Table of Contents

  1. Message from the CEO
  2. Project Spotlight: Teams Phone
  3. Meet our volunteers
  4. Get involved in research
  5. Upcoming events and opportunities
  6. Dates of Significance
  7. Community Corner: Ajax Public Library
  8. Purchased Services: Summer programs
  9. Grandview Kids Foundation

Message from the CEO

If you’re driving down Harwood Road North in Ajax, your eyes may catch some new colourful additions to the landscape.

The exterior panels of our new headquarters are being installed, bringing the building to life. It’s the first hint of whimsy to envelope you as you approach the construction site.

Our dedicated construction crew has made significant progress internally and externally on the building, from painting, flooring, door and window installations, landscaping the sensory trail, and more. Everyone is head-down and hands-on, pushing toward our occupancy date this Fall. We have even started booking appointments at the site in October!

To stay up-to-date on all the exciting progress being made, read our Spring 2024 New Build Update.

It was a pleasure seeing so many Grandview Kids supporters at our golf tournament on May 30. Hearing the impact of our services on clients and families at events like this drives awareness across our community and attracts generous donors who help enhance and sustain our programming. It was a fun day of recreation for a worthy cause.

The month ahead holds a special day for me and many others as we celebrate Father’s Day on June 16. I am sending well wishes to all those celebrating.

It’s a day that I honour and reflect on my own fatherhood journey. Caring for a child with communication, physical or developmental needs poses challenges to all parents. But, the impact on Dads and male caregivers is less studied. Research findings have revealed that custom strategies are often required to support fathers in these caregiving roles. This is something we continue to think about at Grandview Kids. We are fortunate to benefit from the voices of a few Dads on our Family Advisory Council (FAC), balancing the perspectives of parents across Grandview families in our quality improvement initiatives.

June also marks the beginning of Pride Month. Pride Month is a time to acknowledge the struggles that members of the 2SLGBTQI+ community have faced and continue to face, as well as the progress we have made toward a more just and equitable society. During Pride Month and every other month, let us continue to work towards fostering a community where everyone is accepted and valued for who they are.

As I sign off, I want to wish you a wonderful summer. We will be pausing Gather in July and August, returning with our next issue in September. In the meantime, enjoy the sun.


Tom McHugh

CEO, Grandview Kids

Summer road trips

Jacki, one of our Family Engagement Peer Navigators, has a love of travel. But, after her son started having seizures, she had to take a pause on travelling. She’s become more comfortable managing his medical needs “on the go” and has uncovered many practical tips so other families whose children have physical, communication or developmental needs may also get out, enjoy a road trip, and feel confident travelling as a family. Happy road-tripping! Read more >

Scoliosis Awareness Month

Fadia shares her journey as caregiver to her son, Shayaan. She says, “Our journey with my son's scoliosis has been a challenging and emotional experience, filled with highs and lows that have tested his resilience and determination. This Scoliosis Awareness Month, I hope our story can offer hope and encouragement to other families facing similar challenges.”

Read more >

Brain Injury Awareness Month

Claudia, a Grandview parent and member of our Family Advisory Council (FAC), tells her son Reid's story. “Brain injury is invisible and often misunderstood. The scars may not be obvious, but they are there. They show up in the way you move, talk and process information. The good news is that with the right support and accommodations, there is light at the end of the tunnel.”

Read more >

Spina Bifida Awareness Month

Spina Bifida is the most common congenital birth defect that causes disability. Krystal, the mother of Grandview kid, Weston, shares, “It is sometimes difficult to track progress. He went from zero words to talking sentences while attending Grandview School and receiving weekly therapy and continued support from special education teachers. He still walks robotically, and his reflexes will always be an issue, but he is getting better.” Read more >

Pride Month

Pride Month is a time to honour love, acceptance, and above all, inclusivity. As an organization dedicated to enabling children and youth to live at their full potential, we recognize the profound importance of creating spaces where everyone feels welcomed and supported, regardless of their gender identity, gender expression and sexual orientation.

On our blog, Grandview Kids' Inclusivity, Diversity, Equity and Accessibility (IDEA) Committee acknowledges why celebrating Pride is important and shares actions you can take to be an ally to the 2SLGBTQI+ community. Read more >

Meet our volunteers: Vicki C.

This new feature showcases a volunteer from Team Grandview. This group of caring, committed individuals, comprised of students, retirees and working professionals add a little sparkle to Grandview Kids through their devotion of time and expertise. Let's meet Vicki >

Project Spotlight: Teams Phone

On Wednesday, June 19, Grandview Kids will transition its telephony system from traditional desk phones to a digital solution, called Teams Phone. Teams Phone enables our staff members to use their computers as phones for all their calling needs.

