Friday Newsletter

February 9, 2024

This Sunday

Worship Service &

Sunday School: 10 am

Coffee Hour: 11:15 am

Youth Collective Super Bowl Party: 3 pm

From the Pastor's Desk

Good afternoon Westminster friends,

Last week we chanted together “Power is our Presbyterian superpower.” What this means is that at the core of our tradition as well as at the core of how we interpret Jesus’ work is the restoration of power to everyday people. In other words, moving power from its concentrated form (kings, queens, emperors, warlords, armies and the like), to its de-concentrated form (democracy, representation, will of the people). When we talk about power, we are referring to the combination of things that help you direct your own life – education, self direction, bodily autonomy, health, income, food/shelter, political representation, and interpersonal agency to name a few. In the gospel of Mark, Jesus has been busy restoring health (physical, social and communal) to people. When we think about health in our own time, we might first notice how often in our country medical care is withheld, delayed or denied altogether to the people we care about. If we look at this through the lens of power, we might say power is being stolen from the people more often than it should be. What then is our responsibility? I hope you will come Sunday morning with that question fresh on your minds. We will be tackling “Reproductive rights, abortion & Mark 5:21-43” this week and it is framed in much the same way as the Gerasene healing (Mark 5:1-20) as a question of power.


Ever onward,

Pastor Kelly

Looking Ahead

2/10 @ 10 am: Memorial Service for JoEve Netz

2/12 @ 6 pm: Women's Night Out @ McGrath's

2/14: Ash Wednesday Experience Drop-In

12:30-1:30 or 5:30-6:30

2/12-2/18: Labyrinth Available

2/18 @ 11:30: Open Time with Elders

2/18 @ 2:30: Labyrinth Experience with guest Rev. Scott Crane

2/20 @ 6 pm: Men's Night Out

2/25 @ 11 am: Congregational Annual Meeting with Potluck

Access the full church calendar here. To add or correct something, please email


Women's Night Out is February 12 at 6 pm at McGrath's in Willamette Town Center. RSVP to Sue Ray ( or 503-319-0511).

Men's Night Out is February 20 at 6 pm at The Ram. RSVP to John Dalen ( or 503-551-7791).

Lent is just around the corner, and there are several opportunities for you to join us in a spiritual practice as it begins:

Drop in on Ash Wednesday (2/14) during the hours of 12:30-1:30 or 5:30-6:30 to receive the imposition of ashes and communion from the pastor and to do a self-guided walk on the church labyrinth.

Pastor Kelly will be at Bonaventure on Wednesday 10:30-12:00 to administer ashes.

You are also invited to Labyrinth Vespers led by the Rev. Dr. Scott Crane on Sunday 2/18 from 2:30-4 pm. This experience will include some instructional time as well as a guided labyrinth walk.

In addition, you are welcome to drop in and walk the labyrinth any time the church is open from 2/12-2/18. During the week, the building is open 9 am-2 pm Monday through Thursday. You can also check the church calendar to determine other times the building will be open for activities. Consider making a labyrinth walk part of your Lenten journey this year.

Our partner churches in town are also offering a variety of Lent and Holy Week opportunities, including a course on various aspects of death and dying. Check out the options available to you here, and/or pick up a printed copy of the booklet in the church narthex.

It's Annual Meeting Time!

Feb 11: Deadline for submission of new business for printing & distribution. Contact the Clerk of Session, Sandy McClean ( with any questions that arise after this date.

Feb 16: Annual report available online. Printed copies by request. Contact the office.

Feb 18: “Open time with Elders” at 11:30am for questions or comments regarding the annual report/annual meeting

Feb 25 10am: “State of the (Westminster) Union” sermon during worship

             11am: Potluck + Annual Meeting in Boulder Hall

*Please plan to bring a side, a salad or a dessert for the potluck. Beverages and rolls will be provided.


Stewardship Update: Thanks to all for a successful campaign last fall. If you pledged through Realm online, please confirm that you have not only pledged, but have scheduled your giving. (Pledging does not automatically translate to giving). Annual fees: It’s that time of year. The national Presbyterian church (PCUSA) assesses each congregation an annual overhead fee. It is based on the number of members, so it is called the Per Capita fee. It is now due. This year the fee is $45.60. Please consider giving to cover this cost, if you haven’t already done so. You can pledge online through the church website (Realm), through the envelope labelled Per Capita, if you use envelopes, or you can give through the offering box including a note that it is for the Per Capita fund. If you have any questions about your pledge, giving through Realm, or the Per Capita fee, please contact Terri Crall at

Items to be included in the newsletter are due the Thursday prior at 9 am.


It's just around the corner, Folks! Westminster's very own "SOUPER BOWL SUNDAY"! Don't forget your cans of soup, and let's fill BIG BLUE with lots of nourishing soup. And just the time of year we need it. February 11 is this coming Sunday! Our winners will be the families who shop at Table of Plenty, and who are most thankful for your donations, and are always expressing their gratitude.  

Every unit we donate at the Westminster blood drive can help save up to three lives. Each recipient of that blood donation has his or her own story. He or she could be an accident or trauma victim, cancer patient, a mother giving birth, a premature baby, a transplant recipient or surgical candidate. Our impact goes beyond that patient – it is multiplied by the impact it has on that person’s loved ones who are thankful for the unit we donated. Please consider making an appointment to donate on Monday, March 11, 2024. There are many appointments available at nearly any time of day between 1:00pm and 5:30pm. You can use your computer, tablet or smartphone to conveniently sign up using the Red Cross blood donor App which can be found at (computer), at the Android Play Store or at the the Apple app store. Or you can always contact Bill Nelson at (503-576-1278) or Pam Garland at

Westminster Presbyterian Church


3737 Liberty Rd. S 

Salem, OR 97302

PHONE: 503-364-3327

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