Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
June 13, 2021

Dear Parishioners and Friends,
Greetings from Fr. Saju and Fr. Gener!

California officially reopens next week on June 15 after over a year of restrictions and closures due to the COVID-19 pandemic. After looking at the state, county and Cal OSHA guidelines, the Diocese of San Jose has given certain guidelines and protocols for worship as we move into the next phase that will be continue until August 16. We also had discussions with the parish staff, the Pastoral Council, and Liturgy Teams. We have come up with the following plan based on the diocesan guidelines that will go into effect from June 15.


  1. Church will be opened up for as many persons as space allows with 3 feet distancing between persons of different households. Parishioners may seat themselves distancing 3 to 6 feet from other households. There will no longer be assigned seating.
  2. Sign up for Mass attendance will not be required at St. Martin of Tours.
  3. Masks are required for all persons over the age of two. When six feet from others, a minister may remove their mask while serving in their role - speaking, reading, leading the community in prayer for that purpose and then put back on their mask when done.
  4. Wearing of masks are also required also for outside Mass.
  5. Cantor may remove mask if 12 feet form others. Other musicians and singers keeps their mask on. Assembly may sing with mask on.
  6. Restrooms will be open and available.


  • We plan to continue with four Masses on weekends after June 15. The Mass timings will be – Saturday 5.00pm, Sunday 8.30am, 10.00am and 11.30am. We will revisit it in a couple of months.

  • Saturday 5.00pm Mass will be inside the Church and open for all. This Mass will continue to be live-streamed. through Zoom, Facebook and YouTube. The Mass will be available for viewing on Sunday via Facebook and YouTube as well.

  • Sunday 8.30am Mass will be outdoors in front of the church. You may join in person or in car. You are requested to come at least 10 minutes before the start of Mass for parking and seating. Please bring your own chairs.

  • Sunday 10.00am and 11.30am Masses will be inside the Church and open for all.

  • Sacrament of Reconciliation is open on Saturday from 4.00pm - 4.45pm. The Priest will be standing in front of the church. You are also welcome to call and schedule for other times.

  • Daily Masses (Monday – Friday) will be at 8.00am in the church. It is open to all without sign up. We will continue to live-stream the 8.00am Mass on Zoom and Facebook as well.

  • You are requested to come at least 5 minutes before the Mass as to avoid disturbance during the live-stream.

  • We are in need of ushers and lectors for Masses. Lectors and ushers are welcome to sign up a month early. Please sign up using the sign up button in the e-bulletin or the link in the parish website.
  • We will also be opening up two Eucharistic Ministers for each Mass.

Please look out for further updates on the parish website and e-bulletin. Thanking you all and looking forward to seeing you at the Table of the Lord,
With prayers and blessing,

Fr. Saju and Fr. Gener

As per Santa Clara County regulations, sign-ups are required for in-person Masses.
Please sign-up using the links above. For assistance, call the parish office at 408-294-8953.
June 11 - June 18
To schedule a Mass intention, please email stmartinoftours@icloud.com.

Saturday 5:00pm - Sal Lipari

Sunday 8:30am - Adolph Quilici
and James & Vincee Viso

Sunday 10:00am - Jim Grilli †

Sunday 11:30am - John Rossi †
and Sidney Flores †

Monday 8:00am - Souls in Purgatory

Tuesday 8:00am - Carl (Bud) Bucher †

Wednesday 8:00am - Liz Russell
and Edgar Cabading †

Thursday 8:00am - Ruby Louie † & Winnie Cheung

Friday 8:00am - Robert Lawrence †
Mary Anne Ravizza,
Bud Bucher,
Aureliana Hernandez,
Maribeth Benham
Paul McGuire,
Michael Francis
Caramelita Kakar,
Sherri Voisinet,
Antoinette Gray,
Patti DeNeri,
Ramona Corona,
Brian Johst,
Helena Knapen
Please pray with us for our parishioners, family and friends.
Prayer Angels Ministry
Prayer is one of the greatest gifts you can give another. If you or someone you know is in need of prayers (sick, deceased, birthday, anniversary...), please email Therese Lehane at tlehane@stmartin.org and let our Prayer Angels pray for you or someone you know.
Blessing before Summer Vacation

Let us put ourselves into the hands of the Lord,
and pray that God will bless us
and our families
during the wonderful months of summer.
May all of us help to make our homes
places of relaxation, joy, love,
peace, and safety.
May we be generous and considerate,
not thinking only about ourselves
but helping others enjoy the blessings
of the summertime.
And bring us together as a family at Mass every Sunday.

