in particular, my mother, Sara Kachuck, who turned one hundred years old on March 8, and for whom we will be celebrating a festive brunch with the whole family on March 27. I have been contemplating the sacrifices she made for us, her four daughters, three sons-in-law, seven grandchildren and ten great grandchildren. Understandably at her age there are occasional lapses in memory and eyesight issues, but generally speaking, my mother is alert, healthy, inquisitive, and engaged. She particularly remembers all those wonderful early years of her life with my father, David Kachuck z’l.


Even though in later life we tended to lead advantaged lives, in earlier years sacrifices were made. My parents were Zionists, greatly involved in working for the creation of the State of Israel. At one point, my father was sent by his Shomer Hatsair organization to Cornell University to study Animal Husbandry in preparation for Aliyah and a life on a kibbutz in Israel. Unfortunately, the Second World War prevented his dream from happening, but my parents’ love for Israel continued to be a priority. Although their income from their retail store was limited, they did not hesitate to send their four daughters to Hebrew Day Schools as well as Camp Ramah or other Jewish/Zionist camps.


My mother served as a wonderful role model for me and my sisters. She was actively involved in the Jewish community through her membership in Naamat/Pioneer Women, attending synagogue on a regular basis, participating in the lay choir, and frequently attending the educational opportunities offered. She stayed physically active through classes in dance and sports. My parents’ devotion to each other was an inspiration for not only their daughters but their grandchildren as well; and my mother’s skills in cooking and baking, which she, of course, passed down to us all, have left a legacy of family get-togethers replete with her amazing recipes.


On March 8, 2022, it was not only my mother’s birthday but also International Women’s Day – how appropriate! Since it was her milestone birthday and as an acknowledgement to her for being the special woman in my life, I was given the honour of singing the Mi Shebeirach prayer at the Makom B’Yachad service organized jointly by Masorti Olami and Women’s League for Conservative Judaism. It was truly an amazing program with participants from all over the World. If you were not able to attend, give yourself a treat and watch the recording by following this link:


Those of us who are fortunate to have children and grandchildren know the sacrifices we all make in the raising of our families, whether they be financial sacrifices, career sacrifices, or personal freedom sacrifices. We make them, however, lovingly and willingly and hopefully in the same spirit as our ancestors did when they made sacrifices to God in the ancient Tabernacle and Temple.


Shabbat Shalom

Marilyn Cohen, INR President

Thank You's and a Reminder

Thank you to all of our Region Affiliates who have paid their Per Capita membership dues to Women’s League. If you are not among those who have paid your Per Capita, please do so as soon as possible. These monies are how Women’s League funds all of the wonderful programs we have been enjoying via Zoom lately.

Soon, we will be together / B’Yachad again.

Ya’asher Kochachen to our INR Program Committee who organized the wonderful lecture “But They Were Good to Their Mothers: Jewish Gangsters in America.” Helene Herman brought to life her personal experiences and extensive research, as she navigated the world of the Jewish underworld. It was a truly fascinating story and if you were not able to attend the evening, you can watch it on our INR website –


Todah Rabah to Helene Herman and to our committee, Adele Weinstein, Joan Lowenstein and Toby Maser, for all their work on this project.


From our Torah Fund Vice President

Torah Fund – B’Yachad – Together

In preparing for a recent program planning meeting for our upcoming Spring Conference (Save the date: June 12th!), I was doing some research about the history of Torah Fund. Torah Fund is 80 years strong in 2022. Think about how far we have come in 80 years. Donations to Torah Fund help the students of our five Conservative/Masorti seminaries. But 80 years ago, there was only one seminary – The Jewish Theological Seminary in New York. Today we have seminaries in New York, Los Angeles, Jerusalem, Buenos Aries, and Potsdam. Think about that: We have a seminary in Germany! Seventy years after the end of the dark days of the Holocaust, Jewish students are studying in Germany and our dollars support those students. To all who donate, thank you. What a difference those Torah Fund donors have made for 80 years and for years to come.


None of us can foresee the future. From our history, we know that our donations have made a difference for the education of rabbis, cantors, educators and scholars. To ensure that support continues, will you consider joining the Torah Fund Legacy Society? Learn more here:

Torah Fund Legacy Society - Jewish Theological Seminary (


There are multiple ways to give: Paper cards and E-Cards are available on the Torah Fund website. Online donations and payment by checks/cheques are always appreciated. Some like to use paper. Some like to use electrons. Whichever you prefer, we always say thank you!


