April 26, 2024

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May 2-4 â€” KHS Theatre Presents, Little Shop of Horrors, 7:00 p.m. with a 2:00 p.m. matinee on 5/4, Kings High School Auditorium.

May 7 â€” Kings Board of Education Work Session, 6:00 p.m. Kings Education Center, Conf. Rm. 2.

May 14 â€” Kings Board of Education Regular Meeting, 6:00 p.m. Kings Education Center, Conf. Rm. 2.

May 19 â€” KHS Graduation, 10:00 a.m., Cintas Center, Xavier University.

May 23 â€” Last Day of School for Students.

More event information can be found at:

2023-2024 Academic Calendar

Knight Nation News is a weekly publication from the Kings Local School District. If you know someone who isn't receiving it but would like to, click here to subscribe.

KHS Named on 2024 Best High Schools List

U.S. News & World Report released its 2024 Best High Schools ranking this week. The U.S. News rankings include data on nearly 25,000 public high schools in 50 states and the District of Columbia.

Congratulations to Kings High School for being ranked in the top 7% of the Nation with a ranking of #1,308. In Ohio, out of 941 ranked high schools, KHS ranked #48. Lastly, KHS ranked #13 out of 127 high schools in the Cincinnati Metro rankings.

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Two Kings Educators Receive Project Excellence Award

Congratulations to Kings High School Engineering, Jason Shields, and J.F. Burns Elementary School Intervention Specialist, Cheryl Wanner who have been named winners of this year’s Project Excellence Award, sponsored by the Area Progress Council of Warren County.

This week, Jason and Cheryl were surprised by the Kings Central Office Team announcing their recognition.

Every year, the APC seeks to honor two innovative or excellent teachers from each Warren County school. Community members and staff are encouraged to nominate teachers for these awards. Mr. Shields and Mrs. Wanner will be honored at the 37th annual APC recognition banquet on May 1.

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CIS Student Competes at LEGO Competition

Columbia Intermediate School 6th grader Sai Bellamkonda traveled to Houston, Texas last week to participate in the 2024 FIRST World Championship.

More than 18,000 students from 58 countries competed with team-built robotics. Sai's team presented their Masterpiece models and research that showcased their critical thinking and imagination skills.

Sai and his First Lego League Explore Team named "Super Spikes" won the Best Core Value Award. His teacher, Kaitlin Becker, said Sai is their "technology guru" at CIS. She said he loves anything technology-based. "He loves to answer any technology questions that teachers have," she said.

Sai's team has been working on their project since the beginning of the school year and has presented it in Mason and Troy, Ohio. He programmed the Lego project to make it spin, move, and play music.

Sai is part of a nonprofit group that is run by a 15-year-old called Spectrum Empowerment. The group is for students with Autism to meet with others and learn how to code, build, and work as a team. Sai and his team were featured in a segment on Local 12.

Congratulations, Sai!

KHS Architecture Students Visit Local Firm

Kings High School students in Angie Guilfoyle's Architecture classes recently took a field trip to a local architecture firm.

They visited SHP in downtown Cincinnati where the students learned about how SHP manages their large-scale projects to align with their mission statement – they design for people/communities.

While on their visit, students heard from SHP Executive Vice President, Charlie Jahnigen, who is also the lead architect on the new Kings High School project. They also heard from an interior designer, a landscape architect, an intern, and a technology coordinator. At the end of the presentations, SHP catered Currito for lunch.

Mrs. Guilfoyle said, "Students were very engaged with lots of questions and enjoyed hearing about some of the initial planning taking place for a new KHS." 

KHS Drumline Wins Bronze Medal

The Kings Drumline competed in the Mid-East Performance Association Percussion World Championships at Wright State University where they received a bronze medal!

This year's Drumline includes Kaiser Ashby, Payton Baughman, Alex Bogomolov, Matti Bryant, Braeden Byrne, Noah Cook, Trey Cook, Quinn Curran, Bradley Doesburg, Dominic Donile, Zach Doubet, Liam Dunkelman, Holden Fye, Piper Geiss, Emma Graybeal, Michael Lawrence, Derek Lee, Catherine Linneman, Mallory Looney, Miles Looney, Kameron Marshall, Scott McCormac, Michael Panno, Ben Pugh, Leah Race, Rob Stuart, Aaron Subramaniam, Amelia Swartz, Gabby Sweet, and Braden Woolery.

Congratulations on a great season!

KME Celebrates Miltary Child Month

The first graders in Mrs. Christina Shepherd's class at Kings Mills Elementary wore purple on Friday, April 26 to honor the resilience and sacrifice of our military children.  

Mrs. Shepherd's class sent video messages and pictures of support and love to their first-grade pen pals at MC Perry Elementary in Iwakuni, Japan. The parents of the children at MC Perry are serving at Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni. 

Mrs. Shepherd was fortunate to meet several of their pen pals over Spring vacation when she traveled to Japan to visit her daughter. 

Thank you to all of our Military children!