This transition brings many benefits, including a more user-friendly experience when calling Grandview Kids, and a modern telephone solution in support of improved technology at our new headquarters and satellite locations. Below is more information about our transition to Teams Phone and how it affects clients and families.

Rest assured: While the software we use to make and receive calls changes on June 19, our main phone number will NOT change. You will still be able to reach us at 905-728-1673. Grandview Kids' transition to Teams Phone will not change how we offer our programs and services to clients in any way.

How does the change to Teams Phone affect clients and caregivers?

Automated greeting: When you call Grandview Kids on/after June 19, you will notice that our automated greeting and directory have changed. Please be sure to listen carefully to our new greeting when you call us on or after this date, as selections may have changed.

Personal extensions: While our main phone number is not changing, our staff will no longer have extensions. On/after June 19, every staff member will have individual Teams Phone numbers to reach them (these numbers look like typical phone numbers). If you regularly call a member of Team Grandview using their extension, please ask them after Wednesday, June 19 for their new Teams Phone number. Moving forward, you can reach Team Grandview members using their direct Teams Phone number. If you don't yet know your clinician's new Teams Phone number, you can call the main line and dial by their name to be connected (after June 19).

We thank you in advance for your patience as Team Grandview becomes accustomed to the Teams Phone system. If you have questions about Grandview Kids' transition to Teams Phone, please email

Get involved in research!

The Grandview Kids Research and Innovation Committee is proud to support the emerging field of paediatric rehabilitation. 

Find out how you and your child can participate in research by visiting our website.

Get involved in research at Grandview Kids >

Upcoming events and connection opportunities

Family Engagement

Creative Connections Art Social

When: Monday, June 17, 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.

Where: Grandview Kids' Oshawa Main Site, 600 Townline Rd S, Oshawa

The Adolescent Transition Team invites you to the upcoming in-person Creative Connections Art Social. Must be aged 15+ and accompanied by caregiver. It will be a fun evening of creating unique pieces of art and building friendships. Art materials, snacks and refreshments will be provided.

Click here to register >

VIRTUAL: Adolescent Transition Coffee Chat

When: Thursday, June 13, 6:30 to 8:00 p.m.

Where: Microsoft Teams Meeting

Join us for our Adolescent Transition Program Coffee Chat. This is for caregivers.

This is a fantastic opportunity for caregivers to meet and connect. We will build relationships and share information.

Click here to register >

Park Playdates at Grandview Kids' Oshawa Main Site

When: Tuesday, June 11 and Tuesday, June 25th, from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m.

Where: Grandview Kids' Oshawa Main Site, 600 Townline Rd S, Oshawa

Join Grandview Kids families for Park Playdates throughout the summer at our Main Site in Oshawa! After the June dates listed above, park playdates will occur weekly on Tuesday evenings in July and August, from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m., ending Tuesday, August 20. Note that all park playdates are weather-permitting.

Please email for details.

Dates of significance

Every month, members of Team Grandview’s Inclusivity, Diversity, Equity and Accessibility (IDEA) Committee research and share blog posts about holidays, cultural celebrations, awareness days, and other dates of significance that are meaningful to staff, clients, caregivers, partners and the community.

In June, we acknowledge Pride Month, Indigenous History Month, National Migraine and Headache Awareness Month, Stroke Awareness Month, CDKL5 Awareness Day, Dravet Syndrome Awareness Day and more. Read more on our blog >

We also acknowledge many holidays and celebrations this month, including Shavuot, Eid al-Adha, Autistic Pride Day, Canadian Multiculturalism Day and International Pride Day. Read more on our blog >

Community Corner: Ajax Public Library

Celebrate Pride Month: Drag Queen Storytime and Family Pride Kickoff on June 1 

National Indigenous History Month: Storytime Special for National Indigenous History Month on June 22.

2024 TD Summer Reading Club – To the Stars: Get ready, get set, and get excited for a summer full of fun. Read books, track your reading and get entered into prize draws. Plus, we have out of this world events planned all summer long. Registration starts on June 10.

Purchased Services: Summer 2024 programming

Youth Social Summer Fun

  • Mondays from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. at the Oshawa Main Site (600 Townline Road)
  • July 8 to August 26, 2024 (no session on August 5)
  • Ages 12 to 16
  • Cost per participant: $750 (eligible for OAP Core Clinical Services budgets)

The goal of this group is to provide a fun place to enjoy some activities this summer, while focusing on group readiness and social interaction skills. Youth will have an opportunity to interact with peers in Grandview Kids' outdoor enclosed playground space (or indoor gym space due to inclement weather).