“Ours is not the struggle of one day, one week, or one year. Ours is not the struggle of one judicial appointment or presidential term. Ours is the struggle of a lifetime, or maybe even many lifetimes, and each one of us in every generation must do our part.” – John Lewis 

John Lewis was an American politician, civil rights leader, and Medal of Freedom awardee who served in the House of Representatives from 1987 until his death in 2020. In this quote, Lewis emphasizes how the struggle against racial injustice is persistent. Every generation must participate in the dismantling of racism and racist systems.
Let's get back to volunteering. We need you! 

Food box sorting Monday June 14th 5.30-7pm
(for volunteers)
Food box packing Friday June 18th 3-5.30
(for volunteers)

Food Box pick up Friday June 18th 4-5.30 (for clients)

Next Month (July 16th 3-6pm) we will go back to our "Client Choice" model, where we will set up a shopping market under the tents outside the church (just like we used to do in the Gym pre-Covid). We will need a LOT more volunteers for this model. Please mark your calendars and bring your children back to the program. Covid regulations will still be in place, masks are required and closed toe shoes, please sanitize on arrival. Please email tlehane@stmartin.org if you have any questions. 
Congratulations Jack Krouse, SJ on his priestly ordination

Jack Krouse, son of our Finance Manager, Lori Krouse will be ordained to priesthood on Saturday, June 12, 2021 at 10:00 AM PDT by the Most Reverend Edward William Clark,
Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles,

Our prayers are with you during this most eventful time.

Lectors proclaim the living Word of God at Mass. Ushers/Greeters are men, women & youth greeting the people at church, seating them, helping with the collection, and helping keep the church safe and in order. If you are able to help, please click HERE, from your computer, to sign up.
If you would like to make a secure one-time donation and/or setup regular online donations, click here. Donations for upcoming Second Collections can also be made online. Thank you for your continued financial support!!
Parish Office Summer Hours
Monday -Thursday 10 AM to 2 PM

If you or a loved one is in need of Sacramental care, such as anointing of the sick, last rites, confession, Fr. Gener & Fr. Saju are available. Please contact them directly. Staff Directory
A Closer Look Inside The Church….. 

The Altar 
Every day in the Temple in Jerusalem, God’s people offered sacrifices on altars. They slaughtered animals and brought the best of their crops. Through their sacrifices, they praised God by giving him the first and best of what they had. They also offered sacrifice as a way of atoning for sin, showing that they were sorry and wanted to change. 
But the world was still broken, and sin and death still reigned. Jesus, the Word made flesh, entered the world with humility and love. He preached, healed, and gave signs of the Kingdom of God. And finally, he took the weight of our sin upon his shoulders and accepted the Cross. In the sacrifice of the Son of God, heaven and earth are brought together again, once and for all. 
Jesus shares the grace of his sacrifice with us through the Eucharist, offered on an altar. An altar must be made of stone or very solid wood as a sign of Jesus, the Living Stone. We decorate our altar with the colors of the liturgical season, but the only other objects to be put on it are those we use for Mass: candles, sacred vessels and books, and a crucifix. This is not just any table: It is the altar of sacrifice where Jesus invites us to gather for the banquet of enteral life through him, with him, and in him. 
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults

Are You or Anyone You Know Interested in Becoming Catholic?

Life is a journey that continually searches for meaning. The human heart hungers for relationships that nurtures one’s maturity to love and to be loved. Often as one seeks to fulfill these human yearnings, the realization that something is missing from life is made. As one reflects upon this void, it is not unusual to discover that this something is God. This awakening may lead to a turning point in one’s life to commit to a relationship with God and seek out a worshipping community to guide one’s journey in faith. Many will ask the question: How can I become a Catholic? 

