Quarterly News from the Office of Community Engagement
2024 Q1
A message from The OCE Leadership Desk....
As we reflect on the events of the semester thus far, I would like to acknowledge the many contributions of faculty, staff, and students toward making our campus more engaged. UNMC’s continued commitment to excellence and community engagement is evident, and I am proud to highlight some of our ongoing projects.
Top of mind for our office and for our collaborators within UNMC, Nebraska Medicine, and the community is the “UNMC Nebraska Medicine Community Wellness Collaborative.” The space, located at 29th and Patrick, one block south of 30th and Lake, is dedicated to partnership with the local community to address health and equity issues. Together, we can address persistent problems with new ideas and collaborative strength. We encourage everyone to check out the space and see how it can be used to accelerate your community partnerships and projects. See Brooke’s review of the official launch below.
Our Individual Community Engagement Survey is underway! Every two years, we collect this data to better understand who is doing what, with whom, and how we can better connect efforts. See our story below for more information and for how you can participate.
Work continues to ensure that UNMC is ready to reapply for the Carnegie Community Engaged Campus designation, now hosted by the American Council of Education (ACE). UNMC received this award in 2015, becoming one of the first healthcare campuses in the country to be designated by the Carnegie Foundation. To achieve this designation, UNMC must undergo an extensive self-assessment to ensure that it meets numerous “foundational indicators.” In other words, we must show that UNMC is committed to and provides centralized support for building reciprocal and mutually beneficial partnerships with our community members. The official self-assessment for 2026 is underway, so you may be hearing more about the effort, if not asked directly for input. If you would like to learn more or join this important work, please reach out.
I am looking forward to gathering to celebrate the hard work of so many at this year’s ITEACH Student Awards Ceremony on April 17th, 2024, from 4 to 5:30 pm in the Wigton Heritage Center. We have partnered with the Student Life Inclusion Diversity Office (SLIDO) and UNMC Student Senate to host this awards ceremony jointly. We are presenting our longstanding community engagement awards to recognize students, faculty advisors, staff and NEW this year community partner award! We are looking forward to honoring our community engagement champions and hope to see you there.
Stay Engaged!
Heidi Keeler, PhD, MSN/MBA, RN
Assistant Vice Chancellor
UNMC Office of Community Engagement
The ITEACH Awards Ceremony will be held on April 17th from 4 to 5:00 p.m., followed by a reception.
Nominations are accepted for the Office of Community Engagement (OCE), Student Life Inclusion and Diversity Office (SLIDO) and Student Senate ITEACH Awards, which honor staff, student organizations, faculty advisors of these student organizations and community partners who have provided health care service and/or programming within the community. RECOGNIZE YOUR PARTNERSHIPS!
Office of Community Engagement Awards
Community Impact Award: Recognizes student organizations that extend UNMC’s core values through creation of health care initiatives that are impactful and sustainable in the community.
Community Health Education Award: Recognizes student organizations that extend UNMC’s core values through demonstration of exemplary contribution to the development of educational health care services or programming to community agencies, schools or organizations.
Faculty Advisor Excellence in Engagement Award: Recognizes excellence in community engagement by UNMC faculty and for providing exceptional service to students, their colleagues and/or UNMC.
Staff Excellence in Engagement Award: Recognizes excellence in community engagement by UNMC staff and for providing exceptional service to students, their colleagues and/or UNMC.
Community Partner Award: Recognizes a community organization that extends UNMC core values through creation of health care initiatives that are impactful and sustainable in the community.
Student Life, Inclusion and Diversity Office Awards
Advisor of the Year Award: Recognizes a faculty advisor who oversees a recognized student organization. This award celebrates their hard work, dedication and lifelong learning they provide the student group while also upholding the ITEACH values.
Collaboration Award: Recognizes a group of organizations (two or more) that have successfully worked together to sponsor or host an event, program or act of service that has benefited the UNMC campus community.
Diversity and Inclusion Award: Recognizes a group that promoted and fostered a cross-cultural learning environment through creating an initiative or program that has significantly impacted the campus community.
