University Staff Advisory Committee Newsletter | February 2023

Picture of the Ohio State Seal with the word "Unversity Staff Advisory Committee"

Tell us what is important to you.

As staff advocates, USAC is interested in hearing from you. Over the next few months, we will be starting our newsletter with a different staff survey question(s) in order to best represent how all staff are feeling about a variety of important topics. This month’s question(s) focus on OSU as an employer of choice.

Answer the Survey

USAC New Member Application is open!

The USAC New Member Application process is open and we are excited for you to join us in our staff advocacy.

New Member Applications go live Wednesday, February 1, 2023 with applications due Sunday, February 26, 2023.

Apply Now
Video of Chief Wellness Officer Dr. Bernadette Melnyk discussing USAC.

Listen to Chief Wellness Officer, Dr. Bernadette Melnyk share why you should consider joining USAC's 23-26 Cohort.

USAC New Member Information Sessions

Are you interested in becoming a new member of USAC and what to learn more? Please join one of these links at the specified day and time to find out more.

Tuesday, Feb. 7 from 12:00-12:30 p.m.

Wednesday, Feb 15 from 4:00-4:30 p.m.

USAC Staff Spotlight

USAC is proud to recognize Ohio State staff who exemplify what it means to be a Buckeye. USAC is excited to announce Amy Miller as this month's honoree! Each honoree will receive a $50 gift card, sponsored by OHR. Thank you for all that you do to make a positive impact at Ohio State.

Amy Miller

If you wish to nominate a staff member to be featured in the staff spotlight click to learn more.

Shared Values - Encouraging Personal Reflection

Ohio State’s Shared Values help us define who we are, explore what we are committed to, and navigate through difficult conversations and decisions. Our Shared Values have both a personal and institutional dimension. It’s important to reflect on how your individual values and behaviors contribute to creating a team culture that embodies the Shared Values of Excellence and Impact, Diversity and Innovation, Inclusion and Equity, Care and Compassion, and Integrity and Respect.

Understanding our Shared Values on a personal level begins with exploration. Consider taking a moment to think about how your own personal values map to our Shared Values. What words and ideas resonate with you? What behaviors do you believe you live well?  

Check out these links to help guide your reflection:

·        Personal Values Exercise

·        Personal Behaviors Self-Assessment

The Personal Values Exercise asks you to examine your own mission, values, and behaviors, and map them to Ohio State’s Shared Values. The Personal Behaviors Self-Assessment allows you to measure how you demonstrate and model the Shared Values behaviors. 

New Wellness Benefits Available for Eligible Faculty & Staff

Faculty and staff have access to new benefits as part of Ohio State’s continued commitment to employee well-being. The Lifestyle Spending Accounts (LSA) is now available to eligible employees. 

The LSA allows employees to submit claims for reimbursement of personal expenses related to health, fitness, family, emotional and social wellness of up to $125 quarterly (a total of $500 per year) for an eligible service or expense. 

Visit our Website

Health Insurance - Dependent Eligibility Verification 2023

It's that time again. Do not forget to verify your dependents with the OHR office to keep their health insurance coverage in 2023.

Learn More

In Need of Dependent Care? Check out Bright Horizons.

In order to do your best at work, you need to feel supported in other parts of your life. It can be difficult to know where to go to find the trustworthy and reliable support services you need – whether it’s helping your children learn in an entirely new way, supporting older family members who look to you for help, or caring for pets when work and other demands stack up.

That’s why we’re excited to share that all employees at the Wexner Medical Center now have access to the family services of Bright Horizons, a group of trusted national consultants, who can help connect you to a range of reliable and well-screened childcare, pet care, eldercare, tutoring, and other services.

Visit our Website

OSU Health Plan Wellness Events

The OSU Health Plan manages the healthcare insurance benefits and services offered to faculty and staff at The Ohio State University. By overseeing the many health and wellness resources available to members and giving them a single point of contact for all of their health plan needs, The OSU Health Plan makes staying healthy a little bit easier. Click the link below to see some of the wellness events available to staff through the OSU Health Plan.

Join Us!

If you're curious to learn more about USAC and how we operate, our bi-monthly business meetings are always open for staff to join as guests. Guests are also encouraged to view our business meeting agendas at the USAC Website.

Next Business Meeting:

Wednesday, February 8, 2023 : 8:45-10:30am

Virtual Teams Meeting (link below).

Please note agenda items/topics may change and some information shared during the meetings might not be ready for public dissemination. Guests who plan to attend are encouraged to review updated agendas closer to the business meeting date.  

We strive to host inclusive, accessible events that enable all individuals, including individuals with disabilities, to engage fully. To request an accommodation or for inquiries about accessibility, please contact Shelby Dawkins at At least two weeks' advance notice will help us to provide seamless access. 

For a complete schedule of the 2022-2023 year, reference our calendar here.

University Staff Advisory Committee | |
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