Q1 2022 | 1.877.4.UPC MARK |
Utah Gov. Cox Signs Bill to Protect Children from Lead in Drinking Water 
IAPMO, along with its partners at the American Supply Association, NSF international, and the Water Quality Association, applauds the state of Utah for passing House Bill 21 into law, which advances the state’s efforts to address water quality testing for schools and child care centers. Gov. Spencer Cox signed HB 21 into law on Thursday.

“I am pleased to sign HB 21 into law and help protect the health and safety of school children in Utah,” Cox said. “Utah is taking the appropriate steps to get the lead out of drinking water and ensure that our children are drinking safe and clean water.”
IAPMO Supports EPA’s Notice of Intent for WaterSense® Draft Specification for Point-of-Use Reverse Osmosis Systems
IAPMO strongly supports the United States Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Notice of Intent (NOI) to develop a WaterSense® draft specification for point-of-use reverse osmosis (RO) systems.

RO systems remove water contaminants such as lead, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), PFAs, arsenic, bacteria and viruses. Within residential settings, point-of-use RO systems typically supply treated water at the kitchen sink. These systems can also be found in commercial office spaces or kitchens.
2022 UPC, UMC Technical Committee Meetings to be Held in Person and Virtually
The IAPMO Board of Directors has determined this year’s technical committee meetings toward the development of the 2024 Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC®) and Uniform Mechanical Code (UMC®) will take place in person, May 2-5, at the Sheraton Park Hotel at the Anaheim Resort in Anaheim, Calif.

To accommodate those who cannot attend, IAPMO will be hosting the meetings virtually, as well. All attendees, in-person or virtual, are required to register to participate. Meeting registration information can be found HERE.
To Celebrate World Water Day, IAPMO Supports Bi-Partisan Bill to Address Nation’s Plumbing Needs
More than 2 billion people worldwide — including more than 2 million Americans — live without access to running water, basic indoor plumbing, or proper sanitation. The International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO®) is determined to close the world’s water gap.

In celebration of World Water Day, IAPMO, along with Global Health Council, InterAction, Millennium Water Alliance, UNICEF USA, WaterAid America, World Vision, World Wildlife Fund, is hosting a Congressional WASH briefing titled “Water, Water, Everywhere: A Building Block for Global Security.” This event is in conjunction with the Congressional International Water and Sanitation Caucus, chaired by Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore.), Rep. Darin LaHood (R-Ill.), Rep. Grace Meng (D-N.Y.), and Rep. Jackie Walorski (R-Ind.). It will highlight the important role the United States plays in helping countries address their water security challenges. It further builds on IAPMO’s continued partnership with USAID and the U.S. Department of Commerce to expand water and sanitation access by utilizing the best resources from U.S. industry.
IAPMO Seeks Technical Subcommittee Members for Development of National Standard IAPMO Z1065
IAPMO is seeking volunteers, with technical background in plumbing systems and specific knowledge of airgap units for potable water supply — such as jurisdictional authorities, testing lab and educational facility representatives, as well as manufacturing experts — to participate on the IAPMO Z1065 Technical Subcommittee (TSC) in the development of IAPMO Z1065, Airgap Units for Water Conditioning Equipment Installation.

The Z1065 TSC members will be assisting the Plumbing Standards Committee (PSC) with the development of a new American National Standard (ANSI) and Canadian National Standard (CAN). The Z1065 TSC will also be responsible for the content and processing of public review comments. The Z1065 TSC will operate in accordance with IAPMO’s accredited procedures for standards development: IAPMO PP-1 (Policies and Procedures for Consensus Development of American National Standards) and IAPMO PP-2 (Policies and Procedures for Development of National Standards of Canada).
IAPMO Seeks Hydrogen Fuel Gas Piping Task Group Members
IAPMO is accepting applications from technical experts to participate on the Hydrogen Fuel Gas Piping Task Group.

The task group’s goal is to create a Hydrogen Fuel Gas Piping Appendix to be added to IAPMO’s Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC®). This is in line with IAPMO’s effort to continue making the UPC the most technical, flexible and customizable plumbing code available to jurisdictions in the United States.

and select the fourth task group option for hydrogen in order to sign up. The deadline to apply is June 30.
IAPMO Supports Passage of America COMPETES Act
The International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO®), publisher of the American National Standard Uniform Codes, voices its strong support for H.R. 4521, The America COMPETES Act of 2022, legislation that would support and provide billions of dollars in funding to initiatives of great importance to IAPMO membership and the plumbing industry.

The COMPETES Act, passed by the House on Friday, aims to accelerate U.S. production of critical semiconductor chips, strengthen the supply chain to make more goods in America, turbocharge America’s research capacity to lead the technologies of the future, and advance global competitiveness, while supporting strong labor standards and human rights, among other key provisions.
IAPMO Seeks Technical Correlating Committee Members
IAPMO is seeking volunteers to participate on the Technical Correlating Committee (TCC) working toward the correlation of the 2024 editions of the Uniform Swimming Pool, Spa, and Hot Tub Code (USPSHTC) and Uniform Solar, Hydronics and Geothermal Code (USHGC). The deadline to submit an application is May 6.

Members are being sought in the following categories: manufacturer, user, installer/maintainer, labor, research/standards/testing laboratory, enforcing authority, consumer, and special expert. This committee is being assembled in accordance with the Regulations Governing Consensus Development of the USPSHTC and USHGC.
What’s on Tap for the Seventh Emerging Water Technology Symposium?
Mechanical Hub Media is proud to be a media sponsor for the Seventh Emerging Water Technology Symposium (EWTS). The EWTS, a biennial symposium co-convened by the Alliance for Water Efficiency (AWE), the American Society of Plumbing Engineers (ASPE), the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO) and Plumbing Manufacturers International (PMI), continues to provide critical insight into the future of our water-related industries. Join with your colleagues May 10-11 in San Antonio at this must-attend event. The speaker lineup this year is the strongest ever!

Two keynote speakers: Robert Puente, CEO of San Antonio Water Systems, will discuss how San Antonio Water Systems is cultivating a culture of technology to address water scarcity. The second keynote will be provided by Don Johnston, senior operations director, Indonesia, at
Ferguson, Uponor North America Support New Community Plumbing Challenge Effort in Alabama
Ferguson, a leading value-added distributor in North America providing expertise, solutions, and products from infrastructure, plumbing and appliances to HVAC, fire, fabrication and more, and Uponor North America, a global pioneer in intelligent plumbing and climate solutions, have both announced their continued support for the International Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Foundation’s (IWSH) Community Plumbing Challenge™ (CPC) program, the most recent of which begins today in Lowndes County, Alabama. 

IWSH’s latest CPC effort is a collaboration with the Black Belt Unincorporated Wastewater Program (BBUWP) and LIXIL to provide plumbing repairs and upgrades for five homes and develop a framework for ongoing plumbing industry support to the BBUWP. The weeklong project will address a critical issue for public health and safety in the surrounding community, where many low-income homeowners are unable to afford an on-site sewage disposal system, instead resorting to straight piping, which releases sewage above ground.
FREE Resources:
IAPMO offers Free COVID-19 Webinar Series Click here for details

IAPMO Standards offers free summary of standard changes. Click here to access.
Read the 2021 codes online for FREE!
Season Two of The Authority Podcast: Plumbing and Mechanical is underway, with a new episode releasing once a month. Be sure to tune in and subscribe on your podcast app of choice.
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Did you know that you can ask a Code question for free at IAPMO? Click here for details. 

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