FRIDAY, JUNE 18, 2021
Portland Avenue detours expected next week
Traffic backups on Main, Washington streets expected

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  • As of Thursday, June 17, the contractor has installed the new water main line from Henry Law Avenue through Washington Street. The project focus now shifts to installing new water main on Main Street.

  • The contractor is anticipating crossing the Portland Avenue intersection Wednesday and Thursday, leading to detours and significant traffic backups at busy times. However, detours could begin as early as Tuesday and extend into Friday, depending on if any ledge or other buried utilities are found.

  • Next week's work is expected to occur during daytime hours from about 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. No water shut-offs are anticipated.

Monday, June 21 to Tuesday, June 22

  • Work will be focused on installing new water main on Main Street from Washington Street to Young Street.

  • Parking restrictions will be in place around the work area on Main Street.

Wednesday, June 23 to Thursday, June 24

  • Water main is slated to be installed on Main Street from Young Street to the Picker House at 42 Main Street. This requires crossing the Portland Avenue intersection.

  • Inbound Portland Avenue traffic will be detoured on Chapel Street to Saint John Street to Broadway.

  • Outbound Portland Avenue traffic will be detoured to Chapel Street to Portland Avenue.

  • Main Street will be reduced to one lane at Main and Chapel Street.

  • Parking restrictions will be required on portions of Main Street, Chapel Street and Saint John Street.

Friday, June 25:

  • Planned morning work includes installing water main from the Picker House towards School Street.

  • Parking restrictions will be required on Main Street from Washington Street to School Street.

  • Friday afternoon, crews will lay temporary trench pavement on Main Street from Washington Street to School Street.
The work schedule may change depending on conditions on the ground, and as much advanced notice as possible will be provided for significant schedule changes.

Drivers should pay close attention to the construction signs when driving and parking downtown. Temporary water mains are laid along the curb and marked by construction barrels and signs. If water lines are hit by a vehicle, it could result in a rupture of the lines and damage to the vehicle.

Many steel plates will be placed on the sidewalks in the downtown area. Pedestrians should remain attentive and use caution when walking along sidewalks in work areas.

Report any damage to the temporary water system to police dispatch at 603-742-4646.
About the project
The Washington and Main Water Improvements project is focused on replacing 3,000 feet of critical water main infrastructure under Washington Street and Main Street. These are some of the oldest water distribution pipes in the City of Dover that are more than 130 years old.

The contractor will install a new ductile iron pipe that will provide reliable water service for the next 100-plus years. The project began on March 22, 2021. The six-month project is expected to have significant traffic impacts and limited durations of water shutoff as infrastructure is replaced. The project remains on schedule for substantial completion on Aug. 19, 2021, and final completion on Sept. 18, 2021.

This work includes street excavation, lane closures, and overnight water shutoffs in the downtown area. See the map below for the project area, or click here for the project page with project maps.

The City encourages pedestrians and motorists to be vigilant while moving throughout the downtown area and look for signs providing information about the project and sections of streets and sidewalks closed for construction. Uneven road conditions and sidewalks are likely to occur, so please use caution driving, riding bikes and walking in the area.

To receive these email updates about the project, visit and select "Project updates: Washington and Main Water Improvements."
The above map shows the project area for the replacement of the water main along Main Street and Washington Street. This map and detailed maps of where isolation valves are located are available at the project page: