Storm Newsletter 

September 6, 2022

Congrats to all the athletes that competed on Saturday! You all now have a good idea of how the races will go for the future meets. The only difference is the girls and boys will not be racing together except for Maybe the older 13-18 age groups, depending on the numbers. This week we start our Valley Youth Conference (VYC) official League meets. Our team is in charge of timing and Alan will need at least one volunteer to help him at the finish line. We also need team help to get set up and give out tags. All parents need to volunteer at at least one meet. 

Here is what we need:

Tent set up - set up 7:00 am -2 people

Tag table 7:30 - help hand out athletes tags - 2 parents  

Finish Line - Timing help - see Alan 

RacesRabbits to lead the races( bike ok) Turtles parents to follow the last runners in each race ( parents will not be allowed to run on the course during the races with their children)

Clean up 2 people, help clean up and load tents

At this meet girls and boys in the same age group will not together with the exception of maybe the 4K. Remember all times are approximate and the races go on a rolling start, so please arrive  early for warm up! 

This is a great course but the parking is bad. Please arrive early, if the lot is full you can park in the neighborhood. Please obey all parking rules and do not block neighbor's drive ways. They will tow or ticket your car. Please allow for extra time to walk up the 1/4 mile hill to the start line location!

We are the only oganization that gets to use this park and we have worked very hard to keep it. The trails are not closed to hikers so we have to remember that they do not have to move off of them during the races. We need to be courteous at all time and have no altercations with the public. If you have any problems, please see me. The Pacers will host this meet. 

Race Results and Schedule  

You can see all results and upcoming meets on our website, just click on the cross country link! Results can also be found on org 

JELLY BEANS-  We have enough for now 

Practice Week of Sept 6th -Sept 10th  

Monday - No practice - Holiday

Tuesday - COC at 6:00 -7:15 pm - meet past the baseball field  

Thursday 6:00 - 7:15 pm - Field 7

Saturday - 7:30 am - Meet at O'Melveny Park 17600 Sesnon  Blvd. Granada Hills 

Race Schedule - All times are approximate, with a rolling start -  races may over-lap

7:45 - Coaches meeting 

7:30 - arrive and pick up tags - Self Guided Course walk 

8:00 - all athletes meet Coach Jeremy at the Storm Flag 

8:10 - Sub Gremlin and Gremlin Girls, 2K warm up 

8:30 - Sub and Gremlin Girls 2K race, Sub and Gremlin Boys warm up 

8:45- Sub Gremlin Boys 2K start, Bantam Girls 3K warm up   

9:00 - Bantams Girls 3K start, Bantam boys 3K warm up

9:25 - Bantam Boys 3K start Junior Girls 3K warm up

9:50 - Junior Girls 3K start, Junior boys 3K warm up

10:15 -Junior Boys 3K start, Youth and Young 4K warm up 

10:40  - Youth and Young girls 4K start (may be combined) 

11:00 - Youth and Young boys (may be combined TBD at the Coaches meeting ) 

This is a rolling schedule and can change at the meet. 

Coach Jeremy's Notes to the Team 

Parents and Athletes!

Yo, Yo, what a great pre-season race last Saturday! Everyone did amazing. It was hot and that is a tough course, but you all worked hard and crushed it.

Coaches, thank you for the great warmup and direction you gave the athletes! Parents, thanks for your commitment to helping your kids be the best they can be!

Athletes, thanks for pushing yourselves to excellence!

The preseason race was a valuable kickoff to the season for a few reasons:

  1. Hopefully you got some jitters out. Remember, the same warm up, the same routine, gives you comfort on race day!
  2. You got to race the conference competition! There were most definitely some kids missing but I wanted to throw one big tip out which will help each of you race even better this Saturday: DON’T EVER BE COMFORTABLE. That’s right, always look for the next person in front of you to catch and pass. If you do that, it doesn’t matter where you are in the field, you will always get better and run faster!
  3. You got to race!! Remember the preseason race doesn’t matter in the rankings, so this week will officially kick off the season.

And oh, do we have a great race in store for you. Saturday will be hot, but not as hot as this week. We’ll be at O’Melvany park in Granada Hills. This is one of the favorite courses for sure and is always a great race to kick off the season. It is great for racing and spectating. It isn’t overly challenging, no big hills, but plenty of obstacles to be mindful of. I’ll touch on these in more detail Thursday. The key to remember at this point is to arrive early! It is about a quarter mile walk from parking to the course so be prepared for that.

Let’s get to this week, week #5, and see what’s in store.

  1. Hopefully you ran today, or at least played hard!
  2. Tuesday night is going to be brutally hot so we will play it by ear for sure. The workout is scheduled to be back on Killer Hill, that’s right, the one… the only! We’ll make sure the night is safe. You can help by hydrating during the day and making sure you have some good food in you before the workout. Banana’s, granola bars, apples, grapes…
  3. Thursday night is going to be another brutally hot one so again… we’ll be safe. This workout will challenge you with some hill repeats. We’ll keep water near by and also take a little more rest than normal.

We’ll continue crushing the EMOM’s and getting faster and stronger as we progress through this season. 

Great job again to all who raced Saturday!

Boom!! It’s time to serve up another great week as we kick into high gear with the RACING season!!!!

Oh Yeah!!

See you all Tuesday night!!

Alan Bingham
Santa Clarita Track Club
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