Conference E-Newsletter
November/December 2021 - Volume 4, Issue 9
The purpose of the Oklahoma Conference is to 
"Proclaim, Disciple, Live With Christ"
Already 2021 is nearly behind us and we are looking around the corner to 2022. We are that much closer to the coming of Christ! As we look back on this year, COVID was still strong; we had our 70th constituency; there was in-person summer camp; and in-person camp meeting! Sad to say, many of our people were lost to COVID, but the good news is that the next voice they hear will be that of our Savior! Hallelujah!

So, as we come to the point of the finalization of 2021, we can only see the hand of God. By His grace alone has some of the darkness departed, and new light is on the horizon. May it be His Mount Zion! The Living Translation of Isaiah 43:2 sums  up our last two years: "When you go through the deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you." Our response to this promise is with a humble spirit—thank you, LORD. 

A great story of how one person listening to God can change the world in a small but big way is from the Cleveland church, north of Bristow. It was damaged by a tree that fell on the roof, had to close and remained closed until a short time ago. After the tree fell on the roof, the insurance wouldn't cover all the damage. Several other things happened, and the church family grew discouraged and spread to surrounding churches. One day, one man had been given a burden for God's little church. This gentleman believed that he needed to do something to get the church reopened. He came to me one day, and the two of us prayed for guidance for the Cleveland Church. He reached out to the Cleveland Church family, and the Holy Spirit ignited a dream to work and reopen the church. The conference office was happy to be involved in the process: outside walls were painted, the inside walls were repaired, new floors, new lights, new paint, and new carpet completed the work! I am excited about the Cleveland Church! They are going to rededicate the opening of their church. The members are renewed along with the church building, and all are excited to go on with the mission of God. How did this all happen? It happened by one man listening to the voice of God and carrying out the call because that is all it takes. Just as God used one little boy and his lunch to feed 5,000, so can He revive and inspire through you. God is calling each of us today.

The OK Conference Executive Committee met on October 21, 2021. 

Elder Shires began the vision with a question, "How Can We Help You, OK Conference?" The committee responded with a list of ideas pertaining to this question. A few of them are: better websites for the churches, growing young, retaining young adults, actualizing the Three Angels' Message, holding specific leadership training, communication with podcasts and videos, and how to be intentional in using the young people for God's service. 

An anonymous donor gave some property in Branson, MO, to set up an endowment fund for the Ardmore Adventist Academy. The Executive Board approved the sale of the property.

The committee also approved to change the bank signature to the new treasurer, Charles Reel. 

The Conference business hours changed to Mon-Thurs. from 8:00 am-6:00 pm and closed on Friday.

The Executive Committee voted new members to fill the vacancies on the committee: Lonnie Carbaugh will represent the OK County area, and Wes Via will represent the SE area, 

By God's grace, the PPP loan received through the pandemic was approximately 90% forgiven. We are excited that we can now replace the money that was used to keep programs going. Praise the Lord!

District updates:
  • Anthony Adams is at the Choctaw and Shawnee District. 
  • Ben Burkhardt has the Alva, Cherokee, Shattuck, and Woodward District.
  • Erwin Nanasi has the Antlers, Coalgate and Hugo District.
  • Barry Smith has the Altus, Elk City, and Weatherford District.
  • Leonardo Castillo has the Independent Spanish Church, Tulsa Central Spanish Church, and Broken Arrow Spanish Church District.
  • Kwansoo Kim has been assigned to the Tulsa Korean Church.
  • Lonnie Carbaugh has the OKC and Yukon District.

As you can see, God has had His hand over you and your church family throughout the state of Oklahoma. Give Him praise and continue to pray for the times to come. God bless you.
Oklahoma Conference Welcomes New Employees
Pastor Erwin Nanasi and his wife Janell will be serving in the Antlers, Coalgate, and Hugo Churches. Please keep them in prayer as they make this transition.
Upcoming Events!
The church was born at Pentecost when the first Christians came together to pray. As they prayed, they drew nearer to Jesus and then to each other. This is our greatest need today. After the groups received the Holy Spirit, they took the gospel to the world. We have been given the same commission today! Go tell the world that Jesus is coming soon and share how to get ready. To do this will take big prayers, serious prayers. That’s what we plan to pray about at our upcoming prayer conference at Wewoka Woods Adventist Center. Come and join us ~ big prayers change lives, change families, change churches, and change the world.  Let’s come together and pray big.
Our annual Youth Rally will be taking place in Moore, OK this fall. You don't want to miss this program! There will be inspiring music, Christ-centered preaching, fellowship, an outreach opportunity, an afternoon hike, games and so much more including opportunities to meet other young Adventists! We will start Friday evening and conclude Saturday night. Register soon and qualify to win one of many cool prizes and to be included in the Sabbath lunch count. Our guest speaker will be Pastor Josh Ramirez from New Mexico who will be sharing on our theme, "Be the Church."
Les invitamos a participar en nuestro próximo entrenamiento de Ministerio Infantil este 19 y 20 de noviembre en la iglesia de Midwest City. 
Tendremos temas super interesantes que ayudarán a los maestros en gran manera, no sólo en su ministerio con los niños, sino también ministrando a los padres. Terminaremos con la Certificación, entrega de diploma y pines. Nuestra invitada especial desde la Unión es la hna. Sonia Cano. No se lo pierda! Todos seremos bendecidos.
The Growing Together Cohort is a robust multi-year learning journey to build thriving Seventh-day Adventist churches for all generations, while specifically reaching, loving, and empowering younger generations better. The Oklahoma Conference has partnered with the Southwestern Union and the North American Division to make this opportunity for our Oklahoma churches. Click on the link below to learn more and to register. Contact Pastor Daniel Ortega if you have any questions.
The Oklahoma Conference is working together with the North American Division (NAD) Immigrant Minstries Department and with local organizations to help in the resettlement of refugees from Afghanistan. They anticipate that thousand of refugees will come to Oklahoma in the next year looking to get started on a new life. Some have already arrived and continue to come daily. Our conference is in partnership with the NAD and local relief agencies to assist in this humanitarian work. The Conference officers and pastors from Tulsa and Oklahoma City recently met virtually with NAD leaders to learn how we can help the refugees get settled in Oklahoma. This presents great opportunities for making friends and witnessing to the refugees as they acclimate to life here. There is a great need for volunteers to help in this ministry. The NAD will provide training and orientation on how to get involved.. We have an experienced missionary who is our point person and can be contacted to get started. His name is Ira Farley and he can be reached at 423-994-1422. The Lord has brought the mission field to us; let's reach out to these newly arrived refugees and be Christ’s hands to minister to them in their time of need.
Out and About ...
Studio Dedication at
Adventist Fellowship
On September 18, 2021 the Adventist Fellowship Podcast Studio in Tulsa, Oklahoma was officially dedicated and opened. The studio contains state of the art video and audio production equipment for podcasts, video, and all online production. The table, chairs, studio sound-proofing material, microphones and many other components were donated by Terry Gobbo, a faithful member of Adventist Fellowship.The studio was dedicated on behalf of her mother, Barbara Harper. Terry exemplifies a commitment to seeing the gospel shared locally and globally. She stated sharing the gospel was her mother’s heartbeat and she would be blessed to see such an awesome endeavor completed in her honor. We thank God for members like Terry Gobbo and her family, who are proactive and committed to ensuring that our church, Adventist Fellowship, has the current equipment to share the gospel.

In addition, our conference secretary, Elder Park, was invited and toured the studio. He was pleased and excited to see the awesome space and technology in use for the gospel. Pastor Nic Coutet, Adventist Fellowship Senior Pastor, spoke about the extent that this studio will impact the community, the church, and the world. Adventist Fellowship Project Manager, Jackson Whitacre, shared the importance of the vision for the studio. Elder Kevin Mather prayed for the studio and the Harper-Gobbo family. There were many leaders and church family in attendance.
We want to thank the Gobbo family and all of the volunteers that assisted in building the studio, installing the equipment and assisting in a myriad of ways.

We are excited to see the upcoming podcasts from our youth, young adults, pastors, women’s ministry and a plethora of other ministries. We praise God for this opportunity and privilege to lift up the name of Jesus with excellence and current technology.

Pastor Karol Mosebay
Women's Fall Retreat
OKLA- On October 10, 2021, the Oklahoma Conference Women’s Ministry hosted their Fall Retreat at the Embassy Suites in Norman, Oklahoma. The theme was “guard your heart and grow in Jesus Christ.” There were women in attendance from the entire state and our wonderful neighboring state, Texas. After registration, the women walked into a beautiful ballroom decorated with a small gift, resources, and a beautiful centerpiece. The theme color was blue, and everywhere you looked, a variety of beautiful women were wearing beautiful shades of blue. 

