Join Catholic Charities in Honoring
Michael J. Hare in the 2020 Dialog Tribute

Like so many others, Catholic Charities has been greatly impacted by the current health crisis. With the generous contributions of our friends and supporters like you, we have been able to assist clients in record numbers, allowing us to remain steadfast in our work providing basic needs and food assistance, counseling services, and other programs to promote and restore the well-being of the families in our community. 
Michael J. Hare
This year, while we are not able to gather together over a meal at the Annual Tribute Dinner, we are going to honor the deserving Mike Hare with a "Tribute" of a different sort.
Special Section in The Dialog on October 23, 2020

Partnering with The Dialog, we've designed a special pull-out section for our tribute to Mike. Several pages are dedicated to the well-earned accolades we wish to bestow, in honor of his commitment to the community. One of the benefits of this pivot is that The Dialog's print circulation is over 15,000 and online page views are over 86,000 - allowing for a significantly greater number of people to share in this important acknowledgment.
For sponsors who RSVP'd for the postponed April event, we have your current ad. If you would like to update your ad, you are welcomed to do so. 
For those who have not yet had the opportunity to sponsor, please take part in the celebration! We are accepting large, medium, and small ads and sponsor logos, structured similarly to what we've offered in prior year program booklets.
Deadline for Sponsorship and Ad Submission: Wednesday, September 30, 2020
Click here for questions about submissions and donations.

Any size donation will be acknowledged. To make an donation online, click here
Please designate your gift to the following Ministry: The Dialog Tribute for Michael Hare.

With your help, we can make this a very special experience for Mike, showing him how greatly we appreciate all that he has done and continues to do. 
Click here to learn more about this year's honoree.
As always, we are grateful for your support and thank you for
becoming an active part of the Catholic Charities mission.

All proceeds benefit Catholic Charities programs.
Energy Assistance:
LIHEAP Appointments are Still Available

Catholic Charities is taking applications for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program for the upcoming heating season. This federally-funded program assists low-income Delawareans with heating bills through direct payments to home energy suppliers. The benefit is based on a household's income, size, and type of fuel.

In order to qualify, you must make an appointment with a Catholic Charities office for a personal interview. Call your local Catholic Charities office to get an appointment. Regular office hours are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Click here to learn more.
  • In Kent County, call 302.674.1782
  • In New Castle County, call 302.654.9295
  • In Sussex County, call 302.856.6310
Coming Soon! 
Online Applications for
LIHEAP Assistance

Income eligible Delawareans will soon be able to fill out and submit LIHEAP applications along with all the required documents for each person in the household. Once received, Catholic Charities will call you to schedule a telephone or curbside appointment. Please keep in mind, during the public health crisis, Catholic Charities offices have restricted access to the public.

One in three U.S. families struggles to provide enough diapers to keep babies and/or toddlers clean, dry, and healthy.

Catholic Charities Diaper Bank is observing National Diaper Need Awareness Week Sept. 21 - Sept. 27, 2020. Diaper Donations - any size or brand - can be dropped off at the Catholic Charities Thrift Center Wilmington location during business hours. Please call in advance to let us know you will be making a drop off. No appointment necessary.

Thrift Center - Wilmington DE
1320 E 23rd Street
Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

How Can You Get Diapers?
If you are in need of diapers, please contact the Diaper Bank at 302.654.1184, or email

Click here to make a financial donation to Catholic Charities Diaper Bank online.
Please choose Diaper Bank as the ministry of your choice. You can also mail a check payable to Catholic Charities, 2601 W 4th Street, Wilmington DE 19805. Please note Diaper Bank on your check.

Thank You! Your Support Counts.
Behavioral Health Services
Catholic Charities is Here to Help!

Fall is a season is of change. Change can be good, and at times change can be difficult. Seeking help is not always easy, but Catholic Charities can help. We offer routine outpatient counseling services to individuals with emotional, behavioral, and mental health concerns.