In the US:

To donate on line to Torah Fund, go to: Donate to Torah Fund (

To send an e-card:

In Canada:

To donate to Torah Fund, please make your check payable to Jewish Theological Society and send to 100 Elder Street • North York, Ontario, M3H 5G7. A Canadian tax receipt will be issued and sent to you.

To donate online, go to

and after you purchase a card for $5, you may make additional donations.


Questions? Problems? Contact me:

Linda Boxer

INR Torah Fund VP

Our Upcoming Region Programs:

Our programs are a benefit of your membership in your local affiliated Sisterhood/Women's Group 

or as an Individual Member of Women's League for Conservative Judaism


Help Wanted:

What: A Few Good People!

For: The INR Communications Team!

RequirementsPrior experience working with Constant Contact is not absolutely necessary but is a plus - training will be provided.

If you are interested or know of someone who might be a good “fit”, please contact Joan Lowenstein at

Thank You!

From Women's League:

Check out our Calendar on the website for upcoming programs: 

WLCJ Calendar

Masorti Women's Study Day

Follow up and recordings


Letter sent on Thursday, March 10, 2022 by Diane Friedgut to all participants who attended Women’s Days of Study.


Dear Women's Study Days Registrants, (עברית בהמשך)


Due to the Schechter staff's heavy involvement with the Ukraine relief efforts, my usual request for feedback letter re the two recent Masorti Women's Study Days never went out and there was a delay in sending you the recordings. My apologies.

You can see the latest update on the situation in Ukraine...

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Combat U.N. War on Israel Today! Here's How

Masorti Olami and The Schechter Institutes are in close contact with our communities across Ukraine, and while there is extreme uncertainty and panic right now, we are sharing with you, our friends and supporters around the world, what we know about the current situation on the ground.

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An Update And Prayer For Peace In Ukraine

Masorti Olami and The Schechter Institutes are in close contact with our communities across Ukraine, and while there is extreme uncertainty and panic right now, we are sharing with you, our friends and supporters around the world, what we know about the current situation on the ground.

The present situation in Ukraine is extremely challenging with mass panic and residents fleeing towards the west of the country, away from lines of contact, causing blocked roads and traffic jams. Cash machines across the country have run out of cash, and gas stations are out of gas.


Kharkiv, a city in northeastern Ukraine, is only 100km from the border with Russia, and has been hit the hardest so far, experiencing explosions in the early hours of this morning. Entrances and exits to the city, as well as schools have already been closed, and the Russian army is getting closer. We are trying to get all of our communities in Ukraine to our western-most community in Chernivtsi, as it is the safest option right now, where Rabbi Reuven and Lena Stamov, our shlichim in Ukraine are currently with their family. This means organizing immediate transport, and reserving accommodation for refugees fleeing from other cities. In the meantime, we are also arranging for 150 packages with cookies, chocolate and juice, to be brought to the children, to try and lift their spirits in this challenging time. 


(Pictured above: NOAM Family Camp in the Carpathian Mountains)

To view the prayer service that took place on February 24th on Facebook, go to:

In the US donate via The Schechter Institutes, Inc.

or via Masorti Olami:  Support Our Work (

Israeli donations via the Schechter Institute:

Shabbat Message

My Trip to Israel

By Debbi Kaner Goldich,

International President

Four weeks ago today I left for the trip of a lifetime to Israel. Waiting for me in Israel was our Executive Director Rabbi Ellen Wolintz-Fields. I stayed eleven days and although I have been home almost two weeks, I still feel so excited and as though I just left. I arrived Tuesday afternoon and was met at the airport by my friends Debi and Jon Bruce. Debi is the International Recording Secretary and I stayed with them for two nights before the conference. My negative Covid test results came in the middle of the night. Over the next three days Rabbi Ellen and I met with our WLCJ database manager Joyce Levitas, our wiz events manager Rich Levitas, visited Neve Hanna where we both sit on the Board, had lunch with Naomi Graetz who teaches at the Masorti Women’s Day of Study, visited with Avner Moriah, the artist whose paintings hang in the WLCJ Educational Pavilion at JTS at his studio, prayed at Nava Tehilla, had lunch on Shabbat at the home of Rabbi Paul Freedman and his lovely wife Nina and on Wednesday met with Tehila Ruben, the Deputy Director of Masorti. 