Program development and supervision are overseen by Grandview staff, including Autism Therapy Assistants, Behaviour Analysts and an Occupational Therapist.


To register or find out more information, visit My Community Hub >

SuperFlex: A social skills group

  • Tuesdays from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. at the Oshawa Main Site (600 Townline Road)
  • July 2 to August 27, 2024 (parent training session on July 2)
  • Ages 8 to 12
  • Cost per participant: $800 (eligible for OAP Core Clinical Services budgets)

In this group, participants will learn how to become a flexible superhero through engaging and motivating activities. Superflex helps them take on the Team of Unthinkabots, cartoon-like characters who embody different behaviours and challenges. Participants engage in activities to promote social and emotional flexibility; learn skills to support self-monitoring; and focus on problem-solving skills for dealing with conflict and making decisions in social situations.


Workshop development and program supervision are overseen by Grandview Kids staff, including Autism Therapy Assistants and Behaviour Analysts.


To register or find out more information, visit My Community Hub >

Mediator Model

Using the principles and teaching methods of Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA), goals are determined based on client and parent/caregiver input and assessment outcomes. Goal areas may include behaviour management, communication, play skills, self-care, job readiness, motor skills, etc. The child/youth will attend 45-minute, 1:1, in-person sessions with an Autism Therapy Assistant (ATA) under the supervision of a Behaviour Analyst (BA), with ongoing consultation from an Occupational Therapist (OT) and Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP), as needed. A minimum of 12 weeks of service is required.


This program’s price depends on the number of sessions attended per week. Prices are inclusive of 1:1 direct support with an ATA, regular supervision by a BA, as-needed consultation with an SLP and OT, and indirect report writing, paperwork and assessment, as required for the program.

  • Assessment = $500
  • One session per week for 12 weeks = $2,500
  • Two sessions per week for 12 weeks = $5,000
  • Three sessions per week for 12 weeks = $7,500
  • Four sessions per week for 12 weeks = $10,000


  • Monday 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. (Oshawa)
  • Monday 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. (Oshawa)
  • Wednesday 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (Oshawa)
  • Wednesday 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. (Oshawa)
  • Wednesday 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. (Whitby)

 For more information on pricing, program details and registration requirements, please visit My Community Hub.

Foundational Applied Skills Training (F.A.S.T.) Model

Using the principles and teaching methods of ABA, foundational skills are the focus of goals in this program. Skill domains of focus could include communication, play skills, behaviour management, imitation, self-care, motor skills, etc. Assessment begins during the Intake Interview, conducted by a Grandview Kids Service Navigator with the parent/caregiver.


This program’s price depends on the number of sessions attended per week. Prices are inclusive of 1:1 direct support with an ATA, regular supervision by a BA, as-needed consultation with an SLP and OT, and indirect report writing, paperwork and assessment, as required for the program.

  • 2 sessions per week = $830/week
  • 3 sessions per week = $1,245/week
  • 4 sessions per week = $1,660/week
  • 5 sessions per week = $2,075/week


  • Monday, starting at 9:00 a.m. (Whitby)
  • Tuesday, starting at 9:00 a.m. (Whitby)
  • Thursday, starting at 9:00 a.m. (Whitby)
  • Wednesday, starting at 1:15 p.m. (Whitby)
  • Monday, starting at 1:15 p.m. (Whitby)


For more information on pricing, program details and registration requirements, please visit My Community Hub.

Golf Fore Grandview Kids was a hit!

The 28th Annual Golf Fore Grandview Kids Charity Golf Classic was a massive hit! Thank you to the inspiring Grandview Kids community for your support in making this event a success each year. The Grandview Kids Foundation wants to thank our committed volunteers and Team Grandview staff who came out to make the event interesting, fun and informative. We look forward to sharing more information about the event's success on the Grandview Kids Foundation social media pages and website.

McHappy Day – thank you!

The Grandview Kids Foundation extends heartfelt gratitude to the remarkable community members, staff, clients and caregivers who generously volunteered their time on McHappy Day! We are also immensely thankful to everyone who shared McHappy Day information and indulged in a delightful McDonald's treat on Wednesday, May 8. The Foundation team sincerely hopes that each of you relished every moment, soaking in the vibrant spirit of McHappy Day. It was indeed a day filled with magic!

Call for volunteers

The Grandview Kids Foundation is actively looking for more dedicated volunteers to join our team! If you are interested in joining the Grandview Kids Foundation as a volunteer, visit our website here or email our Community Engagement and Donor Relations Officer, Lisa Pargetter!

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Content in Gather is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor. Views expressed in posts and resources listed do not signify endorsement by Grandview Kids.

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