Deeply Beloved,

For those of you in lament over the 5 incidents of shootings in this country over the last 15 or so days, please know that lament is beautiful, necessary, and healthy response to such sudden and needless loss. For those of you having to explain to your children the tragedy in an elementary school, God’s peace, power, and healing be with you. For those of you suffering such change, worry, or tragedy in your own lives right now that it’s all you can deal with right now, it’s okay to focus on your concerns…your family in God will pray for you and for what happens in the world. For those of you celebrating…births, weddings, special vacations with family and friends not seen since before Covid-19, we celebrate with you and we’ll hold the world’s concerns for you until you’re ready. 

Our God is wide and loving, and able to be with all of us in all our spaces, and giving us the Holy Spirit so that we too can “rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who mourn.” (Romans 12:15)
And when we are able, let us all pray with our feet and hands, doing work out in the world to help stop the killing, (sign petitions, call political representatives, vote, help others vote, help existing anti-violence organizations) so that God’s Commonwealth can be spread everywhere. 

Peace, healing, and blessings,
Mo. Nikki+

O Merciful God,
grant that we through the strength of your divine hand
might protect and serve one another—
make all forms of hatreds cease,
unmask all systems of corruption and power,
drive out all fears and prejudices in our day.

You are as near as our breath
and as close to us as the contours of our hearts and minds.
May your presence be a balm to those who are suffering
and a bright flame to those who are causing injury.
Rupture the status quo of perennial violence
that infects our land,
and teach us through your divine Word
to reject the lies of any false peace
in favor of the presence of your dangerous justice.

page 31 of the Booklet of Uncommon Prayer by Kenji Kuramitsu

Calling all those in our Blindspot (20s and 30s)! Join us at University 16 cinemas to see Dr. Strange: Multiverse of Madness on Friday, May 27!
Confirmation Classes
Confirmation class will NOT meet this Sunday, May 29. Here is the schedule for June:

June 5: we will meet
June 12: we will not meet
June 19: we will meet
June 26: we will not meet
What is great faith?
Adult Spiritual Formation meets this Sunday, May 29, to continue our exploration of the Gospel of Luke. All are welcome in the Parish Hall from 9:15 to 10:15 with no need to have attended earlier sessions. Bibles will be available but feel free to bring your own favorite.

The Spiritual Formation Committee will meet on Sunday, June 12, after the 10:30 am service in the small conference room in the Parish Hall. All are welcome to join.

Please join us for a Spiritual Formation series on the intersection of faith and nature. The series will have different presenters on an array of topics over 5 weeks on Sunday afternoons/evenings.

5/15, 6:45 pm, Celtic Traditions, Ellen Richardson (at their home)
5/29, 2:30 pm, Buddhism and Nature, Gene Ruffin
6/5, 6:30 pm, Faith in Action, Tyra Byers
6/12, 7pm, Hildegard and Teilhard, the Green Mystics, Lee Ann Pingel (@ St. G's)
6/19, TBA, Creation Care, Jason Roberts

Each session will be about an hour (plus travel time if the session is not at the church) and will include a presentation, some meditative practice in nature, some group conversation/reflection on the program, and some communal liturgy.

This Sunday, May 29, will be an introduction to Buddhist, Interbeing, and Nature led by Gene Ruffin. The session will explore some of the teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh through meditation, liturgy, and discussion. It will be held at St. Gregory at 2:30 pm.

The third session on June 5th will be led by Tyra Byers and will focus on practical ways in which we can respond in faith to the climate crisis. This session will be held at Ron and Jane's farm.

Contact Ron Balthazor ( for more information.

All youth (6th-12th grade) are invited to a monthly game night in the youth room at 6pm on the first Saturday of each month, beginning on June 4th. Come, bring your friends and a favorite snack!
** If there is anyone with a van willing to volunteer themselves and their vehicle for rides to and from the UGA campus Presbyterian Church parking lot to the Wright House, please let Kendall know ASAP. **

You are invited! Get a sneak peek at The Wright House, the new Episcopal Center at The University of Georgia, during its Open House on June 11 from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. Registration is required. Please click here to register.