Before Shabbat Rabbi and I moved to the Inbal hotel which was the site of the conference. The conference began Sunday morning. As a participant in the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations 47th Leadership Mission, I was thrilled to return to Israel. This was my fourth trip and very different from all the rest. The purpose of this Conference of Presidents is to hold an assembly for all American Jewish leaders of 53 major organizations to have one place when a group or official want to contact those leaders. It is a place for professionals and lay leaders to hear from and interact with Israel’s political and military leaders while networking with each other. The conference was canceled last year and extra safety measures were in place to ensure our safety. 


Over the five days, the COP met with President Isaac Herzog, at his beautiful residence, Prime Minister Naftali Bennet, US Ambassador to Israel Tom Nides, Foreign Minister Yair Lapid, Defense Minister Benny Gantz, Opposition Leader Benjamin Netanyahu, Knesset Speaker Mickey Levy, Minister of Regional Cooperation Issawi Frej, Member of Knesset Mansour Abbas, Justice minister Gidon Saar, Ambassador of Morocco Abderrahim Beyyoudh, Minister of Diaspora Affairs Nachman Shai, Yad Vashem chairman Dani Dayan, Pnina Tamano-Shata the Minister of Aliya and Integration and other Members of Knesset (MK) at the Knesset building. Other celebrated speakers included Natan Sharansky, journalists, business leaders and military leaders. 


We visited Jerusalem City Hall and met with the Mayor and Deputy Mayor. We visited the Gaza Border and the new IDF Home Front Command Headquarters. The opportunity to network with leaders of other organizations was integral to the conference. Rabbi Ellen and I were a presence at the conference. We shared as well as learned from the leaders who have the same challenges and successes. We both chaired a session and Rabbi lead the delegation in Havdalah on Saturday night. 


What a trip! The highlight of a challenging year and a half of my presidency during this Pandemic. It was truly an honor to represent Women’s League for Conservative Judaism at the conference. The trip lasted eleven days and the jetlag lasted almost a week but the memories will last a lifetime.


Shabbat shalom,



Debbi Kaner Goldich

WLCJ International President

Seaboard Region Education Day - Open to All Members - Sunday, March 20th @ 1 PM ET

Click on the flyer above for more information and register, or go to:

Jews in Film - Somewhere Over The Rainbow Series 3 -

Monday, March 21st @ 3 PM ET


Lois Silverman

WLCJ Communications Chair

Register for Session 3

Jews in Film, a Women's League education program; Somewhere over the Rainbow – The Jewish Connection to Movie Musicals of the 1930s.


Join Lois Silverman as she presents how Jews and their music have influenced American music and especially American musical theater. This truly American art form attracted the talents of the greatest songwriters of the pre-rock era who between them wrote the musical and lyrics for practically all the great musicals of the ’30s and ’40s.

Pre-Passover Program - Thursday, March 24th @ 8:30 PM ET

Questions? Contact

Rabbi Margie Cella

WLCJ Educator

Getting Our Heads [Back] Into the Seder:

A Pre-Passover Program

When Purim passes, we throw ourselves into cleaning, shopping, and cooking. Let’s take some time to plan for the main event, exploring together ways in which we can enhance our seders.


This program is lead by Rabbi Margie Cella, WLCJ Educator.


Social Media Workshop - Sunday, March 27th @ 3 PM ET


Lois Silverman

Communications Co-Chair

Want to know more about how to set up a Facebook account for your Sisterhood or Region? Do you need a Sisterhood or Region Facebook page? We will walk you through the steps and also give you some tips and tricks to make your account and page safe and successful.


Sustainability: Today, Tomorrow, and L'Dor V'Dor -

Tuesday, March 29th @ 7:30 PM ET



7:30 PM - 8:30 PM 








Corinne Hammerschlag

Environment Co-Chair



Lymor Wasserman

Environment Co-Chair


“It Could Happen Here” Webinar - April 25 @ 8:00 PM ET


Join us for this urgent conversation with Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of ADL, who will speak to Chancellor Dr. Shuly Rubin Schwartz about ways that we as individuals, as organizations, and as a society can strike back against anitisemitism and hate.


Drawing on ADL's decades of experience in fighting hate through investigative research, education programs, and legislative victories as well as his own personal story and his background in business and government, Greenblatt will offer strategies on how we, as individuals, as organizations, and as a society, can strike back against hate.

Programming Idea of the Week

Submitted by

Grace Schessler, WL Programming Chair

The Braid.jpg

Women's League Archives

Cory Schneider

Archives Chair and Consultant

Tel. 717-574-1807

Women’s League Archives: Join Us in Our Quest!

