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Christmas Bash and more this month.


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2022 Newsletter

We are winding down the year here at WWA with just one more event to hold – our Christmas Bash next Thursday - and it was a pretty great year. All we have accomplished is thanks to the support of you, our members and sponsors, and with the time and talents of our committed volunteers. Thank you!  Read on for a wrap-up of 2022 and stand by for some pretty amazing announcements in 2023.

Plus, you won't want to miss your chance to win the $1,000 FN 509 Compact Tactical FDE 9mm OR our Waukesha Chapter is raffling off on the 8th at their Christmas Bash. And check out the rest of our class A raffles here.

I hope you enjoy our December edition...

A Great Year to Build On - Thanks For Making it Possible

By Bruce Ross, Executive Director

As I look at the past year, your WWA has tried to - and I hope you think we’ve succeeded in - placing a pretty nice package under state waterfowlers' trees. You all played a role.

Read on...

The Gift of Real Estate

Make an extraordinary gift, transfer the burden and expense of managing the property, and remove a large asset from your taxable estate at the same time.

For more information:

2023 Calendars - Great Stocking Stuffers at a Bargain Price!

Give a gift that could bring dividends to your friends and family every day next year. The 14th Anniversary Limited Edition, featuring 365 fabulous prizes, including lots of guns, gift cards, SportDOG Brand Collars, Vortex Optics and more! Limited in number and selling out quickly,

Get yours here...

Calendar Decoy Auction

Mark your calendars! Bidding will begin with the publication of our January newsletter edition for the January 2023 calendar decoy - Pintail Hen with Duckling carved by Steve Stratton.

Learn more...

DNR Report Card: 2020-23 Waterfowl Management Plan

About the time I joined WWA, the

DNR released its 2020-2030 Waterfowl Management Plan. Groups like WWA had worked with the DNR in the year preceding its release in 2019 to build a collaborative and strategic perspective on managing state waterfowl for the next decade. We asked the DNR to make sure this did not just collect dust on a shelf, but helped drive the steps important to our collective future. The DNR just released this report card (you are the first general public audience to receive this). It’s a bit of a read (the DNR admit it needs tighter formatting), but interested leaders will understand how the DNR is moving forward to implement the plan

Download the report here...

Wood Duck Boxes Are Back

!Just in time for the holidays, the gift that keeps on giving, wood duck boxes and kits are back in stock!

Get yours here...

Win a $1,000 FN 509 Compact Tactical FDE 9mm OR

Our December featured Class A (WI residents need not be present to win) raffle is for our Waukesha chapter who will be raffling off this FN 509C 9mm OR FDE on December 8th at their Christmas Bash in Hartland. Tickets just $20 each, only 150 will be sold.

Get yours here...

What Did You Do For Thanksgiving?

Mason Tait and Austin Wendlandt spent theirs in Stuttgart at the World's Duck Calling Contest after punching their tickets at WWA's State Calling Contest in August. Mason finished 6th in the World while Austin made it through the first round. There's a picture of RD Rob Monette with Mason after he won the youth duck champion for WI, then he won the World's Intermediate Duck Championship in Stuttgart. Rob believes the contestants in Stuttgart know it's just a matter of time...way to go you two. Very Impressive.

Words From the Wardens

By DNR Chief Warden Casey Krueger

DNR Wardens Offer Two Important Updates...

Have an idea you want the wardens to answer? Let us know!

DNR Logo

...And a Big Thanks!

As the DNR conservation wardens end another successful year of working alongside the public and partners who share the passion to protect Wisconsin’s incredible natural resources, we’ll wrap 2022 with a request from the U.S. Geological Survey and detail a major win for Wisconsin’s natural resources in the courts.

Read on...

Puckaway Decoy Carvers Part II

A Decoy Corner article by Bruce Urben

In November I began highlighting the vintage decoy carvers of Lake Puckaway; as promised here are a few more in part II.

Read on...

Thank You to our 2022 Sponsors & Donors

State Level Sponsors:

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State Level Donors:

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In Memory...

Thanks to all those that have cherished the memory of a loved one by donating in memoriam to the Wisconsin Waterfowl Association. Those recently memorialized were:


  • Mr. Marv Tibbitts - Donors: George Ermert, Kelcy Boettcher, Bruce Ross
  • Mr. Robert Fiegel - Donors: Judy Scharpf, Carl M. Hennig, Inc.
  • Mr. Dale W. Arenz - Donors: Darlene Hunt, Fred Welch, Scott & Kelcy Boettcher, Cheryl & Mark Gehring, Mr & Mr. Donald Muehling, Municipal Law & Litigation Group, Jenny Kinsler, Tammy & Joe Marwin, BL Simon, Bill Peebles
  • Mr. Jason Odebrecht - Donors: Jason's family and friends
  • Mr. William Kocher - Donors: Fred Welch, Dale Arenz
  • Mr. Tom Cheesebrog - Donor: Leigh Cheesebro
  • Mr. Carl Halvorsen - Donors: Holly Kempf, Employees at NeighborWorks Blackhawk Region, Victoria Dickman of Herslof, Inc., Kristy Vogt of Kewaskum Chapter of Commerce, Farmers & Sportsmens Conservation Club


If you'd like to consider a lasting and meaningful memorial fund contribution for that friend, hunting partner, co-worker or relative with WWA, please contact us. Each contribution will offer:

  • A personalized letter to the family of the deceased,
  • A letter from WWA sent to the donor confirming contribution for tax purposes (address & individual donation amount must be supplied),
  • The option for the donor to designate which WWA program they wish their contributions be put towards, and a listing in this section for the duration of one year


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