Career Day at KECC

For the last two weeks, the students in Mrs.Theresa Frazier's preschool classes at the Kings Education Center have explored careers. They listened to books about community helpers, made marshmallow buildings like architects, and painted like artists! These hard workers culminated their studies with Career Dress-Up Day on Thursday, April 25. 

Mrs. Frazier said, "The future of Kings sure does look bright!" 

KJH Student Dances in NYC

Kings Junior HIgh School 7th grader Amelia Legault recenlty had the opportunity to perform at the Youth Grand Prix (YGP), an internationally renowned dance competition in New York City.

To qualify, she placed first in the juniors division at the Indianapolis Regional. Out of over 12,000 competitors, only 250 students are chosen to compete at the prestigious World Finals. Amelia showcased her talent on April 11-12, performing both classical and contemporary solos.

In addition to competing, Amelia had the opportunity to participate in master classes led by world-renowned teachers, alongside students from Brazil, New Zealand, Australia, Japan, and China.

Following her performance in New York City, Amelia traveled to Pittsburgh to compete at the Universal Ballet Competition. She placed first overall in the junior division for her performance on her solos and participation in master classes. She earned a scholarship to attend summer intensives at Pittsburgh Ballet and the Duncan Cooper Summer Workshop. Amelia is the recipient of the Dancing Angels Scholarship for the second year in a row.

Congratulations, Amelia!

Kings Theatre Presents Little Shop of Horrors

Kings High School Theatre presents Little Shop of Horrors May 2-4 in the KHS Auditorium.

After a bizarre solar eclipse, Seymour finds a bloodthirsty and very unhealthy Venus fly trap and he names it Audrey 2. After placing the plant in the shop's front window, Audrey 2 becomes a commercial success.

This crazy, R&B-singing carnivore promises unending fame and fortune to the down-and-out Seymour as long as he keeps feeding it, BLOOD. Over time, though, Seymour discovers Audrey 2's out-of-this-world origins and intent toward global domination!

There are four opportunities to see the show – May 2, 3, and 4 at 7:00 p.m. and a 2:00 p.m. matinee on May 4. Little Shop of Horrors is rated PG-13. Tickets are on sale now at

Kings Spiritwear Pop Up Sale Ends 4/28

Last weekend to shop!! Don’t miss the quick Spiritwear Pop-Up Sale hosted by the Kings Spiritwear Committee This sale will run for 2 weeks only. Get your MLB-inspired KINGS gear while it lasts.

Order here. Click on the building/ organization you’d like to support when purchasing.

Kings Board of Education Information

Board Members

Kings Board of Education (L-R): Janelle Groff, Board Member; John Skerl, Board Member; Deb Cowan, Board Member; Stacie Belfrom, President; and Peggy Phillips, Vice-President.

The Board of Education meets on the 2nd Tuesday of every month for a Work Session at 6:00 p.m. and the 3rd Tuesday of every month for a Regular Meeting at 6:00 p.m.

There is a change in the May meeting schedule. May's Work Session will now take place on May 7 and the Regular Meeting will be held on May 14. Both meetings will begin at 6:00 p.m.

Visit the Board of Education page on our website for meeting dates, meeting recordings, and agendas.

District Online Spiritwear Store

If you are looking to purchase Kings Spiritwear, visit the Kings Online Spiritwear Store provided by our partner ROKKITWEAR. All items will be printed and sent out within 5 business days! You can also personalize any item in the store!

Keep in touch with all things Kings Spiritwear by following our Facebook page!

Digital Flyers

In an effort to be "green," the District does not send paper flyers home. We use a platform called Peachjar that houses flyers of community programs and resources. 

Parents receive approved flyers via email, and they are posted on our digital flyerboard for easy retrieval. Any organization can distribute information to our community by creating an account!

Calling all Kings Alumni

We are looking to bolster our Kings Alumni database. Are you a Kings High School graduate or know someone who is? Please share the form with your fellow graduates. This will help our reunion committees and keep you updated on what is happening at your alma mater!

Please complete this Alumni Roundup Form.

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In case you missed it on social media....

Kings Athletic News

Check out Kings Athletics website! You can find out schedule information, upcoming events, news about teams, and even get directions to away venues. 

If you aren't following Kings Athletics on Facebook and Twitter, or Instagram, you're missing out on some of the great things our student-athletes are doing!

Like and follow them today!

Send Us the News You Want to See!

Contact Dawn Gould - Community Relations Coordinator at or phone: 513-459-2925.

Knight Nation News is a publication of the Kings Local School District Communications Department.
click here to subscribe.

Kings Website

Did you know that our Kings website is supported financially by local business advertisements? This allows the District to save between $20,000-$30,000 per year in website hosting fees.

Special thanks to the following businesses for their support -

Showbiz Dance Academy, Donatos Pizza, Shine Orthodontics, Hickman Orthodontics, Peoples Bank, Worthington Industries, Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition, Car X Tire & Auto, Sharefax Credit Union, Frankart Family Dentistry, Grace Rec, Kings Dental, and Panera Bread.

If you or someone you know would be interested in supporting our website please click here.

Kings Local School District
1797 King Ave
Kings Mills, Ohio 45034
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