Exciting things are happening with our Women’s League archives. The Board of Women’s League voted to permanently loan our archives to the Jewish Theological Seminary. This is fabulous since it will insure our historical items will be stored and catalogued properly and will be more accessible to our members as well as the public.


During the next few months, we will be transferring all of our archival material (and there is a lot) to JTS. And you can help! We want to make sure we have everything needed from Women’s League international, our branches and regions to tell our story. Do you have hidden away somewhere meeting minutes, branch/region directories, brochures, newsletters, event information, memorabilia, creative handcrafts? Photographs?


We are asking you to search through your files, albums and boxes of materials and gather them together. Please label the pictures with a date, what event, who the people are, and where are they. Please label other items with their story (if not told in the item). Then send it on to Rabbi Ellen Wolintz-Fields at 627 Bowne Road, Ocean Township, NJ 07712. For questions, contact Cory Schneider.


Thanks in advance for your help!


Also, watch for information on three new How to Live Forever zoom presentations: Collecting and Organizing Your Sisterhood Archives, Collecting and Organizing Your Region Archives, and Writing Your Organization’s Story.

Women's League Resolution 2022

Download Resolutions (PDF)

Upon reading the Women's Health Resolution, please cast your VOTE. To vote, click on the button below and it'll take you to a doodle website. 

All you need to input is your name and email to cast your vote.


Karen Cuker

Public Policy & Resolutions Co-Chair


Marlene Oslick

Public Policy & Resolutions Co-Chair

To the Membership of WLCJ,




The Resolutions and Public Policy Committee has approved the following Women’s Health Resolution (2022). This resolution passed the WLCJ Executive Committee and was offered to our membership for comment in WL Week. The Resolutions Committee, which drafted this resolution, reviewed all the member comments and made some changes and clarifications which the committee deemed appropriate and which enhanced the spirit of the resolution. 


Now we are asking the 40,000 members of WLCJ to vote yes or no on this resolution. If passed, this resolution becomes an official position of Women’s League and a part of our historical archive. 


Further, our hope is that our Sisterhoods will develop programming and projects inspired by this resolution.


Please take a moment to read the WLCJ Women’s Health Resolution (2022) and VOTE.


Thank you,

Marlene Oslick and Karen Cuker,

Public Policy & Resolutions Co-Chairs

* Deadline extended to March 4th to Vote *

Jewels in the Crown Returns to Convention 2023

Jewels in the Crown is an opportunity for your Sisterhood to be honored for exceptional programming and participation. See below for information and application.


For more information:

Download the Application

Weekly Words of Torah

Parashat Tzav: Leviticus 6:1-8:36

Haftarah: Jeremiah 7:21-8:3, 9:22-23 - March 19, 2022


This week’s parashah continues the description of the various types of sacrifices. Here we learn about the burnt, meal, sin, guilt, and peace offerings: what was sacrificed, the reasons for each, and who got to eat the sacrifice. Only Aaron and his male descendants were permitted to eat the priestly portion, only peace offerings were eaten by the person who brought them. Neither the blood nor the fat was to be consumed by anyone...

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Makom B'Yachad

Want to sing, teach, help with technology, and more during Daily Psalm Study, and Kaddish?

Sign up to Lead a Part in Makom B'Yachad


Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday

12 PM Noon ET; 11 AM CT; 9 AM PT;

10 AM MT

Join Zoom Meeting:    

Meeting ID: 630 830 287          

Password: 875936                      


Dial by your location: 

+1 929 205 6099 US (New York); 

+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose); 

+1 647 558 0588 (Canada); 

+972 55 330 1762 (Israel); or

find your local number:

Women of the Wall

Tallit Styles Flyer

WOW Merchandise

All prices include regular shipping (with tracking, 2-4 weeks). Express shipping costs an extra $20 per item:

Four Mothers - $250

Order Online

Garden of Eden - $225

Order Online

Spirit of Israel - $250

Order Online

Siddur - $36

Order Online

Challah Cover - same design as our Garden of Eden tallit - $72

Order Online

our copy should address

The Rabbinical Assembly - Preorder

Coming soon from the Rabbinical Assembly: A new edition of Megillat Esther! Newly translated and interpreted for the 21st century, this Hebrew-English edition draws on traditional sources, contemporary scholarship, and deep insights from Conservative rabbis to bring the megillah to life.