The June 11 open house is the only open-to-the-public event planned for The Wright House which will be occupied by students prior to the fall semester. The 123-bedroom facility, which features a bathroom for each bedroom, includes onsite parking, bike storage, a fitness facility, study spaces, and an indoor common kitchen and coffee bar. It will also have extensive outdoor common areas adjacent to the building and on the green roof deck.

The new building is named in honor of Bishop Rob Wright, for his steadfast support for children, youth, and college ministries. It sits on the site of the former Episcopal Center and chapel in the heart of The University of Georgia campus at the corner of University Court and South Lumpkin Street.

It is true,
I must confess
That we need folks
To help process us 
To the alter.
In rows we go
A sacred flow.
As hearts, unite 
With delight
In his communion.
A holy duty
To serve as usher
And, help the Church avoid a crusher.
Humbly, I beseech the,
To volunteer would be so peachy!

We need 8 more! If you would like to volunteer, and/or coordinate, please contact Anna Hiers, vestry liaison to the Worship Committee, via email or @ 706-340-9799. Training will be provided.
The 2022 St. Gregory the Great Summer Bible School information is here!

Dates and Times: July 18-21, 5:30 - 7:30

Theme: Compassion Camp 
Compassion Camp is a program where kids and families explore what it means to have compassion for others, ourselves, and the world. 

From the Director's Guide:
As we look around the world, our deep need for compassion becomes more evident with each passing day, perhaps now more than ever. Compassion Camp’s goal is to cultivate compassion for each other, ourselves, and the world. We will examine different places in our lives where we can cultivate compassion. Using each of the Compassion Camp components, we’ll explore themes of compassion as they relate to each session’s scripture.

Thanks to some of our faithful Children's Ministry volunteers who reviewed various curriculums and gave input to our selection. Please mark your calendar for Bible School, and share the news with friends who may be interested. As is our tradition, Compassion Camp will be open to all ages. Watch for future announcements about roles we will need filled in order to make "camp" happen. 
Coffee Hour!
Due to the lack of volunteers, there may or may not be coffee hour on any given Sunday. If you are able to host or bring a baked item for a future coffee hour, contact Melissa or Catrina to sign up. A sign up sheet will also be posted at the event.
Melissa Hamlin - 8AM service 
Catrina King - 10:30AM service 

i remember
my 4th grade year
for many things
but not for fear

cursive writing
birds and reptiles
times table facts
tall snowplow piles

a walking tour
beyond the school
the sky was clear
the air was cool

trees and flowers
to smell and see
but no real threat
to frighten me

alice mohor

Blindspot Group Chat

Send your name and phone number to Wade McGlamery at 770-624-4837 to be added to the group chat for our 20s and 30s group! Make sure you have downloaded WhatsApp.
Instructions for Live Streaming

  • Just go to the St. Gregory the Great Episcopal Church 

  • Near the time for service, underneath our channel logo, you will see our video for that day, with the word ‘live’ on it. The page will look like this:

  • If you don’t immediately see the video that says ‘live’, (for instance, if you opened YouTube before the service begins) keep refreshing it. To ‘refresh’ go up to the top of your screen and on the left or right of the web address you will see this image (little curvy arrow to the right -->). Click on it to ‘refresh.’ 

  • When you see the video square that says ‘live’, click on it. 

Welcome to worship!
Meeting Opportunities
Parish community offerings via Zoom or in person:

Hebrew Reading meets on Zoom every other Wednesday from 11am-1pm. Contact Joel Hunt!

Stacie Court hosts "Let's Chat!" for women of the parish. The days and time vary, and not everyone can join every time, but everyone is welcome to join whenever they can! Email Stacie!

Book Club first Friday of the month @ 7PM ongoing for the foreseeable future.  Email Lois Alworth if you are interested in participating.

Lectionary Discussion Group via Zoom, every Thursday at 6:00pm. Email Ken Taylor if you are interested in participating.

*Threads of Prayer is back in person, 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month @1PM! We'll meet outside if the weather is good and inside the Christian Ed building if the weather is bad. Email Annette Bates if you are interested in participating. All knitters and crocheters welcome!

*Men's Group: 9AM on Saturdays.  Email Peter Rice!

* group(s) now meeting in person
Other groups have been meeting via Zoom as well, so if you've got a group already meeting in Zoom rooms, and want to widen your circle, let Kendall know so we can get the word out there!
St. Gregory the Great Episcopal Church |
706.546.7553 |