NHSBA Update: Remote/Virtual Meetings Likely to End

Dear NHSBA Members -
On May 28th, Governor Sununu issued a new Emergency Order extending the state of emergency through June 11th. It is uncertain if the state of emergency will be extended beyond that.
As such, Emergency Order #12, which allows school boards to meet virtually, will end when the state of emergency ends. This means that school boards will have to resume in-person meetings with the same requirements as before the pandemic.
Please note that school boards will still be allowed to provide virtual access to public meetings, if the board so chooses. Likewise, school board members with health concerns are still able to attend the meeting via electronic means, consistent with RSA 91-A:2, III.
Please contact myself or NHSBA Staff Attorney Will Phillips for more information.
NHSBA will provide more information as it becomes available.

Barrett M. Christina, Esq.
NHSBA Executive Director
[email protected]