After a few announcements, a beautiful poem and welcome by Pastor Karol Mosebay from Adventist Fellowship started the service. A rousing roll call of the churches present was given by Ella Suttle and the program started with worship of Jesus Christ. All the songs were hymns, starting with an invitation for sisters to worship together by Josiah Mullins.  Following worship, speaker, Cynthia Mercer taught the importance and the steps of guarding your heart. It was a phenomenal unpacking of scripture and the importance of sisters to be supportive and helpful to each other rather while guarding their heart. 
After a delicious lunch consisting of pasta, grilled vegetables, and sandwiches, the second part of the program took place. Ninett Campos, Hispanic Ministries Women’s Ministry leader, and Damaris Prieto led the ladies in making a beautiful craft jar containing bible promises. While the craft was a blessing for the ladies present, there was an emphasis to utilize it as an evangelistic tool to share with family, friends, and other ladies. The ladies were blessed with another awesome hymn by Josiah and an informative and transformational presentation of growing in Jesus, by Cynthia. During both sessions we had a wonderful ministry for the tween and teen girls led by three collegiate young ladies: Kiara Kincaid, Jimena Velazquez, and Ariana Kincaid. In addition, there was a wonderful team of ladies that translated the messages into Spanish. 

The final thought was presented by Pastor Karol Mosebay, and she spoke the Deuteronomic blessings form Deuteronomy 7:12-15, over the ladies, prayed and closed with the hymn from Josiah, “It Is Well with My Soul.”  God blessed the retreat immensely with His presence and His purpose. God kept the inclement weather from disrupting the retreat. Praise God! The retreat was an anointed and uplifting day of focusing on Jesus Christ, fellowship, and fun activities for evangelism. Thank you, Oklahoma Conference for your support of Women’s Ministry. A special thank you to Carlene Vigneron and Damaris Prieto for assisting and blessing the ladies in a profound way. Thank you to the team of volunteers; your service was above excellence. A heartfelt thanks and blessing to every woman and girl that attended. May God continue to keep, guide, bless, and transform you and your family all the days of your lives, in Jesus' name. 

Karol Mosbey, Women's Ministry Director
Youth Work Bee at Wewoka Woods Camp
WEWOKA, OKLA - On Sunday, October 17, young people and youth leaders from five different churches arrived at Wewoka Woods Adventist Center early in the morning to take care of some much needed manual labor. Some of the projects included pulling out weeds and clearing the flower beds behind the lodge, repairing the lodge fence, adding shelving, reorganizing storage sheds, clearing out old junk adjacent to the maintenance building, and putting the extremely large and heavy pool cover back over the pool for the winter. A special thanks to those who came out from Arbuckle View, OKC Central, Cherokee, First Tulsa, and Edmond churches.

Daniel Ortega, Youth Director
Spanish Evangelism
OKLA - Preaching is the highest ministry given by God to man. It is about proclaiming God's truths to the world, so it should never be taken lightly and during these two months our Spanish churches have taken this ministry of preaching with enthusiasm, dedication, decisiveness and with the power of the Holy Spirit, trusting that we would see modern miracles and lives transformed by the power of God's word. Martin Luther said, "I preach as if Christ was crucified yesterday, rose again today, and is going to return tomorrow." In eight churches and eight groups in our conference there were evangelistic campaigns resulting in the revival of churches and 30 new baptisms for the glory of our God. Every conversion is a miracle, every soul won to heaven, costing the precious drops of blood of the Son of God. 

In every congregation we were able to witness true miracles that occurred during these campaigns. 

Tulsa Central-Abrielle and Maelie Poueriet are twin girls who were born physically on the same day and spiritually as well; they were baptized on September 25 at Tulsa's central church. For health reasons Maelie was isolated for several months without being able to go to church, but her desire and prayer was that God would give her the privilege of being in the church and being baptized. It is the fruit of many answered prayers and a miracle of health and new life.