The discount

code is 


Megillat Esther: The Book of Esther features:

The Hebrew text of the megillah. An expanded narrative translation (by Rabbi Martin S. Cohen) that evokes the playfulness and allusiveness of the megillah.

A second, contextual translation (by Rabbi Pamela Barmash) that draws on contemporary scholarship in Biblical Hebrew to capture the literary style and linguistic connotations of the Hebrew text. Thoughtful essays on each chapter of the megillah that unfold its literary and religious meanings. Insightful comments on selected verses by a diverse group of Conservative rabbis, including Rachel Ain, Jacob Blumenthal, Neil F. Blumofe, Analia Bortz, Susan Leider, Zachary Silver, Amy S. Wallk, and Yonatan M. Warren.


Blessings to be recited before and after the public reading of the megillah on Purim, as well as the accompanying evening (Arvit) service from Siddur Lev Shalem.


By bringing multiple voices and interpretations to the Book of Esther, Megillat Esther reflects the rich diversity of people and approaches that characterizes Conservative Judaism. This innovative book will yield fresh insights and enhance your experience of Purim year after year.


Preview chapter 1 of the megillah here.


Megillat EstherThe Book of Esther, edited by Martin S. Cohen. List price $15.00, discounted price of $10.00 for RA/CA/USCJ or bulk orders of 50+


Now available for preorders here. Books will ship in February 2022. Purim is March 17-18.

Ongoing WLCJ Happenings

The cost for the weekly questions email and hard-cover book is currently $99. For more information and to receive a $10 discount click below:

Women's League for Conservative Judaism gets a donation by using the link.

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Cory Schneider

Archives Chair & Consultant

Past International President

Administrator, Torah Fund Legacy Society

Stock the Shelves

Shout out to Temple Aaron in Saint Paul, MN

Your contribution will help reduce food insecurity among our neighbors. Check with your local pantry for other suggestions.

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Debbie Bettan

Social Justice Project Chair

Karen Block

Social Justice Co-Chair

Ardis Wexler

Social Justice Co-Chair


We brought back the WLCJ App.

It's available for download on all devices (iPhone/iPad/Google Play/Android).


The Women's League website now is available in all languages.


Visit our website:

Visit Us

WL Groups to Join


Want to join WLCJNet?

Contact Sherry Lynn Rubin,

Sisterhood Net Chair

Email Sherry Lynn

American Mothers of Olim GoogleGroup

Contact Ellie Kremer,

the WLCJ Israel Committee Chair by text or email:

Email Ellie


Join the WL PrezNet

Toby Maser

PrezNet Moderator

Email Toby

Previous WLCJ Programming

Weren't able to join us? Visit our Youtube Channel for more videos. View our past recordings.

Visit Youtube

News from Seminaries WLCJ Supports

Israel and "The New Jew"; Our Opening Season; Online Courses, and More

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The Book of Esther, Tour Morocco and More

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Schechter's Winter 2022 Hybrid and Zoom Courses

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Torah Fund eCards

New Digital Torah Fund eCards Available NOW:

Send a greeting with ecards and support Torah Fund! Make your gift more meaningful by using our ecards for every occasion!

Torah Fund eCards in USA
Torah Fund eCards in CANADA

Additional Opportunities

50th Anniversary Mission to Israel

The Fuchsberg Jerusalem Center - July 11-17, 2022

This coming July, Fuchsberg Jerusalem Center welcomes you back to an open and thriving post-pandemic Israel for an educational, inspiring, and unforgettable week-long mission where we will put our Jewish identities FRONT AND CENTER. For Itinerary and Registration:


Join/Renew in USA
Join/Renew in Canada

Valley Beit Midrash - March through May 2022

A Virtual Tour of the First Jewish Community in North America!

Thursday, March 24

1:00 pm - 2:00 pm PDT

Non-member: $18

Member: FREE

Presented by

Janet R. Kirchheimer

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Suffering Servants! How to Deal with the Missionary at the Door

Thursday, April 7

11:00 am - 12:00 pm PDT

Non-member: $18

Member: FREE

Presented by Rabba Dr Lindsey Taylor-Guthartz

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Devorah the Prophet: A Model of Leadership Irrespective of Gender

Thursday, May 5

1:00 pm - 2:00 pm PDT

Non-member: $18

Member: FREE  

Presented by Rabbi Dina Najman

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More events, go to:

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INR of Women's League for Conservative Judaism