Hi friends!

While covid-19 might be in the forefront of everyone’s mind these days, did you know the United States was facing MULTIPLE deadly health crises even BEFORE the pandemic began?!

Before covid-19, many of the leading causes of death in the United States were preventable, and predominantly due to behavior.

Health risk behaviors are unhealthy behaviors you can change: Right here, right now.

Here’s the thing: We are a country that copes instead of taking care of ourselves—and we have got to be better at loving ourselves enough to take care of ourselves in a more loving way.

That’s what the Shut Up & Sit movement is all about:
being better at self-love.

Self-love benefits ourselves, our families, our communities, and our planet. It is only by treating ourselves and everything around us with the kind of sacred reverence that comes from self-love that we can free ourselves from the cycle of reactivity and heal our bodies, minds, and spirits.

Because you, friend… you are a once-in-human-history phenomenon.
