Member Edition
February 8, 2023
Nurses Share 2023 Predictions

2023 could lead to major changes that affect nurses and the healthcare industry. 2022 was especially difficult for providers as the system struggled to bounce back from the pandemic. Read their predictions for 2023>>
Marketing During an Economic Slowdown

During periods of slower economic activity, it can be very tempting to change your regular marketing strategies in an attempt to drive up more sales. However, while these new lead generating tactics might make a slight difference, it is ultimately your brand image and the quality of your products or services that will make a significant impact on your business’s overall performance. Read more>>
Member's Only Webinar

Mark your calendar for the February 28 webinar on Loyal Customers. This webinar will discuss the secret to customer loyalty, what you can do to create loyal customers, and different techniques that other independent store owners have used to gain loyal customers. Register today for the February webinar.

These and all previous member webinars are available under Webinars on your URA profile. You must log in to view the recorded webinars.
8 Tips for Healthy Eating

Eating healthy can seem so daunting at times, especially when making big changes within your own life or regular meal routine. To top it all off, it can be so difficult to go through a day without the ability to grab a healthy snack. So, whether you need to make it through an afternoon without overeating or you’re trying to keep your energy while not stopping for a quick bite, eating well-balanced and proper meals during the day can play a big part in helping you feel fuller for longer. Read more>>
Uniform Retailers Association

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