N° 94 — March 30, 2022
Stay in touch as we celebrate Washington Youth Garden's 50th Anniversary. Enjoy our updates and insights from FONA, the U.S. National Arboretum, and WYG.

The National Arboretum has implemented a temporary traffic plan through mid-May to keep the grounds safe for all visitors during an extremely busy time of year. This traffic plan impacts gate access, traffic flow, and parking.
Garden Fair & Plant Sale
FONA's annual Garden Fair & Plant Sale returns Saturday, April 30th! We'll keep sharing important event details in the coming weeks, like plant lists, so keep your eyes peeled on FONA Field Notes.

This event is located outdoors around the Visitor Center. A free shuttle will transport people between the New York Avenue parking lot, the Grove parking lot, and the Visitor Center. We will also plant-sit while people get their cars so they do not have to transport their plants on the shuttle.

8 AM - 10 AM: Members-only hours for plant sale. Vendors open to public at this time. Become a FONA member for early access to this event and first pick of one-of-a-kind plants.

10 AM - 4 PM: Public hours open to all.


Browse from thousands of plants picked by our team of garden experts, including annuals, perennials, shrubs/trees, and rare collector items. We'll provide shopping carts so you can shop to your heart's (and garden's) content.

Stay tuned! We'll soon share the lists of plants you can find at the sale.

Over 20 local gardening, home goods, food, and beverage vendors are bringing products specially picked for this event. Here's who will be there:

We'll also have family-friendly activities near the vendor village so children can connect more deeply to nature during the event:

  • ARTboretum: This child-centered event for children ages 2 to 11 will include a planting demonstration, a book give away, and nature-based crafts. This event is free but registration is required.
  • Washington Youth Garden: Honey bee education table from 10 AM to 2 PM.
Eagle Update
Welcome to the world, DC9! The eaglet hatched late Monday night and appears more alert and stronger than its sibling was. DC8 hatched last Friday but did not survive. This eaglet is named DC9 since it's the ninth eagle to hatch in this nest.
The Arboretum is working with partners to learn what these eagles can tell us about environmental health. DC9 will be featured in a National Geographic documentary series about the interactions between birds and humans in the environment.

In late April, scientists will take a small blood sample from DC9 and band it so they can track its movement once it grows up. The blood sample will help scientists at the DC Department of Energy and Environment understand how industrial chemicals and heavy metals found in fish in the Anacostia River impact the growth and development of apex predators like bald eagles.

Photos from U.S. National Arboretum and American Eagle Foundation
Join us Saturday, April 2nd from 10 AM to 1 PM for our Spring Into School Gardening event. This event is open to everyone but geared towards DC educators. We'll share school garden supplies, garden maintenance training, Grow@Home kits, and more. Slow Food DC will also host a seed swap during the event!

This event is free but registration is required. We'll also have complimentary lunch and coffee.

Upcoming Events
Off the Beaten Path
April 6, 7 PM & 8:15 PM
Strolling choral performance through collections

Garden Fair & Plant Sale
April 30, 8 AM - 4 PM
Plants, local products, and expert advice

Lunar Eclipse Viewing
May 15, 8 PM - Midnight
Laid-back viewing in the Meadow

Summer 5K
June 25, 9 AM
Scenic race through collections in bloom
The Arboretum is open every day from 8 AM to 5 PM except December 25th. Some buildings and collections remain closed to ensure visitor and staff safety.
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