Friday Newsletter

March 15, 2024

This Sunday

Worship Service: 10 am

Sunday School: 10 am

Coffee Hour: 11 am

Salem Youth Collective: 12:30 pm

Looking Ahead

3/19 @ 6 pm: Men's Night Out

3/23 @ 9 am: Bird/Bat/Owl House Installation

3/24 @ 4 pm: Light Shines in the Darkness concert

3/24-3/29: Labyrinth available for self-guided walks

3/29 @ 6:30 pm: Good Friday Service: A Modern Day Passion

3/30 @ 9 am: Easter Egg Hunt

3/30 @ 2 pm: Jim Randle Memorial Service

3/31 @ 10 am: Easter Sunday Morning Service

4/17, 9 am-4 pm: Lifeline Screening

In Worship

  • March 17 @ 10am The golden rule & the myth of more guns (Mark 12) Lent 5
  • March 24 @ 10am Palm Passion Service: Courage amidst a violent empire (part 1) Lent 6
  • March 24 @ 4pm Passion Cantata: Light Shining in the Darkness (part 2)
  • March 29 @ 6:30pm Good Friday, A Modern Day Passion (part 3)
  • March 31 @ 10am A New Easter: Power to the Peaceful (part 4)

Looking for something different for Holy Week? Check out our ecumenical church partners' offerings here or grab a paper copy from the narthex. AND make sure to check out a special dramatic production at Brush Creek Players by our own Michael Wood (more info below).

Access the full church calendar here. To add or correct something, please email

March 24 (Palm Sunday) at 4 pm. Get your free e-tickets to our Passion Cantata here or grab paper copies from the church. Make sure to invite a friend or two for this powerful musical event to lead us into the passion of Holy Week together.

This special event runs Friday, March 22-Sunday, March 31 at Brush Creek Playhouse in Silverton.

Find more information or pre-purchase tickets here.

“Whether you are a committed Christian, a person seeking to better understand the message of the New Testament, or just someone who loves a good, dramatic story, these presentations have something for you."--Michael Wood

Caring for Creation

On Sunday, March 10, the youth group and Building & Grounds put together owl, songbird, and bat houses that will be hung all over the property. These will contribute to our efforts for the little habitat project. The youth built about 17 houses. Big thanks to Chet Flick for cutting out the cedar and the entire committee for making this happen! If you would like to help hang the houses on the church grounds, join the group this Saturday starting at 9 am.

To see more about what Westminster, the PC(USA), and YOU are doing/can do to make a difference for the environment, check out our Caring for Creation page. A leader for a girls' environmental club in Alabama contacted the church just this week sharing how helpful the page was for her group's research!

And Caring for Our Neighbors

The youth group and Buildings and grounds are also working on a new little community resource center for the property! Soon you will see the installation of a cabinet in our parking lot near the scout lodge. This will include a little library, space for people to leave non-perishable food items, and a space for announcements for the community and church! Many children and neighbors walk through our parking lot every day on their way to and from school or to walk their dogs. We hope this will be a great resource for the neighborhood! The cabinet was built by Joe Mello from Center 50+ with donations from Chet Flick and Steve Mather! Keep an eye out for this and feel free to drop donations in it anytime! Big thanks to our Buildings and Grounds, MPEJ, and Library friends for making this happen! If you have questions about donating books, please contact Sue Ray. For questions about donating food, please contact Michelle Hare. 


Westminster Presbyterian Church had another successful Red Cross Blood Drive on Monday, thanks to all the wonderful blood donors and the people that assisted at the blood drive. Huge THANK YOU to all of you. We could not have done it without you. (FYI – The next blood drive at Westminster Presbyterian is scheduled for Monday, May 13 from 1:00 – 6:00. We hope to see you there!

Pam Garland and Bill Nelson

Pray for...

Tristan Peterson and his family as he recovers from a surgery at OHSU for a knee infection.


Have You Noticed Anything Fishy?

Westminster is participating in One Great Hour of Sharing to support Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, Presbyterian Hunger Program, and Self-Development of People. If you want to join and support those causes, we encourage you to find one of the cardboard fish banks around the church and take it home with you, and start putting your loose change or bills into the fish banks. Bring them back on Palm Sunday, March 24, and the church will send those special offerings to support these causes. There will also be envelopes by the pledge box in the sanctuary and QR codes if you prefer to make a special offering in that way. If you would like additional information, please find a member of the stewardship committee after service and ask them to get you a flyer or check out this website.


This month, bring in Easter candy or small items to surprise and delight children at our annual egg hunt. A box will be in the narthex March 8-27.

Marion Polk Food Share Garden Program 5th Sunday Special Donation: Look in the narthex this month and you’ll see a wheelbarrow! It needs to be filled with items for our Marion Polk Food Share garden friends and their youth garden projects. Place your smaller gently used or new items in it. If you have any of the larger items listed below, fill out a card with your name, name of tool and a contact number and also place in the wheelbarrow. Please bring them by March 31.

  • Garden gloves
  • Hand tools (spades, small hand hoes etc.)
  • Larger tools (shovels, rakes, hoes, loppers)
  • Our community gardeners are always looking for lawn mowers, rototillers and weed whackers, but these may be a bit too large for the wheelbarrow- fill out card to donate

Sponsored by Mission Peace Ecojustice Committee

Westminster Presbyterian Church


3737 Liberty Rd. S 

Salem, OR 97302

PHONE: 503-364-3327

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