Capitol Hill, OKC-Four girls from the Pathfinder club made their decision for the Lord, but one of them in particular is Sarai, the church miracle girl. Burdened by illness, Sarai, her family, and the church cried out to God for a miracle to restore her health and God listened to those requests. Along with the teachers at Parkview Adventist Academy, all members of the church and the Pathfinder club rejoiced at the time of her baptism.

Independence, Tulsa-When the building project for the baptistry in the church began, many members donated their time to do this work. When the time came to work on the concrete, Margarito showed up with 16 of his co-workers, as volunteers to do this work, and five months later, Margarito entered that baptistry that he helped build without imagining that it would be the place where he would find Jesus. 

Lawton- Juan and Guadalupe Amador were faithful members of their Baptist church for 25 years, but when they were invited to the campaign they learned more about the word of God. They were impressed with the message and brought other friends to the campaign as well. At the end of the campaign, they made the decision to be baptized in the Adventist church of Lawton. Before their baptism, they went to their church and publicly explained the reasons why they had made this decision, explaining clearly, that they would remain friends and brothers, but that they had learned a more complete message of the word of the Lord. 

We invite everyone to follow the task of preaching, for it is the most important work ahead of us in these last day. “If a man cannot preach with passion, he should not preach at all.”- Leonard Ravenhill

Luis Prieto, Spanish Ministries Coordinator
Pathfinder Union Camporee
ATHENS, TEX. - On the last weekend of October, 375 Oklahoma pathfinders and their leaders, representing 22 clubs, showed up to Lone Star Camp in Athens, Texas for the Southwestern Union Pathfinder Camporee. Over 3,800 attended this unforgettable weekend including other Pathfinders from Texas, New Mexico, Arkansas and Louisiana.

After setting up their tents and campsite Thursday evening, the Pathfinders walked across the camp and set up their lawn chairs under the big pavilion to begin the first of the worship services led by other Pathfinders. Throughout the weekend Pastor Nicardo Delaheye, the guest speaker from Connecticut, preached boldly and passionately from the Bible on the weekend's theme, "It’s My Time."  

Friday was a full day for the Pathfinders who spent a great part of the day participating and learning from over 70 honors and activities spread out through the entire camp. Some of the most popular included Blacksmithing, Birds, Stamps, Puppetry, Soap Crafts, Bible Trivia, Braiding, First Aid, just to name a few. Oklahoma sponsored a few highly popular options including Bubbles, Native American Indian Lore, Four Men Ski, Nine-Square-in-the-Air, Bullroar, and Dutch Oven. 

Saturday started off with an energetic parade through the camp leading up the main pavilion to begin the morning worship service, which was led by Oklahoma's All Nations drum corp. After the worship service was over, the masses walked over to the pool to witness the commitment of 30 Pathfinders as they walked into the waters to be baptized. Five of those Pathfinders were from the Oklahoma Conference. Amen!

Saturday night’s program showcased talent from Oklahoma’s very own Pathfinders. The Arbuckle View club presented a wonderful rendition of "Be Thou My Vision" on string instruments, followed by a sermon from ninth grader Enddy Devia from Independence Spanish, and a Bible skit by the Guymon club. After sundown, hundreds of Pathfinders spent the evening doing a variety of social activities such as pin trading, visiting other camp sites, hanging out around the fire, exchanging social media information, and simply hanging out with old and newly formed friends. It was the perfect ending to a great weekend.  

Daniel Ortega, Youth Director
Students Blessed with a Meal
ARDMORE, OKLA. - Ardmore Adventist Academy students and staff were very blessed by a church member who decided to buy Subway sandwiches for everyone! Students are provided with an opportunity to have a hot lunch every Wednesday, with Mrs. Chelsea Speidel coordinating all the lunches. But no one expected a church member to be so generous! Imagine how they felt when Mr. Bob McCoy drove up and opened the sliding door of his van to reveal loads of Subway boxes! The students really enjoyed their meal and gave thanks not only to Mr. McCoy, but to God as well. We as so blessed to have such generous people who love young people!

Dr. Mary Burton, Principal
Children's Emphasis Sabbath
OKLA - October 2 was the North American Division's designated Children’s Emphasis Sabbath. Churches from around the Oklahoma Conference prepared a special program with our children doing some or all of the worship service. Isaac Ortega gave the sermon at Oklahoma City Central, along with many of the other children providing all of the other essential portions of the church service. At the Edmond church, the Junior Sabbath school class provided a wonderful skit for the children’s story, the kindergarten class had special music, and children led out in the offering call and prayer. Oklahoma Central Spanish Church had a special program honoring children. One of the highlights were mothers, in Bible time costumes, bringing their children to Jesus to be blessed. They went to the park in the afternoon for a wonderful time together. What a blessing it was to have our children not only be the focus of the church service, but the ones that were leading out as well. 