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the normal way for unbaptized persons (7 years and older) and those who have been baptized in another Christian tradition to become a Catholic. The RCIA process is also for baptized Catholics who have received no other faith formation and have not received the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist. 

For more information, please contact Lerma Simpson at the parish office. lerma.simpson@dsj.org; (408) 294-8953 ext. 321 
June 13, 2021 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Ezekiel 17:22-24 • 2 Corinthians 5:6-10 • Mark 4:26-34 
“To what shall we compare the kingdom of God?...It is like a mustard seed… the smallest of all the seeds on the earth.” —Mark 4:30-31 

Have you ever been to Disney World or Disneyland? There are all sorts of theme rides and displays, plus spectacular fireworks. Wouldn’t you think that God’s kingdom would exceed any kingdom here on earth? In our Gospel today, we read that God’s kingdom is spectacular, but in a very quiet way. There are no loud sounds, unusual sights, or fast rides. Jesus compares his kingdom to a tiny seed that secretly begins to grow underground and, when the time is right, emerges and becomes a great tree that gives shade and shelter. God does not want to shock our senses; instead, he wants to capture our attention with wonder and awe and challenge us to share this with others until his kingdom gives shelter to all who come looking for his love. 

Prayer: Lord, when I really look at the world around me, I am amazed by your greatness. Help me to share your love in quiet, simple ways that will bring others to worship you with wonder and awe. 

Reflection: Make a list with your family of some things you see in nature that God created with great beauty. 
Web Link for this week - Children's Sunday Bulletin & Activities:
June 12th
Graduation Mass for Class of 2021
Bishop Cantú will celebrate a graduation Mass for High School and College Graduates! Registration is open 
Please share the event images to your social media: FacebookInstagram
June 16th, July 14 & August 18th
from 1:00pm - 3:00pm
Grief Events
This is a welcoming space to explore your grief and gain a better understanding of the emotions you are going through and how you might grow with a foundation of knowledge and prayer.
July 17 (Save the Date)
Jubilee Games for Vocations
The Diocese of San José is hosting the Jubilee Games for Vocations at Archbishop Mitty High School in San José. Nuns and postulates will compete in a soccer game for the St. Clare Cup, with high school girls filling out both teams. Priests and Seminarians will compete in a second soccer game for the St. Joseph Cup, with high school boys filling both teams as well. This outstanding community event of family entertainment will follow all the Covid-19 regulations. Visit and share our webpage where information will be added as it becomes available:

Now Available! Rent Assistance Programs and Resources: 2 Programs for Rent Assistance now available! Low-income Santa Clara County residents who have been financially impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic can receive assistance with rent payments. Visit bit.ly/dsjhh21 to view details on available programs. Post these flyers in your community. Please share images to your social media: Facebook1Instagram1Facebook2Instagram2

Our new magazine, redesigned online presence, www.thevalleycatholic.org; and new monthly email newsletter will focus on local multi-lingual feature stories and columns that form, encourage, and equip Catholics to carry out the saving work of Jesus across the Diocese and beyond.

Be sure to visit our new website www.thevalleycatholic.org to read this month's articles and sign up for our new monthly email newsletter. 
Visit the Diocese of San Jose
Year of St. Joseph Webpage

We hope that through using these resources you will grow in love and devotion St. Joseph as the guardian and protector of God’s people, the Church. May Saint Joseph and the Holy Family intercede for us in this work of rededicating ourselves to the mission of Jesus Christ.  www.dsj.org/yearofstjoseph 
Covid-19 Vaccines
Explained Ethics

As a faith community concerned about the sanctity of human life, the Diocese of San Jose encourages everyone to strongly consider getting vaccinated, after consulting their physicians or health care providers, for the sake of their own health and the common good of our community. The vaccines are safe and free. Health insurance and immigration status will not affect your eligibility. You can learn more about the moral and ethical issues regarding COVID-19 vaccines and why they have been deemed morally acceptable by the Church by visiting:  https://www.dsj.org/covid19vaccines/

Vaccine Informational Handouts: Please share with your communities this double-sided flyer covering the basics on the ethics and science of vaccines. English | Spanish | Vietnamese

Please email the Parish Office.