Head of School Transition Update

Dear Riley Family & Friends,

We hope this message finds you well. The recent warm temperatures remind us that spring, and all the wonderful growth and change that comes with it, is approaching. It also reminds us that it’s been nearly three months since we announced the hiring of Annie Hasselgren as our next Head of School, and now seems a good time to provide an update on the ongoing transition process. 

The most immediate task was for Annie and her family, who are relocating from Maryland, to find a place to live in the mid-coast. Ever the planner, Annie began looking for homes before we even made an offer of employment. As many are aware, it can be a daunting task to find a home in the mid-coast, but we’re very happy to report that Annie has found a home that will allow for an easy commute.

Since announcing Annie’s headship, the board transition committee has been in touch with Annie regularly. We have begun sharing historical knowledge, and further conveying the principles and philosophy that has served Riley well for over 50 years. Annie has begun meetings with Becky, and will be scheduling meetings with other staff and faculty members in the near future. Annie will be on campus for the Maine Maple Sunday event, and we anticipate other opportunities for you to engage with Annie as the year continues. 

We’re also happy to report that all of our initial observations of Annie during the interview process have proven accurate. Annie is a compassionate, organized, and process-driven educational leader who has a passion for collaboration and inclusivity. As Riley’s core curriculum and philosophy are strong, one of Annie’s priorities will be Advancement - including both bolstering the school's financial position through donor and community engagement, as well as improving enrollment. With nearly 20 years of related experience, Annie is well-positioned to facilitate these critical growth areas.  

Annie has repeatedly expressed her excitement in collaborating with our skilled staff and facilitators, as well as engaging with Riley families to further understand what makes Riley special, what’s working well, and what areas of opportunity exist. She is confident that the strong culture built by the school's founder Glenna, our second Head of School Becky, and the many Riley facilitators and families, will serve as an excellent foundation upon which to build the next 50 years of the Riley School.

While our excitement for Annie’s arrival grows, we are also in the midst of planning for Becky’s retirement. Before and after Glenna’s death, Becky was involved in every aspect of the school and has brought the school well beyond what it was 50, and even 15 years ago. Our educational philosophy is strong, our curriculum robust, and we have many skilled facilitators due - in no small part - to the dedicated and thoughtful leadership Becky has provided. We’re fortunate to have Becky remain as our steadfast and fearless leader for the remainder of this year. In the coming weeks, you’ll receive more information regarding Becky’s official retirement party which will be held on June 22nd. We’ll save the specifics for another time, but it will be sure to be a fun event celebrating the over 30 years that Becky had dedicated to the Riley School.

Of course, all of this occurs as the “normal” course of action continues on campus. Children continue to take on exciting new projects and topics, facilitated by a dedicated group of skilled educators. This month’s Riley Notes have gone out, variable tuition forms are due, and Maine Maple Sunday is right around the corner. Despite the feeling of change in the air, so much is, and will remain, the same. The Riley School we all know and love is here to stay.


Riley School Board of Trustees

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The Riley School




The Riley School guides children to become independent, lifelong learners and innovative thinkers.

Founded as an intentionally small, progressive, ungraded elementary school in 1972, Riley recognizes each child’s unique learning style. The innovative and personalized curriculum challenges children to express themselves and develop their own intellectual and creative capabilities through discovery, questioning and active engagement. 

 We foster a sense of responsibility towards our natural world, our community, and each other. We value cooperation and collaboration, while balancing the individual's social, emotional and physical development with academic and intellectual growth.

At Riley we trust in children as learners. We honor and respect the uniqueness of the individual. We cherish and protect childhood.