Now is the time to be training our children and young people to lead out in our churches, training and mentoring them in the various aspects of our worship services. The Bible tells us to Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”  Prov. 22:6. Giving children the opportunity to participate in the worship service, teaching them how to speak and pray up front, inviting them to share their musical talents, teaching them to help learn how to run the PA, and allowing them to make mistakes in a safe environment, are all part of “training up a child.” I challenge you to make your church a place where children can grow and treated as integral, essential members.

Norma Shepherd, Children's Ministries Coordinator
Ardmore Church Hosts Godhead Symposium
ARDMORE, OKLA.- “Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love.” 1 John 4:8. Have you ever deeply pondered this verse? The verse does not read that God displays love or God demonstrated love but as a declaration of being that God IS love. What a concept?! Do you believe the Bible to be true? Was there ever a time when God was not love?

Where do we see the greatest demonstration of love? The family unit as God has originally intended places love on full display. True, love can exist between a young couple but it is expanded exponentially when a child becomes the outworking of that loving relationship. Therefore, love is perfected between three parties, made in the image of God. This was one of many incredible insights covered in the recent Godhead/Trinity Symposium held in Ardmore.

Distinguished doctors Frank Hasel, Jiri Moskala, Denis Kaiser, and Clinton Wahlen from the Biblical Research Institute graciously accepted an invitation by our local Oklahoma Conference Officers to present on the topic of the godhead or trinity as one of the foundational Seventh- day Adventist Church biblical beliefs. They had much to present on the historical development of our current position as a worldwide church on the doctrine of the Godhead. They also covered key evidence from the Old and New Testaments concerning the personal attributes of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

What was perhaps the greatest evidence to the truth was not so much in weighty subject matter these men covered but in the Spirit in which these men conducted their presentations. Dr. Hasel gave an incredible Sabbath sermon on the necessity of humility—one of the Godhead’s chief attributes. It was a blessing to see such humble men who have been placed in high positions of leadership within our greater church structure—pray for these men and their work!

If you missed this symposium in person, you will want to watch the presentations that were filmed and posted on the Ardmore church's Youtube channel: ArdmoreSDAChurch. This is a symposium you will NOT want to miss!

By Brock Mayer
Ardmore Adventist Academy Receives Donation
ARDMORE, OKLA. - It is with great excitement that we share the news of a wonderful gift that was donated to Ardmore Adventist Academy!  A condominium in Branson, Missouri was generously donated by an anonymous donor with the intent of having the unit sold and the proceeds placed in an educational endowment to benefit Ardmore Adventist Academy.  

Please contact Pastor Park at (918) 605-0348 if you are interested in potentially purchasing the condo and would like more information. I would like to thank the donor for thinking of Adventist education and Ardmore Adventist Academy by giving the school this wonderful gift.

When you are thinking of your estate, please remember Adventist Education. If you are interested in giving a gift, monetary or property, to any of our eight schools, please contact our Conference Trust Director Charles Reel.

Tim Kripps,
Education Superintendent
Native Ministries Campmeeting
WEWOKA, OKLA- A calm, quiet evening, a warm fire in the lodge overlooking a peaceful lake ~ this was the perfect setting for the Oklahoma Conference’s Native American Camp Meeting held October 22-23. The weekend’s theme, “Let It Rain,” was introduced by Native Ministries Assistant Director Jim Landelius and then Sabbath began with Jennifer LaMountain’s luminous vocals.  

Landelius led the Sabbath vespers program focusing on Matthew 5:13-16, describing a city on a hill that cannot be hid, followed by reading Mark 5:1, the story of the demoniac’s encounter with Jesus: Jesus asked the healed man to stay in his village to share the Good News with others, and many of the man’s friends “marveled.” Native Elders are vital to Native communities and several weekend speakers hold that status, lending expertise to the presentations. Native Elder Robert Burnette (Onandaga), native ministries director, closed the meeting with a group “pocket prayer” with guests sharing short prayers as moved by the Spirit.

