April is CranioSacral Therapy Awareness Month!
Help Raise Awareness
We are happy to provide you with tools and ideas for promoting CranioSacral Therapy in your own communities.

Promote CST and its Benefits
The following is a list of suggested ways to share the benefits
of CranioSacral Therapy as we celebrate CranioSacral Therapy (CST) Awareness month:
• Demonstrate and sell Still Point Inducers.
Hold a drawing for a free CST session or a free ShareCare class.
• Distribute CST brochures and books such as Your Inner Physician and You or
Post articles in local and regional publications and on social media.
• Offer session and/or product discounts for the month of April to your clientele and/or
targeted populations such as newborns, the elderly or those with specific dysfunctions,
such as autism, cancer, post-concussion syndrome, post-traumatic stress, etc.
We hope these suggestions will help you to raise awareness in your own communities.
If you have additional ideas for promotion of CST Awareness Month, please let us know and we will share your ideas with others.

We would also love to hear about any successful events that you hold. Send your event highlights and photos to
CranioSacral Therapy Fact Sheet

This Upledger CranioSacral Therapy flyer can be proudly displayed in your office. The fact section clearly explains CST and includes a sample list of medical conditions reported by patients who saw improvement following CST. The figures section substantiates our worldwide imprint.

Exciting news! is getting a makeover!
Watch for the new and improved site launching soon.
Be sure to visit and
spend some time perusing the new features. 
Register now for our first virtual
Beyond the Dura
Exploration & Research Conference 2023
Join us in April 2023 online, as next year’s
virtual conference promises to be a reunion of elite CranioSacral Therapy practitioners and an expansion of ideas and practical applications
for CST.

Our theme is Inspiring our Global Community, as we are inspired by you, our wonderful
global network of therapists. Plan to join us online as we learn, explore, share, renew,
and connect.
We have many thought-provoking and groundbreaking presentations planned, and of course, we’ll have some fun, too. Don’t miss it!

Stay tuned for details.
Barral’s Newest Textbook Coming Soon!
By Jean-Pierre Barral, DO, MRO(F), RPT
Discover an innovative manual approach to working with the brain, the most complex and fascinating part of the body, and a territory that seems essentially inaccessible. It is the result of a rich clinical experience, and a long empirical and pragmatic journey that Jean-Pierre Barral began more than four decades ago.
Pre-Order Now and
Get it Hot Off the Press!
The book is scheduled to be published in July 2022.
Special Pre-Print Discount!
Order by June 30, 2022 to receive
FREE MEDIA MAIL SHIPPING in the continental US, and reduced shipping to international locations. Call or email for
more details. Use Promo Code BRAIN. 
EBooks are Essential
Did you know we have more than 50 of our best sellers available as eBooks? It’s easy to purchase and download some of our most well-read books and textbooks directly to your laptop or tablet. All eBooks are compatible with Android, Apple, and Windows platforms.

Watch this video to see the exciting features our eBooks offer.
Online Learning Tools
No matter where you are on your education path,
we are proud to offer a variety of learning tools for
entry-level to advanced students. 
Affiliate News
Kyriakos Karampatziakis, OT, CST-D is now our Upledger Satellite in Greece and Cyprus. He is our BI Sponsor and is working toward Satellite status, as well.
Daniel Chang, PT has become our Upledger Satellite candidate and Barral Satellite candidate in Taiwan – Taipei
City Region.
Davy Schneider, PT, DC, HP, DO
has been named the new owner
and CEO of UII and BI Germany.
Dr. Schneider is a physiotherapist, heilpraktiker, chiropractor, and is certified in osteopathy.
We are proud to announce that we had our first UII class in the country of Qatar. Orsi Gabriel, CST-D, MT, NP, our instructor from Hungary and owner of UII/BI Hungary Satellite, taught CS1 and CS2 in an in-house program for therapists for the new Zulal Wellness Resort.
We stand in strong support of our friends and colleagues in Ukraine and Russia. We have held many classes in the past few years in Ukraine and at the time of this publication, classes will be postponed due to the situation. We are happy to report that at this time, Sergii Pavlov, our UI/BI Ukraine Satellite owner and his family are safe in Poland.
And you’ll be entered into our monthly drawing for a chance
to win an Upledger Institute International class voucher!

Congratulations to our recent winners:
Jackelyn Brannon, RN
Jessica Hoffman, LMT
Suzanne Swearengen, DOM
Jessica Koehler, LMT
Margaret Parrish, OT
Amaele Liebermann, BA, LMT, RP
Convention News
Newly Certified
Articles of Interest
11211 Prosperity Farms Road, D-325, Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410-3487
Phone: 800-233-5880 or 561-622-4334 | Fax: 561-622-4771
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