Winter has arrived early in northwest Montana, and this year we have much to be thankful for Whitefish Legacy Partners. City Council approves the next step for the Smith Lake Legacy Project and we celebrate Mike Gwaizdon. See the final fundraising totals from the Great Fish Community Challenge, and read the latest trail report below. 
Giving THANKS from Everyone at WLP

This year, we are especially thankful that our community had the vision to permanently protect the lands surrounding Whitefish Lake and to build a world-class trail system offering permanent public access.

Every day we're inspired that our community keeps supporting conservation, education, and recreation by donating and volunteering in support of the Whitefish Trail. In a year when we all need more open space, fresh air, and outdoor adventures, we hope you'll #OptOutside this Thanksgiving and find some time on the trail with family. Thank you Whitefish for investing in the future of our local lands and believing in the power of trails and conservation!

City Council Approves Next Step
to ensure a permanent solution and
more trails at Smith Lake

On Monday November 16th, Whitefish City Council unanimously approved submitting a Right of Way (ROW) application for the Smith Lake Public Recreation Use Easement to the MT DNRC at Smith Lake. The proposed ~450-acre Smith Lake Legacy Project will ensure a conservation solution around Whitefish Lake, prevent habitat loss from future development, secure permanent public access and outdoor recreation opportunities, and allow continued sustainable forest management. The multi-partner project will also provide a reliable annual revenue stream for Montana Schools and Universities - the anticipated $3 million DNRC easement will generate a steady income of $150,000 per year for Montana School Trusts - in perpetuity. 

"We are excited to take the next step in securing permanent conservation at Smith Lake. Protecting these lands for the benefit of future generations takes hard work and ingenuity, and we are fortunate to have such willing partners and broad community support. Smith Lake will forever be cherished as a family-friendly recreation destination and will be a starting point for longer trail adventures back to Beaver Lakes and to the Whitefish Range."
-Heidi Van Everen, WLP Executive Director

The ROW application will kick off required due diligence as identified in the project's 2019 Environmental Assessment before WLP and the City of Whitefish seek final Land Board approval in 2021. Further work includes land valuations, river analyses, wetland delineation, alternate route consideration, private land negotiations, trail design, project outreach and ultimately fundraising. Initial trail construction and lakeshore improvements are planed for 2021. 
Remembering Mike Gwaizdon

Charlie Abell, Mike Gwaizdon, Diane Conradi, and Nancy Woodruff 
(WLP Board of Directors, left to right, at the 1st WT Hootenanny, 2010)

Mike Gwaizdon was dedicated to making the Flathead Valley a better place to live and play. Mike was a local business owner, community leader, and he served on the WLP board for nearly a decade. Whitefish Legacy Partners and the Whitefish Trail have benefitted greatly from Mike's years of spirited involvement. Mike joined the WLP Board in 2009 in its infancy and he led a successful $7M capital campaign to secure permanent conservation and recreation development in the Beaver Lakes area. Mike brought Sportmans & Ski Haus in as one of our early founding sponsors and through his support, the 1st Whitefish Trail map was printed and offered to trail users for free. Year after year, Mike never said 'no' to our unrelenting requests for BIG donations from the Sportsman for the annual Whitefish Trail Hootenanny. Mike's warm smile, big heart, and wonderful humor and friendship, helped to create an incredible foundation at WLP that we all can be thankful for today. Mike will be greatly missed by Whitefish Legacy Partners and the community. 
$108,742 raised! Thanks Great Fish Donors!
We are overwhelmed with gratitude that 297 donors gave $96,417 in support of the Whitefish Trail and our local conservation lands during this year's Great Fish Community Challenge. Your donations leveraged an additional $11,200 match from Whitefish Community Foundation. We are thankful to have such dedicated and generous donors supporting permanent conservation, education, and recreation in our community!

WLP also won two $500 incentive grants during the Great Fish Challenge! We had the most donors during the last week of giving (112) and joined the '200 Club' for surpassing 200 total donors! Thanks to everyone who made this possible. Your gifts will directly support maintenance of our trail system, upcoming conservation at Smith Lake, and diversified outdoor education programs.


If you have been enjoying the Whitefish Trail recently,
we need your help with our 2020 fundraising!

Be a WT Friend or Family this year and make an investment
in the future of our local lands. 

Beaver Lakes Timber Sale Update

Now that temperatures have dropped, the DNRC and project contractors have starting logging immediately NE of Murray Lake and along the North Beaver Road (Unit K, see map below). Logging work in Unit K will not cross the Whitefish Trail, although trail users may hear or see nearby logging equipment and should take care on local roads. Increased logging traffic from trucks and equipment may create temporary road delays and/or closures. 

For the most up-to-date information, check the timber sale information board on the Beaver Lakes Trailhead kiosk before setting off for your trail adventure or before traveling to other area trailheads. 

Whitefish Trail Report - Early Winter
by Alan Myers-Davis, WLP Director of Development 

Credit Nick Cornell

Credit @ethannnn.lee
Winter arrived early in NW Montana and at times has created a winter wonderland on our local open lands. With golden larch needles still hanging to their branches, a blanket of white provided picture-perfect contrast between the colors of fall and winter. Conditions on the Whitefish Trail have fluctuated from bare ground to powdery snow and ice all within the last couple weeks. Be prepared for changing conditions depending on the weather and temperature, and be aware that traction devices are recommended on most trails during the winter. Trails at Lion Mountain and Skyles stay packed year-round while further to reach destinations like Haskill, Beaver Lakes, and Spencer Mountain will eventually require snowshoes or skis.

Salvage logging work at Smith Lake is complete, and crews and volunteers have cleared the Whitefish Trail of downfall! Although the trail is officially open, be aware that the tread sustained significant damage from downed trees. At times, the trail is completely destroyed from multiple root ball upheaval. With snow on the ground, our trail building season is over, so we will rehab this section of trail first thing in the spring. 

As you get out and explore the Whitefish Trail this winter,
we'd love to see your photos and hear your trail stories! 

Thank you to our Corporate Sponsors
The Whitefish Trail relies on generosity from trail users, conservation-minded supporters, and local businesses to create year-round recreation opportunities for future generations.  

Whitefish Mountain Resort supports the trail in SO many ways. Did you know they donated an easement for the Big Mountain TH and for 1/2 mile of trail in Haskill? They also have an Adopt-A-Trail crew, donate cash annually, AND donate raffle prizes in support of the WT Hootenanny! Thank you WMR for supporting our local trail year after year!

Thank you Whitefish Mountain Resort for supporting the trail!

River Design Group is a Founding Sponsor of the Whitefish Trail. That means they have been supporting the project since the beginning AND have made a long-term pledge to support our work into the future.Their expertise and science-based knowledge lead the field of ecosystem and river restoration across MT and region. We appreciate your suuport!

Thank you River Design Group for being a Founding WT Sponsor!