Sabbath morning started with North Carolina pastor and Native Elder Scotty Deal (Tuscarora) playing “Amazing Grace” on a native flute. Burnette shared “How to Teach A Vibrant Sabbath School,” stressing the importance of meeting people’s needs by understanding what they might know rather than assuming they have a spiritual background: many have never read a Bible or any spiritual books. He suggested posting scriptures around our homes so that we will see the words of God before us and they will become part of our thoughts and vocabulary.

Guests were blessed with a mini concert by Jennifer LaMountain between Sabbath School and the worship message by Oklahoma Conference President James Shires. Sabbath afternoon topics were on church growth; how to present the plant-based lifestyle program “Diabetes Undone” to communities; Native Elder Fred Rogers spoke about Adventist and Jewish beliefs in Indian culture; and Pastor Landelius shared how to present lifestyle lessons from CREATION Health on interpersonal relationships. These health issues are relevant to Native Americans who tend to suffer from diabetes and suicide at a high rate.

Topping off the Sabbath, Deal sang “You Raise Me Up” followed by his message “The Gospel In A Dime” about knowing our true worth. Deal shared his crooked path to God, including his “success” as a drug dealer, God’s miracles of saving his life five times, and how he finally relented to God’s voice in a nightclub 24 years ago. With his voice trembling, Deal emphasized that no matter how lost we are, Jesus is desperate to save each one of us. He shared how he and his wife were shopping at a home improvement store and met a former friend. The friend didn’t recognize Deal without his long hair and old attitude, but 10 minutes later, they were praying by the appliances. Afterward, the friend revealed that he had stopped by the store in an attempt to delay going home where he had loaded his shotgun earlier in the day, intending to end his life. 

In between meetings there were many materials available to guests for sharing with Native friends such as CREATION Health programs, American Indian & Alaska Native Living magazine, "Diabetes Undone" seminar materials, and more. Join us at the next Native American Camp Meeting to learn how you can share Jesus with your Native friends and neighbors.

Caroline A. Fisher
Muskogee Students Visit National Monument
Muskogee SDA Christian Academy students spent time learning about George Washington Carver at the beginning of the year. On October 12, we got to go to the George Washington Carver National Monument in Diamond, MO. We got to see his birthplace and the Carver house. It was pioneer days while we were there, so we got to wash clothes and dip candles like the pioneers would have done!

Aubrey Fabriga, Head of School
God Loves Me and All My Feelings gives children language to name their feelings and empowers them to know what to do in response to what they feel. This book builds a foundation of God's acceptance and love for the whole range of their human experience, building resilience and a willingness to face feelings that are sometimes difficult. Designed for Ages 2-8.
Retention of Young Adults
Adventist World
Multimillion Dollar Award Supports STEM Excellence
Southwestern Adventist University was recently awarded a $4 million Hispanic-Serving Institution Title III F STEM Grant from the U.S. Department of Education, provided by the Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE), for their STEM Excellence project proposal. This comes just a year after receiving a $2.5 million Title V grant awarded in October 2020.
Wisconsin Adventist Community Services Gives Afghans a Warm Welcome 
The desperate airlift out of Kabul, Afghanistan, had barely kicked into gear last month when a call went out to Wisconsin’s Volunteer Organization Active in Disaster (VOAD) group. There was an urgent need for clothing to help the displaced Afghans arriving with only what they had on them. 
Alice Garrett, the Wisconsin Adventist Community Services director, eventually learned 12,600 were arriving at Fort McCoy, an army base some 170 miles from Milwaukee, a location where the refugees would be processed before most were dispersed to other states. 
In Namibia, Adventist Church Reaches 2,000 Households with "Godpods"
As part of its “Go 1000” evangelism project, the Namibia North Conference (NNC) of the Adventist Church, in collaboration with Adventist World Radio (AWR), commissioned 2,000 electronic gadgets called “Godpods” that were distributed to the second largest population group of Namibia, the Rukwangali, on October 10, 2021. 
What's Cooking
Vegan Meat Balls
Please share your church and school activities by emailing pictures and stories to Invite others to sign up to receive our E-Newsletter by visiting our conference website at The sign-up form is at the bottom of the home page.

Daniel Ortega, Communication Director
Yesenia Ortega, Newsletter Manager
Caroline A. FisherNewsletter Editor