Whether you or someone you know is suffering from depression, anxiety, or other mental health conditions, our staff provides assistance. Clients have the option of seeing a psychiatrist as well as a counselor, if medication may be helpful.

Addiction Recovery
We also offer support to individuals in recovery from substance abuse. Our counseling approach supports a client's abstinence, helps him/her avoid relapse, and makes it easier for a client to deal with underlying issues that were "medicated" by addiction.

Suicide Prevention Support
If you have had a sudden change in life, such as job loss, death of a loved one, or a physical injury and need support, contact us by calling (302) 655-9624.

Click here for more information.

How You Can Help
You can help support our program by making a donation, and selecting Behavioral Health Services or Addiction Recovery Support as the ministry of your choice. You may also send a check to Catholic Charities, 2601 W 4th Street, Wilmington DE 19805. Please note Behavioral Health Services or Addiction Recovery Support on the check memo line.

Click here to donate online.
Community Partner Spotlight
We Value our Partnership with Local United Way Orgs

Globally, United Way improves lives by mobilizing the caring power of communities around the world to advance the common good.

Locally, our partners at the United Way of Delaware and the United Way Lower Eastern Shore has aided us in impacting the lives of hundreds of thousands of individuals in our service area.

United Way 211 provides a place for Delawareans and Maryland residents to turn to for information and support-whether financial, domestic, health or disaster-related.

2-1-1 is a free, confidential referral and information helpline and website that connects people from all
communities and of all ages to the essential health
and human services they need.

Delaware and Maryland 2-1-1 can be accessed by phone or computer. A toll-free call to 2-1-1 connects you to a community resource specialist in your area who can put you in touch with local organizations that provide critical services that can improve-and save-lives.

You'll find information about:
  • supplemental food and nutrition programs
  • shelter and housing options and utilities assistance
  • emergency information and disaster relief
  • employment and education opportunities
  • services for veterans
  • health care, vaccination and health epidemic information
  • addiction prevention and rehabilitation programs
  • re entry help for ex-offenders
  • support groups for individuals with mental illness or special needs
  • a safe, confidential path out of physical and/or emotional domestic abuse
Whether in times of natural disaster or personal crisis, 2-1-1 is committed to being the first, most essential resource to anyone who needs help.
Thank You to All Our Supporters & Partners! 
We continue to receive record numbers of requests for assistance.
Please help where you can.
To make your online donation, click here.

We accept donations of non-perishable food and grocery items, diapers,
personal hygiene itemscleaning supplies, and gift cards during regular business hours.
Please call ahead to the Catholic Charities location nearest you.
For a list of locations and numbers, 
click here.

Your kindness goes a long way!

We Would Like to Recognize the following Catholic Charities Partners:
Delaware State Housing Authority, Somerset County Commissioners, Delaware Sustainable Energy Utility, United Way of Delaware, United Way of Lower Eastern Shore, Delaware Community Foundation, Community Foundation of Eastern Shore, Raskob Foundation,
Laffey-McHugh Foundation, Catholic Charities USA.

Our Services Remain Open!
Please visit our website for the latest information on how to access services.

Catholic Charities serves the most vulnerable in Delaware and the 
Eastern Shore of Maryland, regardless of religion, race, or ability to pay.

For more information about Catholic Charities, click here.
To learn about becoming a Volunteer, click here.
To learn about employment opportunities, click here.
To follow us on Facebook, click here.

Catholic Charities Mission
Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Wilmington exists to help fulfill the Christian duty to love and serve God's people. Our mission is rooted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The universal and local Church proclaims the Gospel and teaches the recognition of the dignity and sacredness of each human life and the belief that we are called to share our resources with the most vulnerable among us.

It is the mission of Catholic Charities to address human suffering and to promote and restore
the well-being of people and society by:
* Providing, as a primary focus, caring service to families and persons in need;
* Coming together with members of the community to become informed about and to take action on critical social issues; and,
* Advocating publicly for social policies which enhance human dignity and safeguard basic human rights.

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