Looking Ahead
3/19 @ 6 pm: Men's Night Out
3/23 @ 9 am: Bird/Bat/Owl House Installation
3/24 @ 4 pm: Light Shines in the Darkness concert
3/24-3/29: Labyrinth available for self-guided walks
3/29 @ 6:30 pm: Good Friday Service: A Modern Day Passion
3/30 @ 9 am: Easter Egg Hunt
3/30 @ 2 pm: Jim Randle Memorial Service
3/31 @ 10 am: Easter Sunday Morning Service
4/17, 9 am-4 pm: Lifeline Screening
In Worship
March 17 @ 10am The golden rule & the myth of more guns (Mark 12) Lent 5
March 24 @ 10am Palm Passion Service: Courage amidst a violent empire (part 1) Lent 6
March 24 @ 4pm Passion Cantata: Light Shining in the Darkness (part 2)
March 29 @ 6:30pm Good Friday, A Modern Day Passion (part 3)
March 31 @ 10am A New Easter: Power to the Peaceful (part 4)
Looking for something different for Holy Week? Check out our ecumenical church partners' offerings here or grab a paper copy from the narthex. AND make sure to check out a special dramatic production at Brush Creek Players by our own Michael Wood (more info below).
Access the full church calendar here. To add or correct something, please email office@salemwestpres.org.