Afterschool Spring Enrichment 2024
Dear Elementary & Middle School Families,

Registration for the Spring Session of Afterschool Enrichment is open! Siblings of students attending an enrichment program may attend Afterschool Care at a discounted rate. Please email me if you would like to register siblings, as space is limited.

Feel free to reach out with any questions.

Thacher Administrator
Monday (March 25 - May 20)
Lower Elementary and 4th Year Upper Elementary

Coached by Tom Giatrakos

Thacher Soccer will utilize small-sized games to aid in developing fundamental and advanced skills, tactics, positioning, and the importance of teamwork and collaboration. 
Monday/Wednesday (March 25 - May 22)
Lower Elementary through Middle School

Join Thacher's music instructor, Victor McSurely (Blue Man Group), as students explore coming together in small groups to learn their chosen songs. This time will reinforce the fundamentals of music and personal practice. The session will end with a presentation of their work.
Coding Class
Tuesday (March 26 - May 21)
Lower Elementary through Middle School

Instructed by Code Wiz

Minecraft Coding
Mine deep into the Minecraft world and create the future! In the modding with Minecraft course, students will build worlds using Code while learning fundamental programming concepts and level design. They will receive an Introduction to debugging programs, Code using drag and drop or Java, and transferable programming skills.
Tuesday (March 26 - May 21)
Lower Elementary through Middle School

Led by Renay Bane and Tom Giatrakos

Join Renay and Tom for adventurous hiking excursions at the Blue Hill Reservation and outdoor trailside museum. *Students will be driven to each starting point by the school van.
Flag Football
Wednesday (March 27 - May 22)
3rd Year Lower Elementary through Middle School

Coached by Tom Giatrakos

Students who participate in Intramural Competitive Flag-Football should expect a competitive and collaborative environment focusing on functioning on an organized Sports Team. UE/MS students who have participated in Flag-Football Games at Thacher during PE and Recess this year are encouraged to join.
The Natural World of Cooking
Thursday (March 28 - May 23)
Lower Elementary through Middle School

Instructed by Didi Emmons

This class will introduce students to the connection between the natural world and cooking. Join Chef Didi in weekly activities, including visiting a farm, planting herbs, foraging, and cooking nutritious dishes.
*Students will be driven to field trips by the school van.