Richard C. Peck Consulting, LLC & The Philanthropy Guy, LLC

Providing consulting and educational services to nonprofits, donors, and professional advisors related to impactful charitable giving


Charitable Giving Newsletter


In This Week's Issue:

Ay-ay-ay! It's AI!

Weekly Tips for Nonprofits, Donors, and Professional Advisors

Ay-ay-ay! It's AI!

Has there been a hotter topic in the world of fundraising these days bigger than the potential of artificial intelligence, better known as "AI"? When it is brought up in conversation between peers, the general vibe is "Whoa!" and a sense of pure awe.

According to the company BWF, as noted in their October 2023 article, computer scientist John McCarthy (considered a “founding father” of AI) defines artificial intelligence as “the science and engineering of making intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programs. It is related to the similar task of using computers to understand human intelligence, but AI does not have to confine itself to methods that are biologically observable.” Whoa.

Essentially, says BWF, AI tools use machine learning to mimic human intelligence, thereby completing tasks and functions that would otherwise require human intervention.

Moving on that same theme, AI fundraising is the use of AI technology and algorithms to support nonprofit fundraising efforts. BWF says that some AI fundraising tools use nonprofit data, such as donor or constituent data, to predict future behaviors. Other solutions help organizations automate manual processes or determine the right next steps to take to secure a donation, which can save time and resources.

Read more in this comprehensive guide regarding fundraising and AI here, including multiple use case examples: How to Unlock the Power of AI Fundraising: A Complete Guide (

Josh Birkholz: CEO and Co-owner, BWF

Josh enjoys composing music, performing on the upright bass, collecting vintage action figures and comics, and fishing. So, he IS a real human. Further, Josh advises BWF teams and client leadership on the next frontiers in areas such as multi-billion-dollar campaign design, high net-worth program development, AI (of course!) and enterprise-wide data- and "truth-driven" strategies to achieve measurable and sustainable growth. Not your typical bio! Read more about the multi-faceted Josh Birkholz here:

Josh Birkholz - BWF

A Tip for Nonprofits: A fascinating thing is happening in New Hampshire: when people gamble, a portion of the accrued dollar pool must be allocated to charitable orgs. Many nonprofits benefit from being part of the rotation of charities receiving the money. But, is it a gamble for nonprofits as well? Read more here: What should the future of NH's charitable gaming look like? A state panel tries to figure it out | New Hampshire Public Radio (

A Tip for Donors: Trust can be tough to earn, but when you have it, there's nothing quite like it! Younger generations are more likely to trust international relief organizations, civil rights and community action charities, and educational organizations. Older generations put religious orgs at the top of their list of trusted nonprofits. Whom do YOU trust? Learn of more data here: 2023_fallwinter_dtr_report_final.pdf (

A Tip for Professional Advisors: 258 philanthropy advisors were interviewed last year, and the resulting seminal report from former American College faculty member Dien Yuen, now of Daylight Advisors, launched just this week. It is enlightening in lots of ways. This research is just one step toward building a more visible and trusted field with shared core competencies and a learning community! Read more here: Daylight Advisors | philanthropic advising

"The unselfish effort to bring cheer to others will be the beginning of a happier life for ourselves."

~Helen Keller

Richard C. Peck Consulting, LLC and The Philanthropy Guy, LLC

About Rick

228 Park View Drive

Belmont, NC 28012

+1 (603) 387-3897

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