UNMC Student Senate Awards
Student Impact Award: Recognizes a student who embodies leadership qualities and provides a positive influence on the education and overall experience of UNMC students. One student recipient is selected for each college.
Distinguished Mentor Award: Recognizes a full or part-time faculty member who serves as a role model to students, demonstrating high professional and ethical standards. Two mentors will be chosen.
Distinguished Teacher Award: Recognizes a full or part-time faculty member who goes above and beyond to provide excellent education to students. Two teachers will be chosen.
Save the date for this year's ITEACH AWARDS on April 17th, 2024, at the Wigton Heritage Center from 4 to 5 pm.
How OCE values align with ITEACH
It is important when conducting community engagement on behalf of UNMC to demonstrate the ITEACH values. To further explain these in the context of community engagement, the OCE has crafted sub-values that align with UNMC’s ITEACH values. These are trust, collaboration, reciprocity, equity, commitment, and health justice. The table below provides definitions and how each aligns with the ITEACH values.
OCE Collaboration
Community Wellness Collaborative
This past fall, the UNMC and Nebraska Medicine communities celebrated the grand opening of the Community Wellness Collaborative (CWC), located within the Highlander neighborhood in north Omaha. The space is intended to be used by any UNMC faculty, staff, or student who wishes to use it to better partner with community members. This could include community engaged education, population health-based projects, events aimed at building trust and relationship, or any idea that forwards health equity and workforce collaboratively with our community.
The first-of-its-kind facility is part of the Highlander neighborhood’s purpose-built communities’ revitalization efforts to support residents and tenants in and around the area. Located at the corner of 29th and Patrick Streets, its goal of helping reduce disparities within the 68111 ZIP code area is strategically placed. The med center’s programming and initiatives will start with a focus on the priorities identified in the community health needs assessment and improvement plan and move efforts forward in partnership with community members.
Our opening was well attended, standing room only, and we want to thank you and all of the community members in attendance for supporting us in celebration of our new space. The event kicked off with inspirational speeches from leadership and from those involved in the project from day one. “I hope this collaboration is a demonstration of our willingness to do whatever we can to gain trust and build relationships with this community to reduce the impact of health disparities,” said Jeffrey P. Gold, MD, UNMC chancellor. The ribbon cutting with UNMC/Nebraska Medicine leadership and community leaders followed, and the photo above captures the moment perfectly!
A reception followed across the street at Big Mama’s Kitchen with delicious food and festivities in celebration of the opening. It was a top ten day for the OCE to see this project come to fruition and to see so many in support and celebration of it! Said Heidi Keeler, PhD, assistant vice chancellor for the UNMC Office of Community Engagement, “Having a joint presence at the Highlander with our clinical partner, Nebraska Medicine, creates a win for our organizations and more importantly for the people in North Omaha. The CWC will enable us to create new ways to improve health equity among the community and create a diverse workforce.”
If you are interested in touring the CWC and use of the space, please reach out to one of us on the OCE team, oce@unmc.edu and we will gladly coordinate arrangements.
Talia Gill (No More Empty Pots)
Everyone deserves a seat at the table in addressing complex community issues. I began my journey with No More Empty Pots over seven years ago as frontline staff. Over time, I have grown with the organization and now have the privilege of serving as the President and CEO. I believe in the transformative power of food as a form of fuel, medicine, and economic opportunity and am passionate about No More Empty Pots extending our reach beyond offering immediate food and economic aid. I know firsthand the need is so much greater. Instead, our programs focus on addressing the underlying causes of food insecurity by promoting long-term self-sufficiency and economic resilience of individuals and families, businesses, and communities.
Greater strides can be made when we can work together, each recognizing and leveraging our own unique strengths. Fostering engagement, particularly with leaders in the healthcare profession, is crucial for No More Empty Pots to advance our mission and drive positive, long-term health outcomes in Omaha. Involving students and future leaders in real-world problem solving ensures their voices are heard and helps create a pipeline of change makers who understand the vital interconnectedness of food, health, and the environment. It’s one of the many reasons we’re grateful for our partnership with the Office of Community Engagement at UNMC! My story–like so many others I know–is testament that offering support, belief, and opportunities for one's voice to be heard can make all the difference.
As disparities persist, environmental conditions change, and new health research emerges, our community, including its leaders at all levels, must be equipped to adapt and respond. Changing the future will take all of us working together. Changing the future starts now.
Talia Gill
No More Empty Pots
8511 North 3rd St,
Omaha NE, 68112
Fostering the Future Coaching Program
Fostering the Future (FTF) has prioritized building partnerships focused on assisting Omaha’s foster youth community through mentorship and community interaction. Project Everlast is a local organization that works to serve the needs of foster youth transitioning out of the foster care system. We developed the coaching program in partnership with Project Everlast. For this program, the coaches (UNMC students) and participants meet at monthly workshops focused on topics to assist the youth transition out of the foster care system and into adulthood. There is a bi-monthly social event where participants and coaches have more time to connect and get to know each other more. Some of the topics the coaches have covered so far include financial literacy, nutrition, health resources, women's health and healthy relationships.
We are including a schedule of our upcoming events for the program below. To learn more about the program, please read testimonials from current coaches and partner staff provided below. These workshops and events are open to trained FTF coaches and the Project Everlast participants. We welcome anyone interested in participating in this
"Upcoming Events"
Project Everlast
April 17: Physical and Mental Wellness Workshop
May 8: Activity Day
June 12: LGBTQ+ Health
“Collaborative Voices”
Project Everlast Coach Program Statements:
“Getting to see the FTF crew interact with our young people is always so much fun. FTF always comes to our events with smiles on their faces, the best attitudes, and always ready to have fun. Project Everlast appreciates all they do for our young people and for us!” – Emily Broadman (Project Everlast Staff)
“This program has been a great way for us to get to know local youth in underserved populations and build longitudinal relationships with them. Since these youth’s needs are frequently unmet by the systems intended to serve them, it’s important for future healthcare providers to make an active effort to improve outcomes for these people. I also value the fact that our program regularly communicates with Project Everlast and its participants to make sure that we are tailoring what we offer to what the youth actually want and need.” – Jainaha Srikumar (FTF Coach, FTF Vice President)
If you would like to learn more about how you could join or support FTF’s Project Everlast coaching program or any of the local organizations they work with, please contact Brooke Fitzpatrick at bfitzpatrick@unmc.edu.
Jacob Owens, BS
College of Medicine | Class of 2025
University of Nebraska Medical Center
Office of Community Engagment Survey
Community engagement survey open now through April 30th
The UNMC Office of Community Engagement (OCE) and UNMC, through the Office of the Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Dele Davies, MD, invites the UNMC community to participate in a survey that documents the work and dedication of faculty, staff and students in serving in and engaging with the community.
The biannual UNMC-wide Individual Community Engagement Survey, designed to gather information regarding community engagement activities and partnerships across the organization, measures key community engagement indicators and activities for academic health centers.
"We want to tell the story of the great work that is being done with our community," said Heidi Keeler, PhD, assistant vice chancellor of the Office of Community Engagement. “Community engagement is a strategic initiative for UNMC. By completing the survey, you actively increase our ability to make connections, identify opportunities and create supportive engagement infrastructure based on the collective data.”
The current survey, measuring engagement data for 2022-2023, available in Microsoft Teams and accessible to all UNMC users. Once the survey is complete, respondents can save and use the survey answers as a reference to augment the "service" component for annual evaluations. The campus community is asked to complete the survey by April 30.
Community Partner Happenings
In celebration of Women's Month in March, NM/UNMC RISE Women Employee Resource Group (ERG) and the UNMC Offices of Inclusion and Equity, hosted a workshop with Mynesha Spencer on March 22.
Spencer is the Principal Inclusion Strategist at All of Us, Together Co.
This presentation focused on challenges women face in the workplace, addressing everything from gender bias to boundary setting and imposter syndrome.
This workshop was on Zoom and in-person at Nebraska Medicine Buffett Cancer Center LVL Ground 0-12103 and via(with spacing and masking restrictions).
Office of Community Engagement
987110 Nebraska Medical Center
Omaha, NE 68198-7110